blacknailpolish's Journal

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06/17/24 - Background Knowledge on Vampirism

06:19 Jun 17 2024
Times Read: 106

I am a scientist at heart, so I will update every once and a while with my research. This will be my first entry.

I am studying vampires to answer the biggest question - Are they real? And the second biggest question, - Can you become one? Before you read, understand that I am looking at this from a logical perspective and not a psychological one. This is not to invalidate "real vampires" or say that they are real or not, rather to report my findings with the goal of discovering concrete evidence.

Firstly, to understand vampires is to understand the mythology surrounding them, aswell as understanding the science around it. Magic and all its equivilents are merely a type of science not yet understood by us. If vampires exist, they are not the seductive creatures we see in media.

Vampires, as we know it in fiction, do not seem to plausibly exist. They are not fictional creatures created by the likes of Bram Stoker or Anne Rice, but ugly things with killer tendencies. There are two types of vampires that seem to co-exist: Psychic, and Physical. Fewer people today believe xthat the dead can harm the living.

I studied sumerian deities, greek "vrykolakas" myths, romanian "strigoi" myths aswell as central african deities and myths. Something I find strange is that all of these old world civilizations- While seperated by the limitations of their time- all seem to have a similar story of a blood-sucking, undead creature thats bloated with fluid.

For Sumerian Deities, I aks you not to invoke any names or try anything if you are not fully familiar with it. With that said, there are a few names that could possibly have relation to vampirism. Namtillaku, in which summarized, is similar to death itself. Asarualim is another name, who possesses secret wisdom and deals with all thing occult, santeria, voodoo, etc. The third is Agaku, which is the lord of the amulet and the talisman, and can give life to what is dead. I will eventually drop a full report on their possible connections to vampirism, but not yet.

For the greek myths, the story of Lamia is written. She was a mortal queen of Libya and Zeus fell in love with here- Even having some children with her. Hera found out and took revenge by taking Lamia's children. Lamia, who could not get even with the gods as a mortal, decided that other mortal mothers should suffer as she did. Lamia wandered drinking the blood of young children, and the race of lamiae was named after her. They are written as female creatures with serpent-like bodies and bloodied fangs. To become one was due to improper burial or violent death, which is a recurring idea in this journal. Bulgaria also has similar beliefs to the greeks. There was also a legend that said the vrykolakas crushes or suffocated the sleeping by sitting on them, like a mare of incubus, but this seems more like a medieval expanation for sleep paralysis.

For the "Strigoi", I found less information on this, but it does tie in with the african myths. Vampires in romania are considered something closer to witches- With a physical presence and closer to the "traditional" vampires (feeding at night, cant touch sunlight, weak to garlic, etc). The Nosferatu is also related to the Strigoi myth, and is described as a blood-drinking vampire who is born from the illegitimate child of illegitimate parents. The "Strigoi", or "Striga"are something like psychic vampires.

For Africa, they were called the Obayifo, and something like a living "witch", and could leave its body at night and feed off the blood of the sleeping. It seemed to be something like a poltergiest that could possess the bodies of any man or woman. People inflicted with the Obayifo were described as being obsessed with food. and emit a slight phosphorescent light in certain areas. There is another vampire-like creature called the Asasabonsam, or Sasabonsam, which had metal teeth and attacked from above. They hide in the trees and would feed on people that wander into their territory. They are described as having iron teeth, pink skin, long red hair and iron hoots for feet. The Asasabonsam is something in between a ogre, vampire and chimpanzee. The Obayifo comes primarily from central africa, while the Asasabonsam comes from west africa, named Ghana, the Ivory Coat and Togo.

This is just some of the background knowledge I've gathered, but I plan to update with my recent findings on modern-day vampires!



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