You will need: One Candle, bowl, and water
Put the candle in the bowl and pour the water in the bowl. After you have done that light the candle and say:
Little Angel come to me. Help me help my friend in need.
Help (him or her) to find the answer to the question she holds in her mind.
Little Angel come to me come and my friend in need.
Little Angel help my friend find (his or her) answer.
Free (him or her) misery that she pleads with me.
After you have said this, think of your friend and blow out the candle.
Find utensil of choice
Hold utensil in hands
Sit quietly and relax-however you are comfortable
Empty mind of all chattering thoughts-relax
With eyes closed, rub finger tips over surface of the object.
Feel, don't think about it. Feel what the surface is like-get into the flow of the atoms the molecules, its energy
This may take a couple of attempts. You will feel the energy
At that very moment-when you and the object are a blend of energy - bend it.
(Sometimes you will have to bend in order for the object to bend)
If you did it correctly it will bend.
Doing this takes a lot out of you but be strong and this power will be yours.
Never apply pressure-either mental or physical. Relax this will come naturally.
During this Pisces Moon, it is a good time for developing psychic skills. To do this, create an altar that includes some of the Pisce and ritual objects: Blue and blue-green candles, A bowl of water, and figurines or pictures of otters, salmons, seals, whales, or great blue herons. Place some coral, opal, or labradorite stones on the altar with dried horsetail or sage. Apply some oil of lotus or frankincense, light the candles, and mediate on the water. Gaze deeply into the bowl and say:
Water shining
Water Deep
bring me answers that I seek
Then ask questions that you do not have the answer for. Watch for images to appear in the water.
How to See Auras
First of all, what exactly is an aura? It's an electromagnetic field that surrounds all living things. They can be seen as well as felt, or sensed. Auras can reveal a persons emotional well being as well as physical state. There's no one method to seeing auras, the method given below is my personal way.
First there's the background. Some sources say that when reading an aura it's best to have a very dark black or red background, other's say to a white one. I've tried both and found that for me darker is much easier. Next, the aura is generally strongest around a person's head, but it you don't have another person to try this with, your own hand will work fine.
Pick a point just beyond your hand and let your eye unfocused (it's very similar to the way you view a 'magic eye' picture for those of you who know what that is). Eventually a thin white band will come into view. This is the first layer of the aura. Once you're able to view the white band, fix your gaze a little ways beyond it. Eventually a colored(s) band will come into view. Note, this stage is much harder to see, after a ton of practice I still can't see it every time. Each color has a meaning which is posted below.
RED: Energy, strength, courage
DEEP RED: Sensuality
CRIMSON: Loyalty
PINK: Cheerfulness ,optimism
ROSE: Self love
ORANGE: Joy, vitality, balance of mental & physical
YELLOW: Wisdom, creativity, spiritual
GREEN: Ingenuity, compassion ,growth
PALE GREEN: Healing power
GRAYISH GREEN: Pessimism, envy
BLUE: Spiritual, idealistic, imaginative, intellectual
GRAYISH BLUE: Melancholy
ICE BLUE: Intellectual
PURPLE: Spiritual power
If you wish to be free from a habit, thought, idea; if you wish to be rid of past associations, guilt or blockages; take the symbols of that problem - whatever they may be - & throw them onto a raging fire. The fire will consume the symbols & so shall it consume the power they had over you.
For the symbols think a moment - if you overeat, take a portion of your favorite food & throw it onto the fire. Smoking, drinking the same. For problems which utilize no concrete objects, draw a symbol or image & burn.
3 oz. Juniper Leaves
4 tbsp. Dried Rosemary
2 oz. Fennel Seeds
2 tsp. Basil
3 tsp. Linden Flowers
2 tsp. Angelica
Pinch of Salt
Begin on a Thursday, perform for nine consecutive days.
Light a yellow candle and concentrate for a moment on its yellow appearance. Then say the following five times.
"O cheerful yellow, Penetrate my mind, Improve my memory
Give me powers of great observation.
May I remember all I seek to recall
May my concentration be Perfect in all things big and small."
If you can identify the actual spirit, locate the center point of the house, and standing there
take a cup of red wine. After each of the following statements take a sip of wine,
and drain the cup after the last direction.
Facing east:
Lady of love and power and all blessings, breathe love into this house, fill air with good.
Through you, in you, I bless this house.
Facing south:
Lady of love and living and all blessings, warm this house with comfort, make whole its hearth.
Through you, in you, I bless this house.
Facing west:
Lady of tide and time and every blessing, let every hour flow sweetly in this house.
Through you, in you, I bless this house.
Facing north:
Lady of strength and riches and all blessings, make this house strong and filled with earthly good.
Through you, in you, I bless this house.
Walk around the house saying the following in each room (including attic and cupboards):
Be comforted. All is well. Now you are blessed. You have life to nurture and nurture you.
Be calm. Be easy. Be comforted. You are blessed.
If you can identify the spirit, say the following in the room most affected:
It is time to leave here. All is well. There is nothing here for you. You must be gone.
Go now, go, complete your passing. Go, and with our blessing and farewell.
Often commanding any evil spirits to leave at once, in the name of your deity three times works well.
After this you could get a smudge stick of sage, or sage incense, and perform a house blessing
carrying it deosil around the property and from room to room, paying special attention to doorways,
crevices and windows, and also any places that `feel` cold.
As you do this with words from a house blessing, scatter salt and water which has been
consecrated and blessed. Have windows and doors open as you bless the house.
Salt scattered along windowsills and doorways will prevent any entity re-entering the property.
Another exercise to try is to place your hands together gently intend to activate your personal chi or ask for spiritual energy and allow it to expand and build up moving your hands apart you can try this with Reiki but I learned these with chi. You can use a pumping motion to become aware of and build up your own energy. You can scoop in universal chi from your surroundings. you can run a shakti such as Reiki into the space or ball you create between your hands and use it as a carrier of healing in many different subtle touch systems many general spiritual healers use energy balls.
Place your energy ball down in front of you. Pass your hand across the area, including both the space where the ball is, and where it isn't. Do you feel a difference? Can you feel where the ball is? It may feel warmer, cooler, tingling, denser, etc. You could toss it at a person who agrees, or pet an animal with it and see if they can feel it. Some animals will definitely react to your ball of energy. The people can tell you if they felt anything. Have them close their eyes and see if they feel when it touches them. Close your eyes and try to feel it. Try making the ball snowball-sized or smaller. Manipulate the size and/or shape of your energy ball.
Experiment. Take an energy ball that you have made, and press the ball into your heart chakra. Press it into your 3rd eye. Press it against your skin, and see what you feel. There are other ways to work with energy balls. You can use it to begin distance sending or to smooth the aura at the end of treatments. you can comb the aura with one or use energy balls as the way to deliver the healing energy I had always thought of the energy ball and the sending, seeing, clearing balls as being different things I build the healing energy ball between my hands and can send it out to others with intention or place it by proxy in the remote healing procedure.
Other balls are visualized outside the body then filled with energy. They can be observed to "see" events or information as in divination and scrying or used to send an affirmation or to fill with a manifestation visualization . They can be sent out to retrieve lost energy of your own and they can be filled with your anger fears or with pain etc. Then charged with light /energy to dissolve and transform "negative" energy. Using your hands to build an energy ball will work just fine for these other purposes too. Energy balls can be a useful way to develop your awareness of energy.
Everyone knows someone who is or has been depressed or really stressed out so
make time in your magical + social life for them. Give them a helping hand by writing
this on paper and then burning it to release the magic:
Magic moon burning bright,
Let mine will be done this night.
Answer now my Pagan Spell,
Let all with ______ now be well.
Oh timeless spirits in heaven and earth,
I have been wronged and seek restitution.
Bear down on my enemy causing misfortune
And failure in every endeavor.
"Bide the Wiccan law of three,
If you don't then Cursed you'll be,
Spirits of my Ancestors come,
Give me your protection, Some,
Interfere in my life,
And Keep me free from Stress and Strife
So mote it be"
Sit comfortably and use your projective hand (usually right if your right handed or vice versa) to send out negative energies and your receptive hand to bring in positive energies, after a few minutes you will be much more relaxed and calm, and the good thing is you can do it any time.
Chant this simple rhyme whenever you feel worried or scared.
I am peaceful, I am strong
Though dark may seem so long.
For day must follow every night,
Everything is alright.
I am always safe from harm,
The Goddess holds me in her arms.
1. Gather spiderwebs from your house and a dead fly. Put the fly on the webs.
2. Write on virgin (unused) paper:
"North South East West
Spiders web shall bind him best
East West North South
Holds his limbs and stops his mouth
Seal his eyes and choke his breath
Wrap him 'round with ropes of death!"
3. Fold the paper 4 times. Place the paper, webs and fly onto some black cloth.
4. Bind the cloth together at the four corners so it makes a little bag with the paper, webs and fly inside. Then hang this in any dark corner undisturbed until it gets coated thickly with dust. Lastly, after this has happened, bury it.
Take a piece of light-weight cardboard and draw images and write words on it to represent the evils that you wish to bind...examples being a man with an X crossing out his heart to show it is closed, words like Greed, Irresponsibility, Disrespect, etc...then crumple the cardboard up into a loose ball.
Take a piece of black yarn and wind it around the cardboard twenty one times. With each time you loop the string around the cardboard, say one line of the following chant...
With the thread of the crimes
of your own design
I bind your evil
Three times seven times.
I bind you from Behind
I bind you from Before
That you'll hurt my people
never ever more
I bind you from the Left
I bind you from the Right
I bind you by Day
And I bind you by Night.
I bind you from Below
I bind you from Above
That you may ever know
The laws of Life and Love
I bind you with your own
Good conscience Within
And so let this magic
And spin....
Tie off the ends of the yarn with three sturdy knots to seal the spell. When done with this, burn the wrapped images and words in a loud, strong, crackling fire. Chant these words until it is thoroughly burned:
Goddess of darkest night
Send our troubles all to flight
Burn them in thy sacred fires
And replace them with our hearts' desires!
Once the image is burned and all negativity removed, do a positive visualization to replace it...for example, people laughing and dancing in rainbows, etc. Be sure that when you do this you cast a strong protective circle around yourself and all participants before you begin.
Take an artifact or picture of the person and bind it with tape while saying:
(Person's name) I bind you from doing harm to others or your self.
Repeat 3 times.
The Chorti, who are the descendants of the Maya, would make crosses
out of ashes to protect from evil spirits.
Needed: Wood ashes
Moon Phase: Use whenever protection is needed.
Whenever danger is felt, crops need to be protected, or woods need protection from
hunters and trespassers, gather cold wood ashes and use the ashes to make equal
armed crosses on the ground, sidewalk, or porch.
"Ashes to ashes. I call on the Four.
Protect us and hinder those Who bring harm to our door."
"FourThe more Protection to score Tight is the door."
Shout this Mantra:
"Angels of Protection, Angels who clear
Remove all spirits Who don't belong here!"
Call upon your highest teacher, angel, or God to clear the spirit.
To increase the potency of this spell, burn sage incense and white candles.
Use a glass of water to collect negativity, then flush the water.
Also, wear any jewelry that is sacred to you. Express power and strength, show no fear.
While you meditate after the chant, know that the atmosphere around you has been
cleared of all evil spirits.
This spell will inflict serious pain and sores on thine enemy for a period of 3 strange days. After which the spell is lifted he is made well again.
Take a black candle and place a picture of thine enemy in front of you and tilt the candle so the wax drips upon the would be victim in the picture. Visualize the wax burning sores into the body of thine enemy. While doing so, recite the following 3 times:
"As I do this candle spell
Bring thine enemy 3 nights of hell
Candle black, black as night
Bring him pains of flesh tonight!
lesions on his skin will grow
Afflict him with a painful blow
Sores and pain afflict him now
for 3 nights he'll wonder how
Dukes of darkness, Kings of hell
Smite thine enemy, bring him hell
when 3 nights of pain have past
Make him well, well at last".
After sitting and thinking about the sores that will inflict your enemy and the pain he will suffer you may then extinguish the candle. When 3 nights have passed, tear up the photo and say the following.
"When 3 nights of pain endured,
I lift this curse rest assured
Darkness leave him, go away,
the curse is lifted now, today!"
Before a test or exam say this:
On this test I take today,
I shall receive no less than A,
Earth, Wind, Fire and Sea,
As I say so mote it be.
Drawing a pentagram on the test also helps.