i wrote this bout three weeks ago.. when u spent bout 4 hours crying histerically on my bedroom floor only to have my Dad tell me to 'Get of my lazy fat arse and do some work'...
every single fight with my dad,
every single time my mum used emotional blackmail on me,
every single time i saw my best friend with a new guy,
every single time people would check out the friend i was walking with, and look at me in disgust,
every single test i failed,
every single time i got screwed over,
every single time i got my heart broken,
every single time i looked in the mirror and knew i would be worse off when i got home than when i left,
every single time someone i cared about chose to forget me,
every single time the only person who was there for me was my dog,
every single time my suggestions were ignored,
every single time i gave up and just wanted to die,
every single time i needed to get out but had nowhere to go,
every single time someone lied to me,
every single moment spent alone in the dark,
every single pretender,
every single tear,
every single hurtful voice,
every single time i faded out of the eyes of everyone else,
every single time i ws left behind,
every single time i would go to sleep and know i'd have to wake,
every single time i bled to try and stop the pain,
every single time the phone would ring and it wouldnt be for me,
every single cruel intention,
every single time people try to make me smile but fail,
every single forgettten happy memory,
every single lonely and miserable second,
every single good day that goes bad,
every single dissappointment,
every single broken dream,
every single fantasy that will never come true,
every single lost hope,
every single goodbye,
every single last day,
has made what i am today,
its all mapped out in my scars
I wrote this in my Certificate class.. coz i was not only bored.. but missing my Alex more than these words could ever discribe
Evertyime I looked up,
And all I wanted was
To see you standing there,
Everytime I cried,
And all I wanted was
For you to hold me,
Everytime my Dad yelled at me,
And all I wanted was
For you to tell me it wasnt true,
Everytime I was ridiculed,
And all I wanted was
For you to defend me,
Everytime I walked to streets alone,
And all I wanted was
For you to hold my hand,
Everytime I went to sleep,
And all I wanted was
To feel your arms around me,
Everytime I wanted to die,
And all I needed was
For you to love me,
But you're not here,
You're gone,
And Im alone again
please let me know what you think