...love those crazy, vivid dreams I have somewhere between snooze alarm battles... the kind of dreams that stick with you all day and totally change your mood? For better or for worse....
...this one, unfortunately, was for worse... since it reminded me of the constant frustrations I seem to be battling in futility to overcome.
Is anyone here interested in sports?
I like yelling at the TV!
Depends on the sport.
Some. :)
Volley ball, soccer, Rugby and tennis!! :)
interested if they're not on TV...much prefer to see sport live.
Silly question....really. Ok fine....me! Me! I'm interested in sports!
I like watching a good game, regardless of the teams, or a record-breaking achievement.
...love country music when it is honest and raw.
Why didn't I think of doing this when I traveled??
heh. Great perspective!
I love the way this cartoonist thinks.
It makes me want to draw a stick-figure cartoon of my own, depicting my own life.
It's a brilliant strip.
You should do it, B. I would totally read it. :)
00:09 Nov 01 2011