No, not VR.. this other this...
You know how much I miss you when you're not around?
I think I'm getting depressed again. I can't wait for my next job to start just so I can get away from things....
I look forward to... you.
This is for all the clueless "tough guys" out there...
Although I'm sure those that fit this category probably aren't smart enough to read and comprehend journals anyway, but.. this needs to be said.
If you're going to start a war of words via messaging here without provocation, please make sure:
1. You know what punctuation is for and use it.
2. You know where the "CAPS LOCK" key is, and how to use it.
3. You know how to format your messages to make them at least somewhat legible.
4. Realize that you are not allowed to point out simple typos until you have mastered 1 through 3.
If you live in another country and English isn't your strong suit - then just save it for doing battle with your countrymen in your own language.
...can we come up with something better to discuss in the forums than yet ANOTHER stupid chain-game, or "How Vampires Eat" dissertation, or yet another "What pisses you off" thread?
I'll tell you what pisses me off - reading the same crap over and over again in the forums. How come no one ever says that?
And then someone will post something relatively unique and some forum mod who doesn't like it will RIA it before it has a chance to get responses.
I understand the point of getting rid of inappropriate threads or things that might be against TOS, but if it's not, why is it up to ONE person (who doesn't own the site) to decide that no one else can discuss it here?
There are over 6000 users here.. surely there is a more diverse interest of topics that just "how do you get your energy" and "can you become a vampire"....
Lets put some thought and effort into it people.
Ahhhh... is there anything more stimulating to the senses than a crisp, bright autumn day? Leaves changing, cool wind blowing, sun shining...
...and FOOTBALL.
Today was a good day. At least the first half of it.
"...and disappointing you is getting me down."