True love!
Thank you for the coffee!
...I love the way her nose scrunches up a little when she laughs.
...and we lingered in bed a little extra... every Sunday should be like this.
*dreamy sigh*
It was pretty nice Birra Birra
Lets relax like this more often ;D
Sound very pleasant and peaceful.
You know Birra they say if you think of something enough you can make it your reality...
I don\'t know if it\'s true, but I\'m gonna continue to think of a billion dollars just in case. ;)
Enjoy the rest of ur day my friend.
I'm getting really sick of trying to relax with vidia in the middle.
Oh my God you're killing me here. That's it, the powers that be need to bust up the "Asshole" mold and design one so all of us can have one of you.