What is it about throwing boomerangs that screams to people, "Please walk 200 yards across this completely empty field just to stand RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME FOR NO APPARENT REASON?"
People are so ignorant and inconsiderate.... I should have just drilled the beyotch with the damn thing... but there's me trying to set a good example for my kiddos...
I don't get it...
...ok, you loved this person... but things didn't work out. So now, what do you do? Move on? Try again? Find someone new?
No... instead you go about being in that person's face every day. Invading their space. Making unwanted intrusions into their life.
What is the point? What are your hopes? Do you think if you make yourself seem even more psychotic and needy she'll take you back?
Sea kelp isn't just tasty, it's a good idea...
...is there any question as to why I favor manditory sterilization?
I can so relate and yes MANDATORY STERILIZATION !
You get my vote for president Birra
ohh crap what am i saying your whole campaign will be about global bed warming and save the nipples
Here's a question for you.
Two people meet on VR (Not actually meet, but get to know each other). Things progress quickly then fall apart. What are they to do then, delete their accounts, and which one should leave if your answer is yes?
I must come down against mandatory strilization...at least for ME!
That other SOB you are reffering to...Yeah Off with his 'nads!
The answer, Bones, of course is... be adults and move on with life.
Neither need to delete their accounts, but there is a difference between letting things rest and moving on, and being in a person's face constantly for no real reason.
I would hope that would be logical and obvious.
....how can Rock & Roll have a bed-time????
And no firearms?!?!??! WTF
I bet they don't allow cocaine either...
It's a shame.. if it is really a tribute and museum to Rock & Roll you should be allowed to experience it the same way the people who wrote the music experienced it...
...at 2AM, drunk, high, heavily armed and with groupies pawing at you...
They should have an attached hotel where you can trash the rooms whenever you like!
04:40 Jul 31 2008
Too bad Pai wasn't there, he could have distracted the kiddos while you beaned the stupid wench right upside the head.
21:28 Jul 31 2008
You throw boomerangs? Why didn't you just take her down with the blow dart gun in your pocket? Do I have to do ALL the thinking in this friendship?!
22:59 Jul 31 2008
Those are not people, they are ... targets
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