To the people who used to own the house I just bought... where ever you may be... please keep this in mind... is ok... really, really ok... to clean your toilets once in a while.
It doesn't have to be daily.. unless you constantly spawn sewer trout that leave those annoying brown streaks in the bowl... but, say.. once a month? Get some of the blue gooey stuff you can shoot up under the rim and a scrub brush with a long handle... really, it takes just a couple minutes. Honest.
...ok Sapphire.. I recant. That was an entertaining game for once.
Made all the better by how many times Brady got dropped on his ass.
YEAH! Suck it, BITCH.
Not that I'm a fan of the Giants but just to see the Patriots who were so arrogant all season go down in flames like that... there's just something.. very.. satisfying about it.
Yes, yes there is :D And now Marcia (love that nickname) has to live with the fact that BOTH of the Manning brothers have taken him down. Sweet justice.
06:48 Feb 23 2008
Mmmmm Finger lickin' good!
Fantastic job cleaning them though. The bar bathroom looks brand new now! The other bathroom still smells like old people and death...
p.s. to the person who "repaired" the walls before me, suck on an electric fence you useless whore.
06:55 Feb 23 2008
For those immovable stains try thermite. You can always get another toilet pan and you will find it very cathartic:D
15:20 Feb 23 2008
When we moved in to our current house we didn't realize there was a "half bath" tucked under the stairs in the basment. You have to kind of shimmy between a wall and the oil tank to get to it. Needless to say the former owners never cleand this "tidy bowl". It too several days soaking with chlorox to make it appear like white porcelein again.
I feel for you man!