Breakfast this morning - two eggs over easy with sharp cheddar and toasted feta.
Last night we tried to make it amazing. Decided to go to Niagara Falls and have a picnic in the dark of the park. A park that is usually pretty quiet and not populated in the evening. Tourists are afraid of the vampires...
However, as usual, it wasn't to be. For some reason even at 10PM the park was filled with thousands of people. Literally. Thousands. It was like daytime.
Fuck that.
We still managed to make it romantic, passionate and adventurous.
And now the weekend.... and we're in two different directions again.... to Wing Fest downtown to photograph it for Yelp.
*sigh* one word.
Apparently I'm a glutton.... for life. Not just for punishment. When I go, I go big.
The last ten days have been the most amazing days I have spent with anyone... ever. So many laughs, so much passion, so much uninhibited, raw energy for love and for life.
And I just had to say good-bye to her, and to all of it... possibly for good.
Better to have loved and lost, right?
Honestly, with each person that passes through my life, my life changes. Sometimes for the better, sometimes... not. I'm not sure what the long term impacts of this one will be but I do know I have a new perspective.
A new perspective on what I want from a partner. About what I deserve. About what is possible.
Will this make my search easier? Probably not. Odds are I will get pickier, more selective...
...but for now, coffee and enjoying some quiet on the back deck, catching up on all I left behind over the past ten days to allow myself the time to be intoxicated with everything good...
Oh, and for Jack:
Yes, I got to meet Volto after the show on Tuesday. The show was amazing.
This is their new CD. I'll rip it to MP3 and send you a sampling.