New people have added my journal to their favorites list...
...yet, these days I find my own drivel less and less worthy of even being read.
The irony is not lost on me...
....has it been two weeks already?
Where does the time go?
[09:50:36] Mxxxxx : oh yall wanna write poetry?!
[09:51:00] vxxxxxx : me i am no good at it yet
[09:52:17] xxGxxxxxx : ma sis iz she got like 7 profesionly
This, for certain, is where the great VR poetry contest should start... it always entertaining to watch those who say "this doesn't matter," and, "that doesn't matter," rail off on all these things that don't matter for pages worth of journal entries?
Just like the age old question; if Jimmy cracked corn and I don't care, why was a song written about it?
I love the:
How childish of you to come and rate me a 1. I couldn't care less about what you've rated me, you are just a sad and pathetic loser.
Ok, so why make a journal entry about it? I enjoy seeing people rate my profile low, it's funny to me. But to pretend you don't care at ALL while getting really mad at the person is pretty amusing and makes you look stoooopid.
Because the Master's gone away?
And I thought I had the greatest mystery of all time.
Brad is a douche.
Seriously. I don't know anyone else who fits the category of "Douche Bag" better than this guy.
GAH. He needs to go.
....aaaaand, back to reality. Sorry you had to deal with his never ending crap right after coming home from a really awesome trip. *hugs*
22:05 Aug 30 2008
But what drivel there is, is fabulous. *grins*
23:06 Aug 30 2008
I reckon your drivel makes jolly good reading. ^.^