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talisman making.....

20:44 Mar 30 2010
Times Read: 667

How to make a protective talisman

Cut a disc of wood from a branch of a fruit-bearing tree and engrave a symbol of protection onto it, eg. a protective Rune. As you do this, envisage what or who it is that you wish to protect.

When the engraving is finished sand and polish the disc or wood as desired and when finished, enclose it in darkness - a box, a light-proof bag or wrap it in black cloth.

Charging and naming the talisman

Working on a Full Moon, collect together everything you will need and cast a circle or create sacred space. Whilst working, you should use full concentration and visualize the appropriate energies flowing into the talisman.

Rotate the box or bag containing the talisman nine times, calling upon the power that you intend it to have. Then, for the moment of its symbolic birth, bring it out into the light once more.

To name it, pass the talisman three times over a candle flame and call upon the powers of light and life to empower the talisman with their full strength. Then, sprinkle seawater or water with seasalt added to it over the talisman whilst chanting:

As I sprinkle water over you, I name you... (Name of talisman)

By Air and Water, Earth and Fire.

It is now necessary to make a spell stating the function of your talisman such as:

(Name of talisman), who bears my will,

I charge you to do as commanded

For the purpose of (state what it will do and where it will do it).

May this talisman work my will

In accordance with eternal laws

Finally, visualize three interlinked circles over and around the talisman and close down the sacred space/circle. The working may be closed down with a spell such as:

Now the work is finished

Where (Name of talisman) has been brought out of the dark nothingness into this world




cleansing and shielding spell

20:40 Mar 30 2010
Times Read: 669

This spell will help to clear away any lingering negative energies and form a shield of protection around your home. It is a good idea to thoroughly cleanse and house by smudging throughout with Sage leaves before performing this spell. It is best worked on a Full Moon.

Take a handful of Sage leaves and burn on a charcoal block. Whilst the leaves are burning, say:

All negativity now disperse. May this house be cleansed, free of all bad forces, thoughts and energies. May it remain so.

Light a candle at the centre of a flat surface. Take four obsidian arrowheads.

Place an arrowhead to the North of the candle, pointing to the North and say:

I place an arrow to the North and ask that all bad forces may be buried in the Earth.

Place an arrowhead at the East of the candle, pointing East and say:

I place an arrow to the East and ask that all negativity may be blown away by the wind.

Place an arrowhead to the South of the candle, pointing South and say:

I place an arrow to the South and ask that all ill feeling may be burnt up by flame.

Place an arrowhead to the West of the candle, pointing West and say:

I place an arrow to the West and ask that all harmful intent may be washed away by water.

Visualize all negative energies leaving your home. No new ones may enter. Picture a shield of white light growing around your house. Nothing negative is able to penetrate it. Say:

A shield I place around this house and ask that nothing negative may enter.

Let the shield remain in place all the days and all the nights until the next Moon is full.

Burn a protection incense and say:

I now burn this incense.

Let the smoke strengthen the shield.

Let the smoke empower the arrows.

Let nothing harmful enter.

I thank the powers and the elements,

This spell is now complete.

Leave the candle and incense to burn out. Renew the spell each Full Moon as necessary




break a curse

20:30 Mar 30 2010
Times Read: 671

In a sachet, combine the following herbs: St. John's Wort, sage, calamus and dragonsblood powder. Set the sachet aside for later. Fill an incense brazier with dragonsblood incense. On your altar, you will need an athame, a whole ripe lemon, 1 white and 1 black candle, a bowl of salt and a bowl of water. You will also need a glass or ceramic plate to set the lemon on when you are done. Do not use paper or wood.

Light the candles and the incense. Hold the lemon in both hands and visualize it magnetized and drawing the negative spell away from you. Dip your athame in the water then slice the lemon into three pieces. Set the athame aside and visualize the lemon drawing the negativity away from you and into the pulpy fruit. Repeat the following:

As sour as this lemon be

Charged and cut in pieces three

With salt and water I am free

Uncross me now, I will it be.

Let this lemon do it's task

It's cleansing power I do ask

As this lemon dries in air.

Free me from my dark despair.

Uncross! Uncross! I break his curse.

But let not my simple spell reverse.

I wish no ill, nor wish him pain

I wish only to be free again.

Take each lemon slice and dip it in the salt, making sure it is well coated. Set the slices back on the altar and say:

As it is my will, so mote it be!

Leave the lemon pieces on your altar where they can dry. When they are dried out the spell is complete and you can throw the lemon .... If the fruit rots instead, you must repeat the spell. While waiting for the fruit to dry, keep the sachet with you at all times. It will help to protect you from the effects of the spells and turn away any negativity sent in your direction.



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