OK , call it bitching moaning complaining whatever you want, but I have been on the Rave for a little over a year now, and have repeatidly have heard and read how everyone one loves it because other than a few ground rules there is no forms of censorship within in these halls. Well I am here today to tell you all that that is a load of horseshit.
With the recent revocation of the games in the contest section of the rave, and the forum thread that was posted by Sevenn stating why it was revoked and his asking that no one post any comment on the thread made me think ... why? Why shouldnt the members of this community be aloud to express their thoughts and feelings on the subject if they so want to, that is one of the reasons we have a forum. So this got me to thinking, ok, they dont want to hear about in the forum I'll start a poll on the subject instead where all those who agree that the games should not have been pulled due to a few cheaters could have their voices heard. I submitted said poll, and was denied by billythejust for the below stated reason, "Your Poll: how many of you vote for the games to be returned to VR?
Has been denied by BillytheJust.
The reason was:
Too many new favor polls being asked."
so I said ok fine others have a poll going no need for more than one, yet when you go and have a look at all the polls there is not a single one relating to this topic. So then my question is this, If it is so apparent that people want the games back why is everyones request for a poll being denied? I could understand had there actually been one approved poll on the subject, but there is none, and from what i can tell there will not ever be one because those who have the power dont want to hear what we the people who keep this site running have to say about it, and I for one think it is crappy that we can not have our oppinions heard in any form on this subject.
I also have been able to read the statement from cancer himself on the subject that maybe soon he will start to introduce the games back, but they will have no favor awarded with them, other than possibly pages viewed, and I also believe this to be a poor choice. The Idea of having covens and houses is wonderful, but there is no point in having a placing system for these institutions if there is no form of friendly competition, the friendly competition that has been able to be formed in the forms of the contests and games is no longer there and these said institutions must now count on there members to spend countless hours viewing page upon page upon page, and this also sucks in my oppinion.
Myself and a few others have discussed this topic in great length and feel that there is no possible way for someone to cheat in hangman, so why not have at least that game in place.? 5's is easy to cheat in I can see how people would do that so why not get rid of the games that people were cheating in? And as for boggled?, well I could never figure that game out so i dont know that it could have cheating or not, but seriously why should our voices and oppinions not be heard by the powers that be?
The answer? The powers that be dont really give 2 craps about us or or oppinions or the reasons we like this site, all they care about is not hearing in the displeasure caused by their actions!