You all might of heard about my accident. If not, I flew off the highway and I spinned down a grassy hill. I finally got my car back after a month. $8,600 was spent to fix the car. The outside looks beautiful, except for one flaw. The interior is was perfect until these a**holes at Chevrolet put their disrespectful hands in my car. Let me list what these morons did. I needed a rim replaced and they replaced the rim with a dissimiliar rim. So, I have one oddball rim! They mistreated and did not fix the following; my shiftknob, seatbelt brace, emergency brake, cruise control, tore the leather in the passenger seat, and left the license plate light in the back hanging down.
Needless to say I ripped these guys apart and they will fix everything of course. But, I just don't get how and why this could happen at a Chevrolet dealership.
I'm done...
22:32 Apr 03 2008
Who the hell are they to be messin' with my Puerto Rican peeps? Lemme at 'em!
23:08 Apr 03 2008
Unfortunately, even when you think you're safe by going to the dealership, well, they have dumb f**cks too. But having people like that work for you will cost you, and oh yes they will pay.
01:15 Apr 05 2008
You see now, that's why you bring your car to the best mechanic in the world. *hair swish* =P
Nah, these knumbskull booga-willies need to be headbutted into fine pastes!
03:13 Apr 14 2008
Goosfrabba man!
...Or better not... just kill`em all!
13:16 Apr 15 2008
..perhaps it happened because workman don't seem to take pride in their work now?
22:50 May 01 2008
Don't pay the bill until they repair it proper!