as i lay there im my tent i can hear the voices from underneith me. people crying and saying that it shouldnt have happened. all i can see is one small light surrounded by darkness.
All i can see is complete darkness around me but a light streaming down. i can faintly see people down below me crying and the doctor there. im covered in a sheet. i can hear them saying its ashame that he had to die and crying all the while.
in my mind i asked the people down below that you swore that youd never let this happen to me
the light seems to be faiding pulling away from everything and all i ask for is my daughter i tell her im so sorry but no one down below me can hear me i can my limp body laying there not moving motionless as i am wheeled out of the way.
i am being pulled father away from my body and the light seems to be getting brighter. underneith me i hear my buddy say to the doctor its to bad he had to die like this. when he finishes saying that i scream out in my head im not dead and you cant have me
at that moment im in my body again .