Many anti-Semites complain that modern Jews are not the
Biblical Jews but are descended from the Khazars. The
Khazars converted to Judaism and thus modern day Jews, it is
claimed, are imposters who have no claim on the Land of
Israel, Eretz Yisrael. This claim will be discussed in the
following sections.
It is also interesting to note that the same anti-Semites who
complain about the alleged contents of the Talmud, which was
completed no later than 500 C.E. also claim that the Jews of
today are "self-styled Jews" descended from the Khazars who
converted to Judaism in 740 C.E. Some even claim that the
"true" descendants of the Biblical Jews are the modern day
"Aryans". So according to this "logic" the Talmud which they
complain about would actually be an "Aryan" book and not
that of the modern Jews!
Its difficult to see how they can reconcile these two seemingly
contradictory positions.
Hanging on a cliff
Groping for something I cannot quite reach
The fall is too deep
If I let go It will take all that's left of me
Blood colours the white
I'm mesmerised
It burns in my eyes
But if I look away I lose all that I have
My mind is turning black, it's burning
Faces from the dark turning
Through the scorched fields I am walking
Towards the gates
Who tells the truth?
I see faces but
the words they speak are unknown to me
The crooked Raven Master?
The distance is too wide
How can I know what's happening on the other side
I want to let go
But then there's no turning back
I'm kept in the dark void seeing 1.11 as a connection?
I stand on my grave
No one is there
There's no name on the stone
darkness shrouds around my neck...
The gates are still sealed
I have the key, but it's under my skin
help me please 1.11 let me in!!!
Blood colours my sight
this cant keep happening there
must be an answer,please save me
from myself this is insanity, torture in
the making frustration for the taking
shifting of veils confusion escalating
sleep precious chosen one no steps
are taken on heavy lids now rest chosen one & the
answers will show themselves when he
is ready....
(Created by my DARK Friend - VLADA)
Please bear with me as I wish to digress here for a moment... Personally I abhor the word 'religion'. If anyone were to look at what religions like Jews/Zionist/Christianity have done & doing to the world, any sane person would be ashamed to call oneself religious. Religion has been the cause of violence and bloodshed all over the world in the past 1500 years. From the theological standpoint, a follower of religion is expected to believe in God when he was crucified by the Romans after being thrown by the jews...by dringking wine resemble his blood by eating bread resemble his Flesh...??? The promise of a paradise??? These concepts happen to be the conventional traits of any religion. I find these beliefs completely foolish, repulsive and childish. Hence, I prefer to use the term Spiritual Philosophy, which would mean a school of thought that transcends phenomenon without having to speculate or believe in any concept or theory. For this reason we are very wary of calling ourselves followers of any religion.
(You can Chain me...U can even Destroy this Body but U will never Imprison my Mind...)