I start digging digging up all the dirt feeling it's soft but dry texture upon my skin ripped my shoes off toss them to the side and dig harder and harder till I come to the bones I pull out each one a bone I picked with someone a bone that got stuck in my life I trow it to the side I digg up more and more till I get to the chest I pull it out I break it open dust puffs out into the air dissipating into the air I cough as I wafle away the dust I pull out and old recorder I press play log one day I don't know I stopped counting the number of times I'm on how many times have I tried to end my life but they won't let me go why am I here I don't know why I deserve to live give my life to someone whom deserves it someone whom wants it more needs it more and do may more than I can and be a better person and do something with their life why couldn't you just give my brother my life and let me go he deserved to live before I did why I toss it aside pull out a photo album pictures of all the ones I once got to love family friends people whom are forever gone and never coming back some that are not whom they once where by the longest shot ever existed some whom never call and more or even send a message but could some I have no idea were they went and some whom i glad i never have to see or meet again and some whom have lost themselves as I did I toss it aside I pull out a video player with memories of people with happy words and happy minds whom I miss the most u listen to their voices I hear their words again but I'm still lost someone comes up to me are you lost I hide the chest behind me no I'm just trying to up hay ummm I ummm why are you hear I asked are you lost I'm ummm I don't think I'm lost I'm just here who are you I I ummm I don't you don't what I I don't you don't know or you don't want to know or you just don't want to tell me how did you get here ummm I I just I just came her for ummm I I ask how you got why are you here did someone bring you here no ummm I don't think so ummm I ummm stop worrying to much and just say it say it come on people whom come here their lost their lost beyond their measures you are lost but.you are here and now your found so go on home and if you come back finish up your did but you have seen enough now go on and get you hear now see look and listen but go on and get and try not to come back on here yea see he watches me slowly set down what was in my hand he smiles at me with the biggest smile I ever seen someone do and he points that way is out and out now you go dressed in all black his cape drops and I go looking back as he stands their still watching me leave making sure I'm on my way out he doesn't look back he doest look in my things he just watches me out.out I go on my way I be back to wear I came from