I posted this on my facebook and figured why the hell not. I also posted this on my other account tehtaytay, but some people don't read that journal of mine.
Okay, so a friend of mine posts a picture and it completely makes sense. I have to agree completely with this picture. It is talking about the sagging pants and not serving you if you go into their store. I am sorry to have to say this, well not really since this is my opinion and I know quite a few people who share this opinion, but it is stupid. Sagging is a corruption of minors, along with this "swag" and "yolo" shit. You see these little 10 year old boys sagging their pants all because their dad does. You don't have to sag your pants to be cool, all you do is look like some one who wants to be ass-raped. Oh did you know that guys? That the fashion actually started in jail for other men to say that they wanted to be some ones butt-buddies just so they could get off? All you men that do this, are setting a horrible example to our younger generations, say you sag your pants TOO low and your dick flops out, a little girls sees it, tells her parents, then you caught for exposing yourself to a child and considered a sex offender. What would you do then? STILL walk around with your pants sagging? Still say you have swag? I doubt it, you would probably realize how stupid it really is, unless your extremely slow and it doesn't get through your head, but who knows.
Also, all these rapes happening now, it's mainly because younger girls, women, and even some of the older women are wearing hardly clothing and walking around like that. The shirts go down to their belly buttons, their shorts or skirts show half their ass, and they say it's every one else's fault they got raped? If I'm not mistaken, if you tease a guy until he can't hold himself any longer, it's asking for it. I am not saying all the rapes going on now is because of this, some of them are truly because there are so many sickos out there picking up girls and raping them, but a lot of the rapes now are caused from women who can't coven themselves up with enough clothing that they aren't nearly showing the whole world what they were given.
Heres a scenario:: A young girl walks to the swimming pool wearing nothing but a skimpy bikini that shows almost all her ass and titts, she goes swimming and then lays down to tan on a towel. Her ass and tits nearly falling out. Then she starts to walk home in said bikini and gets kidnapped and raped.
What do you honestly think the cause of this would be? Sickos or the bikini? Yes maybe both, BUT maybe its just one or the other. Personally I see a 10 year old walking around showing off everything she has at such a young age and all I can think is that she has horrible parents.
I would like to remind every one that this is all my opinion and not every ones opinion. This is not meant to offend, but merely get the truths that I personally see out there.