So, I pass the practice tests, by the skin of my teeth on the larger one of the two, but feel confident going in for the real thing....but my head feels as though it's about to explode with all the information I have crammed into it in the past couple weeks. Working, plus studying things that are necessary for management, then I have trying to get some time in on WoW (shush), also the fact I need to put time aside to spend with my much to do in one day, I'm amazed I'm even eating and sleeping at all XD I'm constantly getting up, taking a shower, spend time with fiancee, study the manual, log onto WoW, do a couple invasions, turn on the computer, go make something to eat, spend a little more time with my fiancee, get ready for my night shift, work, come home, take another shower, and try to get to bed at a semi-reasonable time.......o.O adult life sucks....can I like...go back to being 10 or 11 years old where my biggest worries were what I was going to do, or read, once I got out of school?
On the plus side, yesterday was me and my fiancee's two year anniversary and we had a decent day. ^^
The stress from all this shit I have to do is causing me more migraines and fevers.....i actually thought that fevers from stress was just a threat people told you to keep you from boing a stupid......yet here i am, migraines from hell (thank the goddess i bought some excedrin migraine and tylonol recently). Im stressing so much its even dreaming about the videos ive been watching.....oi...
Remember what I said...One day at a time. Breathe!
Im trying, just so much to learn and a short time to do it......argh! So many videos.....
I don't normally post in my journal anymore, too much going on and never online anymore, lol. Usually my life is having me going into work on my days off, or I'm trying to rest after working so many hours; but finally, the hard work has paid off.
I am going management, and started my training around Friday last week~ I'm so happy, I've been trying to move up in the ranks for awhile now, just so me and my fiancee can move back to Arizona and finally get back to our lives. Tired of the the up and down bullshit in my family, I love them all I really do, but they have been showing they are two faced on a lot of things, and they have also hurt me more times than I can count since I returned......but I'm extremely happy that I am finally making steps towards getting this all taken care of, and maybe even achieve my dreams of being a top Chef. -giggles-
hmm hmmm. Go get 'em!
Congrats,Taya! -hugs-
Thank you both^^