me & self pitty! i get away~then let it suck me back in! the only way out is to get out of myself. Today i know there is a purpose for my life and for past mistakes~failures and pains. If I want to make something out of this life I must use those mistake & pains for good..If I stay close to my creator~truth & love im going to be just fine! its when i falter from these things life feels meaningless & I get stuck in thinking toxic. The only moment that matters is this moment. For it is the only moment that exists. so whether experiencing pleasure or pain i must embase it for I will never again have this very moment. I am no better and no worse then anyother human being. whether they be a nobel piece prize winner~a child~a cripple~a movie star~an austronaut~a monk or any number of things a human can be. I have weaknesses~streagths~dreams~hopes~fears...I have MOMENTS.. I cannot deny any one thing that not only makes me human but makes me~ME..Its when im in denial or trying to hide all that makes up who I am that i feel absoluatly no peace or harmony. I must embrace all that I must embrace ALL that makes up me~to overcome~perserver~to enjoy~to feel satisfied & content.. No one is all good or all bad.. but every person is a human overcome to change to really live I MUST FACE ME!!!