Our flag means a lot to you
Majestic colours
Red, white, and bllue
Our flag stands for freedom
We're the land of the free
Land of the Free
and Land of Liberty
But what are the things
We choose not to see
Remeber the Natives
Who all lived here first
The ones whose very existance
We cursed
Remember the slaves
Who were dragged here by force
Ripped away from their famlies
While you're life ran its course
Remember the Asians
Who were all put in camps
Put away
Pushed aside
All these people ignored
You love this country
But me, I say nay
I'm sorry, it's just . . .
The memories have stayed . . .
I'm in love
But not the kind you're thinking of
I do not love a man
nor do I love a woman
Life is what i love
The thought of the breath
you produce
And I as well
The thought of the laughter
And the smiles that dwell
The songs that are sang
The dances preformed
The happiness
The joy
And the breezes blown
Living life is the proof
Of my love being shown
However . . .
This love is not for all
Taken away with only one call
Who are you?
Who am I?
To be the ones to decide
Who should live
And of course
As well who should die
How dare you put a price
On this love you've denied!
Maybe it's not so much about looking,
But finding instead . . .
That's crazy!
Plus it's you I dread . . .
You don't mean that
Yes I do
Don't act like you don't have a clue
Why is it you think that's true?
Because my friend,
I am you . . .
You are being selfish
And acting oh so numb
Of course, for you see
Having feelings
essentially is dumb
You act as though
You've already lost the fight
Don't you know, the lock will rust
If not touched by light?
Oh light you say?
Light is for the pure
And guilt for the broken
But me, what I have . . .
What I have holds no token
There is no glee or sympathy
or prayer that's worth spoken
I know it must be difficult
The burden that you've carried
It is nothing
And means nothing
I'd be better off if burried
Life is like an opera
Welcome to the show
Even if there's mishaps
On the show will go
Hit a bump in the road
I won't let them know
Put on my outside front
And let the smiles show
Such a happy day
Full of harmony and glee
But wait where are my feelings?
They're lost just like the key
But wait! The tolling bells
They're calling back to me
No I'm sorry
But I told you,
That I have lost the key
But look there are my people!
And they are waving here at me!
I'm sorry for the people . . .
But I have lost the key
I'm left with no choice
I don't know what to do
It kills me to speak to you
It kills me not to
Easy to see this is why I'm distraught
My heart is rediculous
it seems to be caught
I try to ignore it
And I try to forget
Outcast my heart to a bottomless pit
I want to forget you
I want to move on
But I can't and it kills me
because my heart's beating strong
I hate you!
You're stupid
You're needy
You're clingy
You're whiney
You're pointless
You're worthless
You're mental
You're sick
You're childish
You're random
You're annoying
You're guilty
You'll never be good enough
Why can't you just cease to be?!
I'm looking in the mirror and what do I see
I see you, looking right back at me . . .
So sleepy
So tired
So fed up
So bothered
I give up . . .
Spin a dream
Spin my web
Spin my life
On thin thread
Certain joy
Certain dread
Spin my life
Until I'm dead
Crashing waves
Falling snow
Breezing air
It's all we know
Time to let true feelings show
I don't understand
And I can't comprehend
How a friend, can become
So much more than a friend
I feel for you so much harder than others
You're all I can think about when I pull up my covers