Can a shadow move
across the sky
While the sun is bright
and rising high?
I dare not contemplate
the dark of the light
the love in my hate
the fear that I fight
If I come to acknowledge
all that is bad
Must I forget all that's good
the innocence I had?
Both light and dark
can corrupt my soul
but it's what I believe in
that can never be stole
by Singian
A vampire's life cold and dark. A vampire's life a lonely existence.
My life is a hollow grave dead ground. The moon kisses while the sun stings and burns.
A vampire's life is dark and dense never dying but never seeing.
We are feared but then what do we fear? We have everything but it turns out we have nothing.
They want to be us, but in a vampire's life they want death.
by Shadow
Pain becomes apart of me as I slowly die. Death is always calling me I can feel the pain inside.
The burning pain that pulls away all those mortal soul. So dazed and confused they don't know where to go.
They call his name. A name I know so well. His name I called before I turned hell.
A place where I no longer feel the pain. Of that false god who dose't have a name.
by The Raven