"Some scientists now say their findings show that the coronavirus is airborne. This means particles can linger in the air and indoor spaces while infecting others when these particles are inhaled.
A new report in The New York Times says a group of 239 scientists from 32 countries will publish a letter to the World Health Organization (WHO) in a scientific journal. The scientists want WHO to change details about how to avoid getting COVID-19.
Health experts report currently that the virus is largely spread through "larger respiratory droplets" from when a person sneezes or coughs. The WHO has recommended heavy hand washing, even though the CDC now reports that contracting the virus from surfaces only plays a minor role."
If it is reported that the virus is airborne, the Times says, "The consequences for containment will be significant."
New measures people would have to take include wearing face masks indoors, and healthcare workers would have to wear mandatory N95 masks to "filter out even the smallest respiratory droplets as they care for coronavirus patients."
Also, ventilation systems would need to be maintained to "minimize recirculating air."
The Times reported that the surge of coronavirus cases after the reopening of businesses "increasingly" confirms "what many scientists have been saying for months: The virus lingers in the air indoors, infecting those nearby."
Don’t look to the stars for the cause of your misfortunes: look to yourself to get better results.
There are many things you cannot control, but you can control the only things that really matter: your mind and your attitude. External forces have very little to do with success. Those who program themselves for success find a way to succeed even in the most difficult of circumstances. Solutions to most problems come from one source and one source alone: yourself. Living life to the fullest is a lot like shooting the rapids in a rubber raft. Once you’ve made the commitment, it’s difficult to change your mind, turn around, and paddle upstream to placid waters. But it’s the excitement and adventure that make it all worthwhile. If you never make the attempt, you may never know the depths of despair, but neither will you experience the exhilaration of success~ Napolean Hill
I like that hun, thinks for sharing...
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