Sometimes i think that life is going a long just fine and then all of a sudden i hit the breaks and see what is truly going on. Some of the truths that are gong on are happy ones but others are not so good. Reality hits and i have to change the way that i think about whats going on. I wish that sometimes life would be easter. Trying to figure it out is the hardest part. I am not a very out going person and i prob will never be. I am use to being a person who sits back and watch what goes on around me and offer up help to any of my friends that needed it. I don't ask for the same help in return because i know that some of them wouldn't be able to help or understand where the needing of help comes from. I wish sometimes that i had some one that i could lean on when needed sigh but that day may be near or it may be a while from now who knows what will happen. Trusting in people is hard i've had some bad experince with some people when i did let myself out of my shell. I believe in what goes around comes around.