Well, if you know me or have known me personally, then you know my other health problems, but I'm learning about more of them.
I thought I was just having dreams where I was frozen, because everyone would tell me 'It's just a dream."
Aparently, I really do get frozen... because I can kind of hum/moan to get my husband's attention when I get in the "frozen/unable to move" state. That way he can hold me, talk to me, move me to bring me out of it.
And secondly.... aparently I'm not frozen every time.... sometimes I have siezures.... I just feel as if I'm frozen.
I have sleep paralysis and siezures...
So I have to go to this sleep clinic....
Find out what's wrong...
Here's a poem I found that I can relate to...
POEM (By Jorge Conesa)
Sleep Paralysis
Sleep of day
Sleep of tender
Sleep of me-wolves
Who surrender
To fragments of unimaginable fright.
Sleep of Autumn
Sleep of winded leaves
Sleep of Berserkers drinking
With the me-sages
Pissing moon milk
For others to go mad.
Sleep of tossing
Sleep of flying
Sleep of disappearance
From this world
In the fangs of the shaman of Oblieng.
Sleep of instinct
Sleep without rules
Sleep otherworldly
Sleep of death
Sleep of being awake inside the chambers of one's heart.
Sleep feline
Sleep ancient
Sleep temple
Sleep jade
Like the Olmecs wore jade with jaguar faces.
Sleep of once-a-month
During the new moon
When the owls are silent
When the wind implodes
When the soil goes insane
When the trees carve themselves a grave in my chest.
Sleep of all sleepers
In my head
All whispering at the same time
Their nonsense of yesteryears
Prisoners of their own beds.
Sleep of frozen waters
Sleep of walking alone
In the steppes
With the Olmecs
In Oblieng
With fox-fur sandals
Drinking moon milk
Devouring owls
Being a corpse
Enduring this short death.
Sleep not.