My least favorite rank to be called to date. Never enjoyed being a follower, even in play. There have been times when others willingly submitted to me as my follower, or servant, etc. I accepted the offer most times but only knowing it was what the other person enjoyed. So I will take it as a badge of honor. Following the website, seeing all the dark alley ways I find seeing where they lead me. I guess so far I'd say I'm lucky on this site. People have been very kind, patient. It is appreciated.
Does it qualify me as a scrounger if I am through about sorting all my garbage from recyclables and deposit all my extra change into my saving account? 'A penny saved is a penny earned' - Ben Franklin - Or, more in my case it's a penny saved is a penny that I can eventually spend on something I want. I am definitely still navigating through the site. Actually very fun and extremely through in regards to how many categories and facets there are. It's definitely enjoyable! Again, thanks to everyone for their kindness. I humbly confess I am a novice, but it is fun getting my bearings. Ok, now I'm off to be a Scrounger (online). Vv--vV
I am sort of one an a odd way funny I never thought about it how amazon it is to found out little things like this. I all ways called it a hidden treasure or the hunt to find things.
It's awesome to see all the different nooks this site offers. Trying not to get lost as my interests click me down a winding path of Vampire delight. I'm guessing the cool pics people post on boards and their profile are HTML and it's definitely the 'fresh maker' but I'm enjoying this site on my tablet so please bare with me as all my plain text is a little sleepy. < 3 Vv--vV
Good evening Vampires < 3 So now I'm the rank of Leech. Personally I think that's kind of sweet not to mention that I'd affectionately call my best boyfriends Leech or at the very least enjoyed when I felt them leech onto me. Anyway, hope everyone has a great weekend Vv--vV
So I'm guessing these are public and even though I am more openinded to people who would be on a Vampire site, I am still a little private when I don't know what Harry Dick or Tom is reading. However, this site seems fun enough to make me want to stick around and hoorah, got me to write in its journal. Maybe I'll meet some fanged friends or more than friends. Vv---vV