Yandere's Journal

Yandere's Journal


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8 entries this month

07:20 Nov 29 2023
Times Read: 221

I was hoping to have my Red Asylum Uniform before the new conten5 came out... But it looks like that's not happening. How long have I been looking for it? It feels like years. I know it's only been a couple months. The Atlantic City content drops next Tuesday. So I'll get to play around on that before I leave for a week. I have absolutely no motivation to pack xD Here's the Bunny method of packing... Half-ass it for a couple weeks then the night before, sometimes only hours before, throw a bunch of shit into a bag and go. I'm not one to meticulously pack. I'm not one to meticulously anything xD I had to leave a server earlier... I went into Eviction Notice and SEVENTEEN people followed me there. Of course then in the next server absolutely no body showed up for Moonshine Jamboree. Normally I'd say it's a lost cause trying to go that event solo... But I figured even if I failed I'd get a ton of kills in, and maybe level up. I actually pulled it off. I lost two of the Moonshine stills, and within the last couple minutes some guy did show up to help, but he also immediately died to an Angler xD So I'm counting it as me soloing it. Some events you just literally can not do alone. Like One Violent Night, where you have to lure a Wendigo out by making as much noise as possible in the area while being continuously attacked by packs of ghouls. You pretty much need at least one person playing an instrument the whole time while someone protects them. I can take quite a beating from some ghouls at level 435, but I have to stop eventually to heal so I haven't managed to do it on my own yet. Maybe once I get up to 500❤️




04:30 Nov 20 2023
Times Read: 270

A nutritional supplement brand for gamers... with "waifu" cups covered in large chested, barely dressed anime girls.
I just... I can't xD My level of disgust and disappointment in this is so high it's just...
I'm not saying as a woman you can't enjoy some anime titties. But clearly this bullshit is marketed towards men. With zero consideration for female gamers. When I was younger female gamers were unheard of. I know, because I was one, and probably the only one in the area. Now any bitch that slaps on cat ear headphones, and bounces up and down on cam while playing Minecraft is a gamer. That's whatever. And this is one reason why I hate female streamers cause so many of these idiots give female gamers a bad name. But this shit is beyond ridiculous, that anyone would buy this garbage. Because clearly, as a gamer, you need special gamer snacks, you can't just stop for five minutes to get something, no, you need the overpriced bars and fake protein.
This fucking disgusts me. You are not a man if you buy this shit. You are a little boy who needs to grow the fuck up.
And I love large chested, cat eared anime girls, I'm all about it, I dress as one regularly. But using it to sell nutritional supplements to "gamers"... No. I don't know if I'm more offended as a woman or as a gamer. Fuck off.




06:17 Nov 12 2023
Times Read: 325

Here are the spawn rates we're working with...
That 0.01 is a real bitch xD
I'm honestly surprised I've found most of them. But I've also server hopped. A lot. Not like... incessantly. But usually when I first load in I'll go through several. And if I get bored between events I'll do a few until I get busy again. Or if I land on a server I don't like... Like one full of overpowered, overleveled assholes. I know being at like 410 that's kinda hypocritical of me xD But that's why I leave so there's one less there. I saw someone talking about how the game would benefit from a NG+ situation, and I agree. But it has to be Dark Souls style where everything gets much harder every NG+ you go into. That would also help separate the levels better. I always feel bad when a much lower level shows up to an event, and can barely participate because of the competitiveness of the higher levels trying to blow things away as quickly as possible. Someone was launching mini nukes in Moonshine Jamboree earlier... right in my area. So fucking unnecessary. I understand a lot of people see me surrounded by enemies, and think they need to rush in to save me. Believe me, I'm fine. I want them around me, I can, and will kill every one of them. Throwing your fucking bombs at me to clear them off just makes it so I'm fucking blind for a couple seconds, definitely not helpful. But people hurling explosives, automatic leave the server. The spawn rates don't really matter anyway, it's all about getting lucky. Forest is 0.09, and it was the third color I found. There are also other extremely rare outfits out there that I might be compelled to find after I finish this collection. I haven't been playing as much this week. I was talking to Cheshire, who picks because he can see on Discord that I'm always playing xD But I told him I realize... I've replaced Wolfie with gaming. I mean, I've always been a huge gamer since I was little, but I feel like all the time I used to spend with him now goes into Fallout... and that's a lot xD It's a looooot of Fallout. I could play anything else, but... I'm just not in the mood for anything else. Fallout is strangely comforting to play.




05:43 Nov 10 2023
Times Read: 361

I found blue💙
So now we have pink and red left to find...




04:45 Nov 08 2023
Times Read: 400

I found yellow💛
I don't love it. That little bit of yellow on the belt and sleeves... all the yellow there is. It's kinda like that with all the rarer, higher value asylum uniforms, there's less color on them, they're mostly white.
I had to race some motherfucker there. He spawned right as I spawned, and I booked it straight up there. Sure enough he came stomping up behind me. It really annoys me that people hunt these things just to sell... Especially when you can only keep up to 40,000 caps on one character, and supposedly the red is worth like 70,000. I try to keep about 30,000 on me at all times, even while buying a ton of lead. Mutation Invasion is back for the week, and as much as I'd like to be happy about it, MI tends to turn people into raging selfish assholes who fight for kills. I've said it before, these events need to be harder to support the number of players who show up. I was in Distinguished Guests earlier today, and some assclown was throwing mini nukes... at ghouls. Not even large groups of ghouls, like 2 or 3. This is the type of person who actively wants to take the fun of the game away from other people by making it so they're the only one killing anything. And a lot of people are like this, a lot of people just want to kill things as fast as possible before anyone else can get a hit in. It's bad gaming, take that shit back to Call of Duty. There's a difference between being competitive, and just being a douche. Cheshire said imagine if Fallout had a leaderboard... No xD Because that's not what it's supposed to be about. Competitive Fallout is a fucking stupid idea so I expect Bethesda to get right on it. I understand bringing larger weapons to harder events when the situation calls for it. If there are only a couple of us in Eviction Notice, feel free to bring the mini nukes. But when there are ten people there... People like that make me immediately leave the server, I refuse to play with them. I'm up to level 399 now❤️




08:13 Nov 07 2023
Times Read: 439

I finally got the two-headed pink cow plushie💗
I think now I have all the event plushies I currently have access to. I'm hoping there will be more after the new content drops. I'm just trying to get to level 400. I'm at 396. I'll definitely take a break after I hit 400. I'm not addicted, you are xD
I was also hoping to find more uniform colors, but all I find are green and brown. They sell regularly so I can't complain, but I'd like to see any other color at this point. It'll be even harder after next month, I feel like there will be a big influx of new players which means more people hunting for them. I've seen a few people wearing the red so it's not THAT rare unless they literally went through 3000 servers to find it.
My cards tonight.
I asked Cheshire to give me his opinion on them since he's also into this stuff, and has been for awhile.
Pretty accurate. I don't necessarily think I'm blind to things... I think I'm more just that person who tries to convince everyone, including myself, that it'll all be ok in the end no matter how bad things are right now. I told myself that a lot in regards to Wolfie... That if we could just get to a certain point, it'd all be ok, it would all work out. But what was that point? Wolfie needed help, and I didn't know what to do. I think I helped him in some ways, but in others he was still irrevocably broken. The way we were going, it wasn't going to end well no matter what. Because Wolfie has to work on Wolfie. And again I'm gonna say how does a person who has been alone all his life fix himself by going off alone? He was always so afraid of being alone, of the things inside of him forcing everyone away.
But that's what he chose. What could I have possibly done? He knows me. He knows I'm here. I wish more than anything that things hadn't ended how they did. That I hadn't... pushed back.i hope every day that he's ok. I imagine him sitting in some Russian cafe, that intense focused look on his face while he reads the news. The smile, and the light across his face as he looks up at me. He always smiled when he looked up at me, no matter how focused he was, his eyes got so... bright. I was a Queen. I was his Queen. And now I don't care if I'm absolutely nothing. If I'm small, and obscure and meager. I don't want to move forward without him. I just want to fade.
Then there's the half of me that wants to kick my own ass for being so pathetic xD It's really conflicting. Cheshire tries to reassure me, Wolfie is alive, he's fine, and my intuition is telling me, hey, leave it alone, let him go, he'll come back when he's ready. He will come back. This is Wolfie we're talking about, he's coming back.
I really need to stop using Cheshire as my therapist... He's just the only one who seems to genuinely try to talk to me about it, to care. I try not to talk about Wolfie because I know people are tired of hearing it. I'm tired of hearing about it too xD It's just one of those things that you know you can do absolutely nothing about, but incessantly gnaws at you. This is usually the point where I would tell someone, if you can't do anything about it, why worry about it?
Well, Aiyana?
Shut up.
Cheshire says the main thing is that I need to face, and accept the fact that I can't help Wolfie. I can't fix him. I can't heal him. I can't do anything more than what I've done. It's up to him now. He thinks I did help him. And more than that... he thinks Wolfie helped me. And him seeing that honestly means the most to me. I wish Wolfie could see it too.




23:28 Nov 06 2023
Times Read: 488

Please, for the love of holy fuck, no, no, no, noooooooo.
I was just discussing this with Cheshire last night... I'm over this whole remake everything bullshit.
Like the people who are crying for a Bloodborne remake... wha- why?!
If I have to suffer another Resident fucking Evil remake I'm gonna fucking vomit.
Leave Chris Redfield alone you monumental bitches.




07:48 Nov 03 2023
Times Read: 529

When you eat a piece of mystery candy, pass out, and wake up to this...



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