Yandere's Journal

Yandere's Journal


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35 entries this month

20:58 Jun 30 2024
Times Read: 2

Why do you hate me, Fallout😐
What did I ever do to deserve this?
Is it because I said Elden Ring is better?
Because be real... Elden Ring IS better.
Apparently the difference between a 1 and 0.01 spawn rate is fucking astronomical.




17:10 Jun 30 2024
Times Read: 26

You know you're a nerd when you get entirely too excited over seeing a Death Knight xD
I was wondering if Godwyn was going to make an appearance in the DLC, and... well, his face is here.
Kinda leaves you wondering, so... hey, Death Knight, buddy... where the fuck were you when Godwyn was being assassinated? And what exactly does that mean, "Protector of the Prince of Death's cadaver surrogate,"?
Why is that even necessary to exist in this place? Why does it need to be protected?
I don't get it. But I'm thinking about it.
Death Knights are cool though. Takes me back to the days of Lord Soth. Interesting, also significantly connected to Godwyn is an undead dragon~
And Lord Soth takes me back to Raistlin. Ah, my heart❤️
The funny thing is that if Raistlin were a real person, he'd absolutely hate me xD Because... he's so serious, and controlled, and distant especially emotionally, and I... am not. Despite being the exact opposite of me... as a child reading these books, he was ALWAYS my favorite person.
A lot of people will tell you he's selfish and cruel and evil... I never saw him like that. Now, a lot of people will also say that I never see the bad in anyone. That's simply not true. I think it's incredibly easy to see the surface level bad in people. I look deeper into the heart of a person, into their light, even if it's faint, it's there, and it's worth finding. I see the dark in there, but I choose to believe in better, even when it crushes me, it's worth believing in.




03:28 Jun 30 2024
Times Read: 49

I found Messmer... and I'm gonna say, around ten tries.
A lot of people have compared him, in terms of difficulty, to Malenia. I wholeheartedly disagree, Malenia is much tougher. Messmer is... it is a difficult fight, he's very fast, he has huge attacks that do massive damage, he can easily attack you from one side of the arena to another so his range is basically limitless, and maybe it's just me, but even with my spirit summon, he was hyper aggressively on me almost the entire time, almost completely ignored my Mimic Tear. That being said, he, like Rellana, is very susceptible to bleed so two Rivers of Blood can chunk him down pretty easily. His second phase is insane, all that snake shit, so I just went at him as aggressive as possible. It worked out. His attacks also, while very big, seemed easily to dodge than Malenia's. And ya know, I'll take fighting fire over fighting scarlet rot any day. Good boss fight though, I really did like his attacks. I was talking to a friend of mine in Fallout last night about all the hate Elden Ring is getting for having super difficult DLC... first of all, you knew going in that you were paying $40 to get your ass kicked xD Let's not pretend, you knew exactly what you were in for. And, in my opinion, it's not that difficult. And I'm playing through it on ng+ for fuck's sake. So your bitch-ass should be able to handle it on normal. I understand that coming from a FromSoftware veteran it's easy for me to tell you it's not that hard... but it's not THAT hard. It's certainly not impossible unless you're just really, really bad. And you probably wouldn't have made it past Mohg to get to the DLC if you were that bad, right? So I don't understand why everyone is crying about it.
The hardest enemy in the DLC, in my opinion:
The Fire Knight.
They're tanky, they hit hard, they're very fast, and worst of all there are so fucking many of them. Too many. Other than that small detail, shut the fuck up, the game is perfect~
I do feel a little bad killing Messmer after reading this...
Marika basically saw him as some abomination, ripped out his eye, and sent him away from everyone to live in isolation. And it would seem... he burned the world around him in an attempt to earn his mother's love even though she cast him out, basically threw him away into a world of shadows. It's really tragic.
Another interesting bit:
I believe they're talking about Melina here. Because you can literally use her as kindling to set the Erdtree on fire. But... she's also missing an eye. Did Marika rip that out too? The more I learn about Marika, and the Greater Will, the more I understand wanting to destroy them. Marika seems like a really awful mother. Sure, she was a god, but come on.
What's going on with the snakes in Elden Ring? They seem to be in opposition to the gods. Because not only Messmer, but Rykard also fed himself to the God-devouring Serpent. I feel like this all has very Norse mythological roots to it🤔




03:29 Jun 29 2024
Times Read: 98

The unicorn🦄
I told a friend of mine that I was looking for it so he spent a couple hours trying to get it for me xD
Now he's off to find me the glowing variation which is... much rarer. But hey, he offered~
He argues that the Honeybee is the most horrific mask.
I say it's definitely Toothy Man...
Those soulless eyes😱
Now if only I could get one of these fellas to find me the Red Asylum Uniform... I might just marry him xD
Well ok, not really, but still~




06:03 Jun 28 2024
Times Read: 128

I'm back home from my trip so naturally I immediately jump on 76... because it feels like I've been away from my ps5 for like five years xD
I forgot it was round two of Fasnacht Day... but there are some new masks to earn, one in particular I'm interested in, the unicorn🦄
There are several masks that I've never personally seen in game on anyone.
You see a lotta Loon, Jester, and Blue Devil. Never seen Buffoon, Fiend or Crazy Guy. That tends to be why people grind out this event so much. I wish I didn't hate the actual event so much. I wish it was enjoyable on some level. It's just garbage.
I'm up over 750 now. I was telling a friend of mine I'd like to reach 1000 by December. He has zero confidence in me xD Elden Ring is definitely taking most of my attention, but I'm still there.
I did also hop on Elden Ring for an hour or so. And I came across this.
The second time I've come across a Pest in the DLC... What's interesting about this little bug is that they are super aggressive in the base game. Completely passive in the DLC. Pests are connected to Scarlet Rot, "abandoned children of the goddess," aka Malenia. Is it that they're passive because Malenia isn't there or because the Shadow Lands are beyond the influence of the God of Rot? I don't think you actually get afflicted with Scarlet Rot in the DLC area, not from what I've explored anyway which makes it seem like... it doesn't exist there. You also have to remember that Miquella invented a way to remove the influence of any outer God from his sister. Maybe he figured out how to do it on a grander scale. Does the Greater Will even exist in the Shadow Lands? We know that Marika, and the Golden Order were there at some point. And based on the headless statues you find of her... seemingly unwanted.



08:00 Jun 28 2024



01:47 Jun 27 2024
Times Read: 161

Now that's just depressing...




21:37 Jun 25 2024
Times Read: 220

It's interesting... that the ancient dragons were around during the time of Leyndell. Because the war between them starts with one of the dragon's attacking the capital. Makes me wonder why it attacked them. We know from the lore that there was once a dragon Elden Lord. At what point did it all get taken over by Marika? I also think it's interesting that in the DLC when you find the ancient dragon Bayle, I think his name is, he's described as vile. Why are Dragons considered vile or evil or whatever? I have many dragon related questions🤔




03:08 Jun 24 2024
Times Read: 275

Omg, get the fuck over it you little bitches, go play fucking Fortnite, seriously xD
Imagine playing a FromSoftware game... and being shocked/big angry that it's DIFFICULT. Because they're totally not known for that, right? The DLC is NEVER notoriously difficult or anything. For fuck's sake.
Although I will admit... That Golden Hippopotamus can go straight to Hell xD I think it killed me at least ten times, more than Rellana did. It's really not a hard boss, it's actually very easy, but it hits like a fucking truck, and it's grab attacks are complete bullshit. That's one reason I play FromSoftware games though... To overcome the difficulty. I can't imagine being such a fucking hack that I gotta go trash a gorgeous game just because I don't have the skill level to beat it. Pathetic~




21:21 Jun 23 2024
Times Read: 303

That's a new one.
Kindly Miquella and abandoned Trina🤔
I just don't have a good feeling about Miquella. If this game pulls some Gwyndolyn bullshit where he's been absorbed slowly by some evil blob I will be VERY upset.
I can't even begin to wrap my head around what's going on in this DLC... It had crossed my mind that this could all be Miquella's dream. It really makes you question what exactly reality is, what dreams are, what death is.
I tell you one thing though.
That Rellana is a real bitch xD
My suggestion... I went full on bleed with her. Much as I love Tiche, I had to bust out the old Mimic Tear for this one to build up the bleed on her to chunk her health down cause she is fucking tanky, and she has some pretty huge attacks. Namely, she has a Malenia style attack where she jumps into the air, she then throws shit down into the ground which sends out a full arena pulse of three ground attacks. You can jump them if you get the timing right. Godspeed xD I am very curious though... Is she Rennala's twin? Or is she Rennala's daughter?




06:11 Jun 23 2024
Times Read: 332

Red Spider Lillies~
Death flowers.
Flowers of the Underworld~




22:06 Jun 21 2024
Times Read: 374

Elden Ring and Bloodborne are connected.
100%, confirmed.
Where do you get the Blade of Mercy in Bloodborne?
Eileen the Crow.
What does Eileen do?
She's a hunter of other hunters who have lost their way, gone bloodthirsty insane, and are murdering everything. She literally ENDS THE SUFFERING OF HER COMPARIOTS. That's why it's called Blade of MERCY. It's more merciful to kill her friends/companions/co-hunters than to allow them to murder everything around them. I never realized that.
That's a goddamn Demon's Souls Monumental.
You are FUCKING with me, game xD
That first boss fight though, the dancing lion... I was literally 😲 the whole time xD I did get it in one try, but it's such a cool boss, it felt super unique. I'm so happy to be back where I belong. I love Fallout, and I love other games, but FromSoftware is home~




20:58 Jun 21 2024
Times Read: 404

Ugh, it's so fucking gorgeous. This gives such Castlevania vibes. I literally spent at least an hour just wandering around the starting area checking out the scenery. Miyazaki said even THIS isn't the perfect RPG he has imagined in his head. I don't think we can handle it xD We're not worthy.
I was on Fallout for a bit before it dropped. I was in such a good mood I even let Anthony join up. Which I now regret after catching him in another lie... We were talking about how Microsoft recently shut down Arkane Austin, and they're the ones who made Prey. I love Prey, it's such a fun game, and it's so under-rated. But I had mentioned that Prey has some of the best DLC I've seen in a game. And Anthony, aka Whanthony made a whole big scene, "Omg, you're kidding, it's not!" So I ask him, ok, what didn't you like about it?
"I just didn't like it."
I wanna know why though, what specific things don't you like about it?
"It's just one of those things you can't explain."
Uh huh... Kinda sounds like you've never actually played it.
And there was another guy in our team, Bearie. This guy wasn't on mic, but he had added me as a friend, and told me he was still listening. And I'm fine with that, some people just don't like to talk openly, I'm cool if you wanna come in, and just hang out. Funny though, he didn't add Whanthony... And when I was asking him about why he didn't like the DLC for Prey, this guy was private messaging me, "GRILL. HIM."
Yeah, obviously I wasn't the only one who thought dude was full of shit~




05:21 Jun 21 2024
Times Read: 434

We are so freaking in~❤️




18:01 Jun 20 2024
Times Read: 473

The time has come, we are on countdown~
I kinda feel like I want to go back in on my original character.
She's level 215, and she's already towards the end of NG+. Interesting that I have Black Flame spells equipped on her, not really sure what I was going for there... But on this character I also have Black Knife Tiche, who I personally believe is the best summon, yes even better than the Mimic Tear.
I've also got Rivers of Blood fully upgraded, and my Black Knife Assassin armor. There's something to be said about finishing where you started.
When I loaded in I was actually standing in front of Malenia's fog gate...
FromSoftware is known for having notoriously difficult DLC. Although personally... I have zero trouble with the Dark Souls DLC. And the Bloodborne DLC isn't too bad until you get to Orphan of Kos. I would love for it to be brutal, honestly~❤️




00:42 Jun 19 2024
Times Read: 513

You already know I have to have it~
Also, this outfit:
It's not something I'd personally wear, but if a guy rolled up to me in this... you can be on my team, baby~




03:59 Jun 18 2024
Times Read: 550

I may not have the Red Asylum Uniform... yet. But I did get to fight an extremely rare 76 enemy that I didn't even know existed.
The Yao Guai Ghoul.
I've also been telling people I've seen a baby Megasloth, and NO ONE believes me. It was towards the beginning of my 76 journey, but I know what I saw, they're out there xD
I was in a team of four recently with a buddy of mine. He and I were doing a silo run, which is basically running through a missle silo to launch a nuke, while the other two had hopped into a Daily which is like a daily special mission. We had already done the Daily, and it wasn't super difficult so I figured the other two, while both around level 100, could handle it. Whenever I'm in a team, especially since I'm often times the highest level, I tend to keep an eye on my teammates health which is displayed to the left of my screen. So I notice, towards the end of the silo, the two teammates in the Daily are dying a lot. I tell my buddy if he can handle the silo then I'll go hop into the Daily, and help them out. He tells me he'd rather I not leave because there are a lot of assaultrons towards the end of the silo, and I happen to be pretty great at taking them down quickly. Meanwhile I'm watching these two other people die over, and over so I tell him that either I can go or he can go, but one of us needs to go help them. Having already done the Daily, and knowing it wasn't that difficult, he decided to go do that while I take on the assaultrons, and finish the silo. A couple minutes later, suddenly he's dying too xD And he's screaming at me on mic, "Psycho, get in here, this is different, I can't handle this, you have no idea, come help us!"
So I'm just like, what the fuck xD Cause he's nearly level 300, he should be able to handle himself. On top of which, we'd already ran through the Daily, and it surely wasn't enough to be killing them all that hard. Well I take a look, and the Daily had actually changed. Which is something I've seen it do, but very rarely, change midday from fighting one set of mutated enemies to another. So it had gone from an extremely mild enemy group to something much, much worse with horrific mutations. All I could say at that point was, "Well I did offer to go in first." Needlessto say, he wished he'd stayed in the silo with the assaultrons xD
This same friend of mine loves hunting down bounties when other players become Wanted. There are a variety of reasons why a player may become Wanted, either stealing, damaging another players property or outright murdering them, and when this happens the whole server is alerted to the fact that there's a bounty out there. Not for much, generally just like 5-10 caps, but he likes the thrill of hunting them down, and "enforcing justice." He gets very maniacal about it. Despite only being around level 300, he still goes after the higher level bounties when they pop. So he goes after this level 500+ one day, assuring me he can handle it. And a few minutes later, "Psycho, I need you here, I can't handle it, this one is different!"
See though... if I come bail you out, how will you ever learn to do things yourself xD
"Psycho, please, he's killing me!"
Yeah, yeah. I do eventually make my way down there, and I see that this player has a trap camp set up. In big, bold letters on the side of his building he had written, "SUPPLIES INSIDE." But as soon as you stepped inside you got set on fire, and probably worse deeper in. And dude was in there, waiting, probably why he was wanted, probably picking off lower levels after trapping them. You kinda have to admire the work and ingenuity of these things when killing other players really doesn't even give you any substantial reward... Some people just like to RP as the literal psycho. My friend did eventually manage to gun him down, after I showed up and refused to help xD I just wanted to see it happen~




19:36 Jun 17 2024
Times Read: 579

A day before my birthday~
I like to think they did that just for me💗
Unironically, it is one of my favorite games.
A cute, pigtailed blonde wielding a chainsaw? Yuh~




06:06 Jun 17 2024
Times Read: 615

Met a guy yesterday on 76... And he told me he has a friend who it took her SIX YEARS to find the Red Asylum Uniform.
That hurts xD
He also said he knows a lot of groups who specifically server hop constantly, the way I do, looking for it. So... the odds of finding it are about 1 in 10,000, cut drastically by the fact that EVERYONE is looking for it. So it really is purely luck, getting on the right server at the right time that hasn't already been scavenged.
I did pick up this cute bear outfit.
Not sure I'll ever wear it, but it's a nice addition to my camp~
I've been slowly phasing Anthony out. Look, I get it, but... I've been very clear, and he just creeps me out with his behavior. Like telling me in exchange for the Red Asylum Uniform, assuming he finds it, he wants me to turn my notifications on for him. Nahhhh. He also gets super butthurt when I tell him that I'd never date him. He asks me why. Don't make me fucking say it. You're a fully grown-ass adult who has never had sex, a girlfriend, a job, and you still live with your parents. You've got absolute zero going for you, bud. Not to be THAT bitch. But I have some motherfucking standards. Like I was buying something, and he said something about how it was a waste of money. Cool, I have money to waste because I work. Some grown-ass adults work, and can spend their money on all the dumb shit they want because they have money. Meanwhile, your boy is sitting there talking about how he'll have money on his birthday from mommy and daddy. I swear, he's got the mind of a fucking 12 year old, but please, keep asking me why I'd never date you. And if he could just keep our friendship in game like I've asked, I'd be totally cool with him, but he constantly pushes for more, he acts like I'm his fucking girlfriend, and I know that if I don't walk away I'm going to hurt him. Not physically, but I'm going to blow up on him. I'm working on my explosive wrath, but he's really testing me xD




06:04 Jun 15 2024
Times Read: 650

Gotta love Miyazaki🖤
Must be why every NPC in his games dies horrifically~




18:35 Jun 14 2024
Times Read: 676

Having played the update now in 76 for a couple days I can safely say my opinion on it is pretty much... meh. Again, a lot of it just feels lazy. The boss fight is especially disappointing when you're literally just fighting three big robots who are all EXACTLY the same. They look the same, and from what I can tell, behave the same. You had the opportunity to do something really cool like three big robots who look totally different with wildly different, devastating abilities, and you decided, nah, we want three of EXACTLY THE SAME. You could've had them, after all three were down, second phase combine into one super megazord robot. There are a lot of things you could've done... and you went with the easiest, simplest most boring thing. It's disappointing. I get it, it's not a Dark Souls boss. But it COULD be xD
Then there's the new event they added which consists of collecting scrap, killing a handful of ghouls, and then a big hermit crab. That's literally it. It's not much, it's not particularly interesting, but it does seem to drop Improved Repair Kits on completion. At least I think it does because I went from 14 to 38 somehow in my inventory, and usually the only other event that drops them is Project Paradise... Unfortunately, it's a pretty underwhelming, unfun event especially when 20 people show up, and it's been running every 45 minutes so it's going WAY too often. It's just really depressing to me when the best feature of a new update is the way something looks, not what it does or how it functions. Honestly Bethesda, it took you how long to come up with these concepts? Just three big robots, huh? Wow.
On the bright side, the actual season 17 rewards are decent, and I'm about halfway to my scythe, and snazzy Reaper player Icon🖤




04:46 Jun 13 2024
Times Read: 711

Bethesda IS listening to me💀
Not too long ago I found a modeled scythe in game, and wondered why it wasn't actually usable as a weapon. Well here it is, a weapon.
Marshal Mallow🤍
When I first got on someone told me the Scoreboard didn't have anything good in it. There are actually several things I really want so it looks like a good season so far.
Now as for the actual update... There are some cool things.
Like a swirly red vortex in the middle of the new area. And you can actually see it from a good distance away. I really like the design of the new area, it's all very red and lightningy. It's a good aesthetic. But... the actual events feel very lazy. Particularly, there's a new boss fight, and it's pretty much just standing there, shooting three big robots. That's literally it. There's nothing special or interesting about it, just gun down three big robots. It's incredibly weak. There's also a new event where you fight the new electric ghoul variants, but so many people show up that you basically just stand there. I don't understand why they don't make these events 100% more difficult. I'm tired of the bullshit catering to lower levels. You are a level for such a short period of time, you spend so much more time higher than lower, and if the game is so difficult for the lowers in the more advanced areas, they should keep their asses in the starting zone. Why cripple the entire game just because of them? Let them venture out, let them die, they'll learn their lesson or they'll be the whiny bitches that cry the game is too hard, and good fucking riddance. I'm so tired of the gaming industry handicapping itself because people can't handle difficult games. If FromSoftware ever adds a difficulty setting, I'm done~




19:54 Jun 12 2024
Times Read: 763

If this is true, it's insanely disappointing to me. I've never used a guide in my life. Like... why? What's the point? Yes, please tell me exactly what to do, where to go, where to find everything, I don't want to put any effort into anything by myself. Why bother even playing if that's your attitude? Seriously? MOST players use guides?
This is the straw that made me realize humanity fucking disgusts me, it's utterly unrelatable xD
I'm waiting for the new Fallout update to download... A brand new season AND a new area on the map. It's a good day to Fallout💚☢️
The events calendar looks... ehhh. We're getting Fasnacht Day and Mothman Equinox again for some reason. I do think having holiday Scorched in July is kinda cool since it gives people the opportunity to get some of the holiday rewards before the end of the year when you'd want them to decorate your camp. Having gone through two years of holiday Scorched, I still don't have all the rewards from it. I would love to see some new events especially with the added map area. There are certain events I feel like they could definitely pull back on like Tea Time or Feed the People. Pretty much anything you can do yourself at level 20, get rid of. I think though, at almost level 750, I tend to forget how difficult the game can be when you start out. You don't have a good equipment, you don't have good stats, and you don't have mutations. Often times I run into lower levels who can barely sprint, and here I am basically flying~




15:31 Jun 11 2024
Times Read: 789

Anthony is so fucking cringey...
I had also told him about how you can easily make caps in 76 by hunting colored Asylum Uniforms. And I told him I'd pay him if he found the red. And his response to me was that he didn't care about caps or equipment, he would rather I turn on notifications for him on Discord instead in exchange for it.
And it's just like😮‍💨
The fact that I even let him add me on Discord is miraculous. And no one has notification privileges on my phone. Except for Wolfie. Even though Wolfie is gone. Anyway. That's just kinda how I've always been when it comes to messaging with everyone. It's nothing personal. Trying to strong-arm me into acknowledging his messages in exchange for a digital item... It just has ick-factor. And then he mentioned to me last night that I've never seen what he looks like. And I tried to, as politely as possible, tell him I don't fucking care xD Like, dude... come on. I just wanna game. It's not gonna happen, buddy, I am 100% not interested in you beyond gaming with you, and my tolerance for that gets pretty low when you do shit like this. I literally consider just completely blocking him every day because I feel like I haven't done anything wrong, but I don't want him to feel led on. I don't know how you could feel led on when I've been very firm about keeping it a gaming thing despite you perpetually trying to make it more. Even if I weren't already still in love with someone else, he would have absolutely zero chance with me. And I don't wanna be the bitch that tells him that point-blank. But it's about to be necessary.




22:30 Jun 10 2024
Times Read: 821

The Numen/Nox mystery continues to unfold further in my brain🤔




18:00 Jun 10 2024
Times Read: 845

Xbox fans, get the fuck over yourselves.
We get it, over here on the PS side, that your precious exclusives are the ONLY reason to buy your shitty, inferior consoles. But ya know. I personally don't fucking care either way what exclusive goes to what side. If Sony miraculously released Bloodborne to Xbox, my reaction would be, cool, more people can enjoy that game.
Not, omg, I hate the Xbox fanbase, they don't deserve it. For real. The fact that anyone wants anyone else to be blocked from playing a game is fucking pathetic. Admit it, you're mad you bought a worse console just to play Starfield or WORSE, just to play Halo xD Look, Halo is regurgitated, repetitive bullshit garbage, Master Chief can suck a dick, that's facts~




04:07 Jun 10 2024
Times Read: 872

Gee, who could have foreseen this~
The question is... what would Ghoul strengths and weaknesses be? Obviously resistant to radiation. But probably physically weaker than humans. I am excited to see a new "race" added to 76 because it opens the door for more. Like playing as a Super Mutant or a Mole Miner or a Synth. It just makes it feel like more of a proper RPG.




10:44 Jun 09 2024
Times Read: 923

Pulled two more Pink uniforms today. One of them was a fucking race. I spawned outside the Asylum a split second before some asshole, and they were right on my ass as I ran up to check for uniforms. Because I stopped to check the first room, he ran right to the second, and I sprinted into the bathroom where there was a pink uniform waiting for me. Pretty sure he tried to grab it before me because he was right behind me when I turned around, and when I checked his room there was a generic white. Too bad for him. I mighta let him have it if he didn't try to bumrush me. Hunting these uniforms is a legitimate sport inside 76. Sly really pissed me off recently... Because he was whining around about needing money to the point where he finally just asked me for 2,000 caps. Since I'm constantly at max caps, I gave it to him, no big deal. I also told him I'd show him how to make easy money, but he'd owe me. I told him about the uniforms, and how much they sell for, and only asked that if he found a red to bring it straight to me, I'd even give him all my caps for it. I wouldn't ask him to hand over such a valuable thing for nothing, in fact, I told him he could have anything I owned in game, except my gun. Look, if I had to choose between my gun and a Red Asylum Uniform... I choose my gun, it's an extension of me, it's the one thing you can't have. So we head to the Asylum, and I go in first with the intention of showing him the three specific spots to look. And he starts whining, "But if it's in there you're just gonna grab it, and I'll get nothing." And I tell ya... He's lucky I didn't just start shooting. That was my first urge. Cause not only did I literally, moments before, give him 2,000 caps for nothing, I was also being nice enough to show him exactly where the colored uniforms spawn so he could make even more money of he found one. That, and the fact that... I had already checked that server when I got on. That's pretty much immediately what I do any time I join a server, uniform check. So I already knew there wasn't one there. And his bitch-ass is whining. Really, really, REALLY put me off, possibly even worse than Anthony puts me off, and that's fucking hard to do. Why are all the men associated with me such ungrateful, disloyal, raging whiney little bitches? You can get the fuck off my team.
Also, cute carousel horses for my camp, so kawaii :3




07:06 Jun 07 2024
Times Read: 954

Speaking of Silent Hill... The $70 price tag on the Silent Hill 2 remake, in my opinion, is criminal. It's just plain fucking greed. Remake or not, Silent Hill isn't exactly a new concept, and you know the remake will NEVER outdo the original. I could not play the original Silent Hill 2 after the sun went down. If I was playing, and it got close to sunset, I'd turn it off. That's how mentally fucked it got me. When I see grown-ass men streaming games, and literally screaming like girls... these games aren't even scary. Banban and Poppy and Piggy and Freddy, ultimately not scary. Silent Hill 2 though... it isn't even a game you scream over, it's one you drop your controller, and run away from the TV because you literally feel scared for your life xD I just don't see the remake making that. And I think charging over maybe $40 is robbery for a game that ALREADY EXISTS.




20:08 Jun 06 2024
Times Read: 992

Elden Ring DLC AND season 17 of 76? That's a lot xD
People were convinced that the new season would drop today. I'm not sure why since 76 always drops shit on Tuesdays... Like always. Also, a typical season of 76 lasts about three months so end of June would be about right. The theme of season 17 is apparently going to be Sleepaway Camp. I dunno, the last few seasons have been really lackluster, I don't think anyone really liked the Atlantic City garbage. There is a pretty large new map area being released in world too, but... See, the problem with being a higher level character is that you're essentially a super hero. You can jump higher, run faster for longer, and fly to an extent. It kinda makes exploring a new area pretty insignificant. If they made this new area much more difficult than the rest of the map, then I could see the merit in it. But 76 has become this squishy excessively new-player friendly world, which I understand, but it leaves your veteran players out to dry doing extremely redundant baby level events, and then when a good event does pop, every overpowered asshole thinks they need to show up, and show out, and outdo everyone. It makes me feel like Bethesda didn't expect people to play past like level 150. I've seen several people, just this week, past level 4,000. So. Now one thing I will give Bethesda credit on.
A couple weeks ago, 76 put out a bundle in the shop called the Everything Pink Bundle. Naturally, I purchased this, pretty much exclusively for the pink Pipboy. But it showed a variety of pink items, and what made some people upset was that some pink items were shown in the bundle photos, but weren't actually included, one of which was this pink suit. It's kinda deceptive on Bethesda's part to include pictures of items that you won't actually be getting, but also it gives you a list of the exact items included so... ya know, literacy and all. But in a pretty cool move Bethesda then releases, for free, a pink shortsuit. Not something I'll personally wear or care about it, but good on them for somewhat making it right. I'll admit, I saw pink Pipboy, and immediately purchased, that's all I needed to know xD So I'm guilty of not reading. But I also don't give a fuck about a pink suit. I really like my pink jumpsuit. Unfortunately, when it first came out for Valentines Day, EVERYONE was wearing it. I don't really see anyone in it now. It especially put me off since everyone was pairing it with their god-awful Fasnacht Day masks. I will be missing the first week of round 2 Fasnacht Day at the end of June due to vacation. But... I'll also be missing the drop of the new season. I feel like Bethesda is a little bit stupid for releasing their new season 4 days after Elden Ring drops it's DLC... but that's just me~




06:55 Jun 06 2024
Times Read: 1,019

Another Pink and another Forest...
In one day...
So I ended up giving Anthony one of the Forest because somehow, despite a like 1% spawn rate, I have like six of them, and they're an easy 15-25,000.
And then someone messaged me asking if I had any "rare apparel" for sale. Probably because they had just bought a Pink off me for 15,000. Yeah, ask me if I have a Red to sell, I'll laugh you off the server.
Yep, Fallout is definitely fucking with me.




20:38 Jun 03 2024
Times Read: 1,069

Apparently... season 17 of 76 is about to drop within the next couple DAYS🤯
I had no idea. I feel like we haven't even been in 16 that long. I'm not even done with the season 16 scoreboard. I'm mostly done, I only have the last bonus page left, but still. They're supposed to be releasing a massive update with a brand new area including a vault full of ghouls. I feel like the ghouls need better representation in 76. It would be really awesome if they were Children of Atom ghouls... Because I don't think the CoA have any presence yet in 76. There are a lot of factions they haven't really brought into the game, it's pretty basic Settlers vs Raiders. There are the Super Mutants, but there's no area with friendly Mutants which I personally would like to see. There's one friendly mutant in game, Graham a wandering merchant. I think it would also be interesting if the game allowed you to be a mutant, ghoul or even a synth. Maybe a Mole Miner? I could see so many ways to improve 76, even now, and it seems like they prefer to waste their time on worthless expeditions that no body likes. The Atlantic City update was a major letdown for a lot of people because it doesn't offer a new area to the main map, you have to leave, basically like going into a DLC. I would rather just have a new main map area, and please, some new events. And I'd like a pink paint for my Fixer xD
Since someone has been spotted marauding around in MY outfit, I'm switching it up back to pink everything including my snazzy new pink Pipboy💗




08:31 Jun 03 2024
Times Read: 1,105

You know the game is fucking with you when you have 4 Forest, and NOT A SINGLE RED.




19:46 Jun 02 2024
Times Read: 1,148

This item is very intriguing to me... Because it's oddly specific. Why would Godrick take it? Why "Marika's Mischief"? Did Marika have a thing for pulling pranks by mimicking objects around Lyndell? The Nox created the Silver Tears which are formless beings who can take the shape of other beings, aka Mimic Tears. If the Nox are the Numen, and Marika is Numen then maybe it makes sense why she might have this item, but like... what or who was she mimicking?
Interesting that it says "lord" not "Elden Lord." The Nox were waiting for, "...the coming age of the stars. And their Lord of Night." Which seems pretty oppositional to the Greater Will. Which... is probably why the Greater Will literally shoved their entire civilization under ground xD That, and then there's the Fingerslayer Blade found in their city. Possibly why the Greater Will sent big space bug to stomp on their city AFTER it was shoved underground, maybe it was looking for that dagger.
Born of a corpse, can harm the Greater Will. How, why, and where do you even get something that can harm an Outer God? WHOSE CORPSE? There's gotta be BIGGER things out there than the Greater Will... if something can damage it.
But how does Marika come into play in all this? If I watched my entire race get punished, I might be pissed off enough to try to derail shit for the deity who did it. Maybe that's why she shatters the Elden Ring.
If you think my mindless ramblings on here are bad, you should hear me actually trying to vocally articulate this shit xD Because people play Elden Ring with me they always have a lot of questions about the lore, and it's just like, here we go, where do I even start💀




08:02 Jun 02 2024
Times Read: 1,187

When a level 4,000+ strolls into your camp, and calmly lays 50 Live and Love magazines at your feet...
I spent the evening with Sly, avoiding Anthony. I can't deal with him every fucking day. First he tells me, "I'll wait for you," and then he's telling me that he doesn't play Elden Ring without me because it's "our" game.
No it fucking ain't xD
Cause uh... I'm lever 98 on my latest character, Rivers of Blood in hand, a step away from the Haligtree. I haven't been waiting. Meanwhile, he's still at Godrick. Coulda been grinding this whole time, but nah, he apparently refuses to play without me. And I've been as clear with him as possible that... I'm not interested in him or ANYONE. I don't want him to feel led on, and I don't think I've been leading him on because I haven't reciprocated anything towards him except a mutual interest in gaming. I've told him about Wolfie, obviously if you hear that, you gotta know that I'm not going to move on. Boundaries. There's nothing that's "ours", Elden Ring isn't our special time together, cause ya know... I'd pretty much play it or talk about it with anyone. I'm not your best friend, stop waiting for me to do things.
My allure is simply too strong xD




07:10 Jun 01 2024
Times Read: 1,109

So two of my friend groups clashed today in Fallout, Sly and Anthony. Now when it comes to Anthony... obviously he thinks our friendship is several levels deeper than what it is. It happens to me with most people, most people get overly attached to me far, far quicker than I attach, if ever, to them. Maybe I'm just socially inept... I dunno xD I always feel like people get attached to me much deeper than I attach to anyone. I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday while we were playing Elden Ring. And he's a cool guy or whatever, he doesn't annoy me. But he had mentioned something to me about how if I don't see him online for a couple days that I shouldn't worry, he had some medical procedure or whatever. And my response was maybe kinda rude... but like, I mean, I wouldn't worry anyway xD Cause ya know... on my side of things, we're like casual gaming friends, we don't talk or play together every day, I don't worry when I don't see him, or anyone else, on. I dunno, I don't obsessively think about people when they're not around or wonder what they're doing. Except Wolfie. But like... that's a person I was in a longterm relationship with. Not just someone I occasionally game with. I think maybe I hurt his feelings, but... it's not that I specifically don't care or hope for the worst for you, I just don't think about you when you're not around. No offense xD It's like Anthony telling me he'll wait for me, and I'm his best friend. That's... nice from someone I've known a couple weeks? You're not my best friend, but that's cool xD I don't wanna be mean, but it's like people get attached to me on a level that isn't mutual, and it makes it kinda awkward. So that's kinda how I feel with Anthony, a little awkward. But I'm soft-hearted, and completely blocking someone out just for being a little over-enthusiastic in liking me, that's a bit cruel. So I hopped on Fallout with him, and a couple hours in, here comes Sly. I haven't really talked to Sly much lately because he hasn't been on 76, he seems to understand thay barrier of just being gaming buddies. He joined up with us, and Sly is very outspoken, he tends to talk a lot so Anthony was very quiet for the, I dunno, 30 minutes we were all teamed up together, until suddenly Anthony pms me that Sly is super annoying so he's leaving the game. And it's just kinda childish, in my opinion. Is Sly kinda loud and annoying? Yes xD In fact, when Anthony left, Sly asked me, "Tell me truthfully, why'd he suddenly leave?" And I told him. Cause not only did Anthony mention how annoying he finds Sly, but he also mentioned like 5 times that Sly was "cursing too much."
Anthony... you are probably the most uncool person I've ever met xD like, really? I dunno. If you wanna be my friend, you don't have to like my other friends, but don't be a little bitch about it. I didn't realize we were all 12 years old, watch your fucking language, fellas. We're in a game, mercilessly shooting shit, and you're offended by the prolific use of the word "fuck"?



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