Yandere's Journal

Yandere's Journal


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28 entries this month

11:24 Jan 31 2024
Times Read: 166

Big pink gun💗
And new baby pink power armor.
Of course, I don't use PA. But I have my other pink set on display at my camp. So I'd like to have this one too. Spending that many atoms just to display it? Yes xD I am kinda interested in doing a heavy guns build though if I can do it with a big pink gun. Like obviously.




09:53 Jan 30 2024
Times Read: 210

Didn't get on Fallout til late tonight. I felt like running solo, I dunno why, just my mood, I guess... But then Jelly showed up in my private server, and I joined up with him, Sly and Clap. I could tell Jelly had been hanging around Sly for awhile because he was much more talkative tonight, and they were giving each other shit all buddy/buddy. Probably because they're the same age. When Sly saw me he ran up, "You would've been so proud, I dropped so much stuff on this level 2 guy."
I am proud. My team doing good out there when I'm not even around. That's how you know you raised em right. Jelly also went up to nearly level 50 from 25, but he also said he played all fucking day xD I told them that once the Elden Ring DLC drops I'll probably be gone for a couple weeks at least. They were not thrilled about that. They shut the game down to update it, probably getting ready for the Valentines Day event, and Fasnacht Day bullshit. I just don't like half my events for two weeks straight being that dumbass robot parade... Too many fucking people show up for it every fucking time. Like me, if I'm on for a few hours I might go a couple times. But it runs every 30 minutes, and there are people who show up every time, and it just makes for so many unnecessary people... I wish it had a limit like Wendigo Collosus, only 6 people can do it at once, go in, in groups. Fasnacht Day breaks down like this: You show up, and there are a few mini quests to do, mostly gathering stuff. After that you have to protect a robot parade from like less than 10 Super Mutants who come to attack. That's basically it. Imagine 20 people showing up for this. It means most of them end up standing around doing nothing for 15 minutes. It's just annoying. And people love this event. I understand it's a once a year thing, but it's so boring. People place their bases right up against the edge of the event just so they can camp it. People have these camps on standby all fucking year just waiting for this dumb event. It blows my mind. I show up because I want the rarer rewards. So I try to time it where I end up going towards the end of the event because I just don't give a fuck about gathering honey, and killing maybe one Super Mutant. Turn it into Eviction Notice, give me a Super Mutant onslaught, that's worth showing up for. I don't remember there being a Valentines Day event last year, but that was also about the time I started feeling a bit burned out, and was playing less. Realizing that I could just swap servers to get away from douchebags really fixed my burnout. Now when I go to an event, and some level 1000 idiot is hurling mini nukes, I just fucking leave. A lot of people complain that you get shuffled into random servers, but I prefer it, it makes getting away from assholes extremely easy. And it means you're always playing with new people. There's always room on team Bunny for new recruits~♡
Unless you clash with our dynamic. I think Sly kinda got the hint that I'm not feeling Mayhem or Bot so much because they're technically his friends, and he hasn't brought them back to the group in a couple days. No loss there, Jelly is a better fit. Imma start calling him and Sly, Peanut Butter and Jelly xD They're always like, "Psycho, he's insulting me, do something."
My leadership skills on full display... I tell them to go shoot each other til they feel better xD




13:00 Jan 29 2024
Times Read: 239

Welcomed a new member to the squad tonight, Jelly. He's a level 25, knows almost nothing about Fallout so me and Sly gave him a ton of stuff, helped him with some quests. We found him wandering, asking people for spare wood so we took him into the group, he seems cool. Kinda quiet, lotta questions though. It's a little insulting... but when we talk to new people, they always think one of the guys is the level 500. I'm just like, nah, hi, that's me xD To be fair, Sly does most of the talking, he's one of those people who can't stand silence so he's either talking or singing or crunching or whatever constantly. But let's be real... most of his 76 knowledge has come from me. But I'm glad he's spreading it. No sign of Maybem or Bot tonight which honestly suits me. They just don't link up with the vibe of everyone else, they don't match our dynamic. There's absolutely room in 76 to be a degenerate filthy raider who runs around just to cause trouble. There's just no room for that on my squad. I want people who want to be helpful around the world. You don't have to be a golden boy. Just don't be a senseless asshole. PVP and PVE is totally a thing. But don't go attacking the weak. Don't run around killing for nothing. The new kid asked me how often we play. It's been every day xD Which is normal for me. It really helps keep my mind off other things. It's not that I actively avoid thinking about Wolfie. It's just that if I allow myself to sink into it, it's hard to get out. If I stop to think about it, I realize how much I miss him. It's not bad to miss someone. But it kinda sucks the happiness out of you. And I'm trying to be happy. Wolfie would want it that way. I never realized what a natural leader I am, but the main thing about being a leader is taking care of everyone else, and that's something I do best~♡




10:13 Jan 28 2024
Times Read: 278

In my gaming group no body goes by their actual name. In fact, I have no idea what the guy's real names are because I've never cared to ask xD But our names make us sound like a real ragtag group of degenerates. Cause you got Mayhem, Sly, Clap, Bot and then there's me, Psycho. Personally I think I have the best name... I'm also the highest level, and the oldest amongst us so I'm the fucking alpha provider. Also the only female which is a bit odd because I know for a fact there are a lot of other females on there, I've met a lot of them. Mayhem and Bot play female characters, but they're definitely dudes. Amd they're probably the most annoying I'm the group. I mean, look... I understand having fun in a game, but if you're going to be under my banner you need to behave somewhat respectably. And walking around like douchebags, making fun of people and killing lower levels, don't make me show up. Cause I tend to do my own thing unless someone needs something it needs help or wants to do a team thing, otherwise I'm generally off running events, leveling up. Bot actually kinda rubbed me wrong tonight because Project Paradise popped, and I went to it alone, and he was mouthing, "Ok, good luck doing that event by yourself, you're gonna learn a hard lesson, buddy." Listen you lil level 300 bitch... I was running this event solo in the 200s. So the fact that you can't solo it in the 300s speaks volumes about YOUR skill level. Please. Feel free to show up, and just stand there so I can teach your dumb ass how to play. You obviously need it.
And I have to remind myself, these are guys in their 20s, it's normal to be an obnoxious asshole. But dude... I was gaming at least 10 years before you were ever conceived. Sorry you suck, shut the fuck up. So Sly left, and brought me and Clap to a different party because he was also getting frustrated with those other two idiots just like very loudly running around, killing people for nothing, mouthing, just being dumbasses. Sly is the youngest, and he's a good kid, Clap too, they're pretty genuine, and they're also the lowest levels so I tend to help them out most. I'm sitting at 549 right now. I really wanted to hit 550, but it was like 3am xD I can't marathon 18 hour sessions anymore, I'm usually in it a few hours before I'm done especially in a game like 76 where I've already done everything like 100x over. There's supposed to be a sizable map expansion to 76 at some point this year, not an expedition, an actually new world area to the South. There's a Vault down there that's never been used for anything so I think we're going to see it finally open...




07:38 Jan 26 2024
Times Read: 325

You know what I love about gaming online with strangers? I don't have to talk about my personal life at all. There's no asking about my day or about Wolfie or about my life at all. It's just, hey, what's up, alright, let's get to it, let's shoot some shit. It's socializing without being personal, and I personally enjoy that. I think that's part of why I had to unfriend the one guy because he wanted to take things onto Discord immediately when I would rather keep gamer friends on the ps5. Unless I'm REALLY feeling you. What's wrong with having friends that you just simply game with? It doesn't need to be more than that. Especially when you're in game creepy giving me rings... Like, slow the fuck down, desperado xD I'm not saying you can't be a closer friend who is also a gamer because obviously pretty much all of my close friends are gamers. But I didn't meet them on games. I dunno, I just like being able to get on, and play without any extended bullshit. I really have no desire to talk about my personal life with a bunch of 20 year old dudes xD And thankfully none of them have hit on me. There's the two from last night, then there was another new one in the team today that one of the guys from last night met, and brought in. I did my first Daily Op on a team. Actually did worse than when I go solo xD I'm not sure how that's possible. But I like this group. They don't treat me like some hot girl they need to impress or some dumb girl who can't game. I'm just teamleader. I like that~♡




20:38 Jan 25 2024
Times Read: 364

That chest pain inducing final minute when you're yelling, "DIEDIEDIEDIE!" at the boss xD
Daily Ops... are the worst. But also the best. When you're the best~♡
My cat was meowing in the background last night so one of the guys was talking to me about cats, and he says to me, "You know what I like more than cats? Rabbits."
Oh really?
"Yeah, I have rwo rabbits, Hera and Persephone."
Of course you do xD
It's a pretty funny coincidence coming from someone who has known me all of an hour. He actually impressed me because this other poor guy must've pissed someone off cause someone launched a nuke right on top of his camp. So he wanted to go watch it explode, and we did. And afterward as we were examining the absolute wreckage of this guy's camp, he started to repair his stuff. That's the kinda wholesome shit I like on my team especially from a much lower level who isn't sitting on 1000+ pounds of scrap xD It's nice to see, I'm glad I gave him all the free shit I did, he's a good kid. To me anyway an early 20 year old is a fucking kid, you're closer in age to my nieces, and nephews than to me xD Honestly, that's who he kept reminding me of was my oldest nephews. Being a dumbass, but a helpful dumbass.




09:14 Jan 25 2024
Times Read: 392

Ended up spending my night with two young men on Fallout xD They were arguing with each other about which one was older because the 23 year old was like, "I bet I'm the oldest one in this party." Oh, you're precious... Then proceed to tell me I sound like a teenager, and if I were born in 1988 then I'd be in my 40s.
Whoever said you gotta be smart to be a nerd... Basic math is not a life skill or anything.
I met the first guy in Test Your Metal. He was level 50 at the time, and we were the only two people there so he asked me if we should wait for other people or go ahead and start. I advised to wait... Test Your Metal isn't as difficult as it used to be, but still. I then had him come to my camp so I could give him some stuff, including a few mutation serums. The sheer joy when I gave him his first marsupial... It really is a complete game changer to be able to jump that much higher. I told him next we need to work on getting a jetpack. Although... he's running a heavier build so maybe better to get him the power armor jetpack. Which is easy, I usually have them in my vending machine from fighting Scorchbeast Queen. He's level 50, and I found out he hasn't done ANY of the main quest line. Awesome xD I mean, I get it, the main quest is boring, but it's worth it for the Secret Service gear. So I spent the whole night being pulled between the two of them, trying to help them both because the other guy was level 120, but he also had done very little of the main story. It's kinda nice having someone to pass my useless Fallout knowledge on to. My apprentice😈
Eventually the two of them get to talking... and somehow they get on the topic of Russia. And, "Why doesn't the US just bomb the shit outta them, and be done with it." ...No. bad dogs. Bad, ignorant, intolerant bitches. It's not just the fact that Wolfie is Russian, and that's probably exactly where he is. But it's also like... an extremely dumbass view to just kill people like it's nothing. If your only opinion on anything is formed solely based on what you've seen in the media, shut the fuck up. If you're not there, you don't know the truth of what's actually happening and why. People are people. And yes, some are very bad. But most are just... people. They live their lives, they have families, they just want to feel comfortable and safe. I don't like gang-up mentality. I don't like destroying all of something just to get rid of the bad, no matter how much good is there. That's not the way.
I couldn't resist getting the bubble machine...




11:06 Jan 24 2024
Times Read: 436

What I wouldn't give sometimes to have one solid person in Radiation Rumble... There are two parts to winning Radiation Rumble: Protecting the 4 scavengers up top, and getting ore from the tunnels beneath. No one ever wants to do the tunnels, except me, I like doing it. The problem comes in when everyone up top is underleveled, and can't competently protect the scavengers from the onslaught of enemies. I can't do both. So it comes down to I either go down, and get the ore which leads to the scavengers dying so we lose, or I stay and protect them and absolutely no one else goes down into the tunnels to get the ore so we lose. I feel like I always end up with a group of level 100s who don't know what they're doing xD You don't even have to keep all four scavengers alive, just circle around ONE. But no. If there's one thing I've learned while playing online with other people, it's that most other people are bad at gaming. Like very mediocre. But they think they're good. So they will trample you or stand in your way or shoot you, and it's just like, dude, low level bitch, GET OUT OF MY WAY. No offense xD I'm trying to get us a win here. It happens in Eviction Notice too often. I'll go down to Firestarters, come back to the radscrubber on like 7 seconds of life with several people milling around it, WHY AREN'T ANY OF YOU ASSHOLES REPAIRING THE RADSCRUBBER?
I fucking hate Firestarters.
A Firestarter is a Super Mutant that shoots balls of fire, and they tend to kill me pretty much instantly if they hit me. So I'm always giddy when I get the drop on one, and manage to kill it quickly. A couple updates ago they majorly nerfed fire/lasers so Mr. Handys and assaultrons aren't nearly as deadly anymore, but Firestarters appear to be unaffected.
The Daily Op was a real bitch. Fast robots with armor piercing rounds so I was dying to like 2 hits every fucking time one shot at me. I got so stressed I finally was like, no, I've had enough Fallout today xD It's highly recommended to do Daily Ops in a team. But... fuck that, I'm stubborn, I ain't ever needed a team. I was actually in my private server earlier trying to figure out how to build a floating camp when suddenly someone walks up to me, waving. Spooked the Hell outta me there shouldn't be anyone in MY server. It was a guy who added me recently, and if you see your friends on their private server you can join them. But... you don't just enter a lady's private server without asking or invitation, that's bad manners xD Fucking violated.
I was cracking up at this guy who spawned in next to me at Scorchbeast Queen. He was level 20, and you could tell it was his first time because he was freaking out, "Oh wow, I shouldn't be here, I definitely shouldn't be here, right?" I tried to reassure him... Calm down. Get low. Stay the fuck outta my way while I handle this bitch~♡
And then I almost died xD Look, I had a Fogcrawler up my ass, and she was smacking me in the head. I didn't die. Just almost. I love fighting Scorchbeast Queen. Especially getting her to land right on top of me. Nothing makes you feel more like the chosen one than getting her down right on you~♡
It'd be awesome if the game had a grappling system so you could actually attach to her when she goes into the air. That's one of my favorite things about Dragon's Dogma, the fact yp7 can climb onto these big enemies, and stab them straight in the head. I would also love a dodge button. I just think it'd make melee more viable if you could Dark Souls style roll. I've been watching Fallout lore videos, and it's insanely interesting to Mr to see how the games have evolved from the original. The jump from 2 to 3 is crazy.




21:45 Jan 22 2024
Times Read: 488

I'm trying to get Cheshire into Elden Ring. He's playing Cyberpunk which is something I've never really looked into, it just doesn't sound like something I'd like. But I told him that I could never respect him as a man, especially as a man who is possibly interested in me, who can't beat Elden Ring xD Just being honest. Like beat Malenia and everything. It's not even that hard. Most of Elden Ring is actually pretty easy. Which I understand is easy to say when you've played as much FromSoftware as I have... But even still. If you've ever played any RPG ever then it's really simple. Are you a warrior, mage or a rogue? You wanna use a sword, bow, spear, scythe? You wanna be fast or tanky? See, using magic is the interest one because there are so many mage builds you can do. I always say I'm going to run magic in Elden Ring, but then I always fall back into my rogueish ways because it's what's easy to me, it's what I do. It takes too long to cast spells, I hate just standing there casting, I wanna stab things xD
Cheshire says he's been worried about me...
Why worried? I'm fine, it's fine, everything's fine xD
It bums me out though that Cheshire has so many like... self image issues. I get that's what trauma does to you especially as a kid. If you're not secure as a child, in any way, you grow up super insecure as an adult. It's not your fault. Like not just insecure in how you look, but also in how you are as a person at your core. If you grow up being told you're worthless, it's hard to see yourself as anything else. You have to work harder than everyone to prove you're worth something to yourself. It's fucked.
Cheshire, if you're reading this... because I see you visit my profile all the time xD If you read this, you are awesome. And you're fucking HOT. Like really, dude. You're a catch. Play Elden Ring, and we'll talk😘❤️
Just kidding xD
That would be a hilarious prerequisite for dating me. I'm gonna need to see on your resume that you've fully beaten Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 1-3, Bloodborne and Elden Ring. DLC included. Then pass a full written exam about the lore of all these games. Standard procedure, you understand.




08:15 Jan 22 2024
Times Read: 520

Aliens are just space goblins.




09:53 Jan 21 2024
Times Read: 571

Like a unicorn in the wild...
Just mythical💗
There's a unicorn in Oblivion, right? I feel like I remember immediately going to find it then being bummed you can't keep it.
But yeah. Surprisingly, I got this slice from my slot machine. I hit jackpot first time trying it out, and it gave me 1000 caps + pie. Obviously it's more satisfying to get this pie from the actual machines... But still. I also found another yellow Asylum Uniform.
It kinda cracks me up that Xbox players are upset about their previous exclusives possibly coming to other consoles.
Who the fuck cares?
You think I'd grab the pitchfork and torches if they put Bloodborne on Xbox? Hell no. Like, honestly, why do you care? Let's be real, Xbox is the inferior console compared to Playstation and even Nintendo. And I'm allowed to say this because experience. PS2 vs N64 vs Original Xbox, guess which one doesn't work anymore? PS3 vs 360, same thing. And I almost think Microsoft is scummy enough to build their consoles to die just so you have to buy a new one every couple years. I have an Xbox One, I rarely use it, but I'm waiting for the day I go to turn it on, and it's also dead xD Meanwhile... Playstation has never let me down, 2, 3, 4 and 5 all in working condition. You can be a butthurt fanboy all you want, facts are facts. If Wolfie were here he'd say neither can compete with PC. But he's not so... Playstation wins by default. I have absolutely no interest in any exclusives Xbox has dished out. Yes, that includes Starfield. Because from what I've heard... it ain't worth the hype it got. Maybe it'll turn it around like 76 did. To this day people constantly ask if Fallout 76 is worth playing... Yes! I'm only level 532 now so I dunno if my opinion means anything, but yeah, it's pretty fucking rad, you should probably try it if you're into Fallout at all. Well... if you liked Fallout 4. Because then we've got the butthurt Fallout fanboys mad that it wasn't Fallout 3. My suggestion if you didn't like Fallout 4 the first time because I also didn't, try it again, it's better the second time. It's funny because looking back on it I don't think I ever crafted ammo in 4, but in 76 it's completely normal for me to constantly have 15,000 rounds on me at all times, and still craft more several times a ssession. That and finding the balance in my weapon of damage vs durability. Cause... certain mods may make your weapon more powerful, but it's not really worth it if your weapon breaks every five minutes. Same thing with bloodied build. It's pretty satisfying though to watch some level 700+ bloodied rush ahead in an event, and get immediately annihilated by a fucking molerat xD




11:30 Jan 20 2024
Times Read: 617

I wholeheartedly disagree.
Leave Bloodborne alone you worthless fucking hacks~♡
It really annoys the fuck outta me all the people crying for a "remaster/remake." This is a game that came out in 2015... It's not nearly old enough to need that. Not to mention, it still looks pretty spectacular. I think people are trying to fill the void of Bloodborne 2. Hey, guess what... there could still be a Bloodborne 2. Some day. And all you fuckers will hate it as much as you hated Dark Souls 2. So shut the fuck up. I will fight you xD




02:39 Jan 18 2024
Times Read: 664

I didn't really think about it... But if you're bloodied build in Fallout then my camp could absolutely kill you. Last night I had teleported to Spin the Wheel which is an event in Nuka-World. It's a well known fact that NW, and the surrounding Ash Heap area is super crashy. So it's about a 50/50 chance I crash just from going there. So I went, crashed, but before I did I noticed someone was at my camp. A couple minutes later I get a friend request, and a message from this person telling me how much they loved my trap camp...
I don't have a trap camp xD
But I guess if you're standing in it, and I suddenly leave the server then you're gonna fucking plummet. And technically you could force plummet people if you put your camp up while they're standing in it... So it COULD be a trap camp if you were fucking evil. Or just didn't particularly like the person standing there. Especially if they're bloodied build with like no health😈
The fall doesn't kill me, but I have a jetpack, and mutations that specifically counteract fall damage. You'd have to drop me from the fucking moon to kill me with fall damage. If you die at my camp technically it's the fall killing you, not me xD Yet another reason why bloodied build is for idiots. Like I was watching this guy in Radiation Rumble, and he was one-shotting ghouls, but... they were also one-shotting him. Is it worth instakilling things if you die like 10 tens in one event? I'm gonna say no. I don't stand behind the instakill ideology. Just makes you look like you're compensating for something watching you desperately try to kill everything before everyone else. Chill the fuck out.
I had the perfect situation happen. I was running Moonshine Jamboree. I picked out my spot, the event started, all good. Now Moonshine Jamboree has a pretty large open area with plenty of places to stand, really anywhere. Aboit halfway in some motherfucker comes, and stands RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. Like literally completely blocking me right in front of me. So I step around them, in front of them which apparently pisses them off because they start jumping around in front of me, again trying to block me. And it's like... ok, you were rude first though, low level little bitch xD So I definitely would kill them in a heartbeat if they showed up at my camp. Recently I was telling Cheshire what I would to someone we were discussing, something about how what I'd do to this person would make Jigsaw look like a Care Bear... And he tells me it's not worth the negative karma. I just don't think there's negative karma in vanquishing evil. You're doing Universal good. That's definitely points into Good alignment xD And if not... I'd take the hit to give some people what they deserve~♡




08:31 Jan 17 2024
Times Read: 708

I'm ready. I need it now more than ever xD
I'm wondering how much it's going to cost. Can you imagine DLC costing as much as the game? The Bloodborne DLC was $30 when it came out, but it added like... half of a game into the fucking game. And Bloodborne has the best DLC I've ever seen implemented. Because not only does it add a lot of content, but it adds a lot to the story too. Dark Souls DLC does this too. So I'm confident that Elden Ring's DLC is going to be significant. And that's why I want it. I wanna know what's going to be revealed... Like are we gonna learn more about Godwyn or Miquella? Is Miquella possibly still alive? I feel like he'd be pretty bummed considering what you do to his sister💀
I've been running Daily Ops on Fallout. The only thing I can't handle is aliens... And maybe it's just because it always seems like aliens have the cloaked mutation. So they're invisible AND hitting you hard enough to kill you in a couple hits. That's sure fun over and over and over...
Aside from gaming, I've made amazing sales this week. It kinda lagged after Christmas which is normal, but I think with tax season coming on people are spending more. I've definitely got some stuff I want to buy, but I always do.
This question pisses me off though...
Yeah, sure, let me just tell you exactly what I sell, how much for, and where I source it. Allow me to give you my entire business model so you can copy it, and be in direct competition with me using my own shit. Like... why the fuck would anyone who sells anything successfully tell you how they do it? And this question gets asked ALL the time. It's not necessarily a secret to success, you just have to not be a complete dumbass. So unfortunately most of humanity doesn't qualify.
Miquella could be alive. Ranni could be "alive." Possibly even Rykard could be alive in some form. I guess if you never fight Malenia she could be alive. I guess it depends on where in the timeline the DLC takes place. Dark Souls, and Bloodborne both do some time-traveling in theirs. Well I guess Bloodborne doesn't really technically travel through time, more like through dimensions or consciousness. One of the biggest mysteries in Elden Ring is how the Night of the Black Knives actually went down. I don't think it'll go into that... but it would be intensely fascinating to see. I can't wait to get back into the lore. Much as I love playing Fallout, it's not necessarily a game I'm super into lore wise. I'm not saying the story isn't interesting... but there's not really anything to speculate or think on in them. That's one thing I love about FromSoftware games, they really make you think. And they fuck you hard. Which I personally enjoy~♡




03:18 Jan 17 2024
Times Read: 740

If more paladins looked like this... I might find them a little more bearable xD
What can I say about Tiny Tina's Wonderlands...
It's chaotic, colorful, random, impulsive, and adorable.
Reminds me a lot of me...
But it's also really fucking stupid. And some of my favorite games are really fucking stupid. Saint's Row or Lollipop Chainsaw.
But the humor is... very extremely childish. I dunno, it's not really hitting me.
I can't tell if I love it or hate it. Maybe both.




22:59 Jan 16 2024
Times Read: 769

I decided to try Tiny Tina's Wonderland...
This game already seems to really get me xD
Alternatively... it's also very cutesy. And definitely holds your hand... Which I'm not crazy about in an rpg. I prefer to be dropkicked straight into the pit. But that's just me.




12:37 Jan 14 2024
Times Read: 823

My oldest nephew has been playing the 2018 God of War on my PS5. He gets to a boss that's just annihilating him over, and over, and he's really raging about, "There's not enough healing to fight this guy, it's not fair," whining like a real baby. Like, who the fuck raised you to game, you ain't mine.
My advice, which he claims didn't help him at all, was get good, stop getting hit.
That's pretty solid, in my opinion xD
I mean, come on, it's not fucking Dark Souls, just do it already. But this is the same kid who gave up on Elden Ring. I think a lot of people get infuriated at FromSoftware games because the enemies respawn, and it's like they don't understand that's a key concept in the games... to keep killing things so you can level up. That's pretty key in most games I'd say, but for whatever reason people give up on FS games because of this. At least in Elden Rinf you have a healing source that replenishes itself. Imagine playing Demon's Souls which forces you to buy your own healing items. The key to this is to get to second level Shrine of Storms, kill Reaper, and all his ghost bros, and buy all the grass you can from the grave digger guy. Easy way to load up on mid-level healing. Just don't die. They did end up bringing the World Tendency thing over into the remake, and... if you die too much, your tendency goes black, and you'd think if you were dying a lot and struggling that the game might take pity on you, but no, if you really suck it takes the opportunity to fuck you harder. And I kinda love that concept, something I wish they'd carried into their other games. It forces you to overcome. I like that. I hate that developers feel like they need to make games easier for all the whiny little bitches out there. Hey, whiny little bitches, stop playing difficult games then crying that they're difficult. Go back to Hello Kitty Happy Party Pals where you belong.




05:48 Jan 13 2024
Times Read: 865

One thing I've never noticed...
There's an empty throne beside Queen Annalise. She's the Vileblood Queen. It never mentions a King...
I've got the urge to go through Bloodborne again. But there are rumors that Elden Ring DLC is coming out next month... That would definitely be an appropriate start to Year of the Dragon, a Universal blessing~♡




04:50 Jan 12 2024
Times Read: 907

I'm in Fallout 76, I load into Encryptid which is a special event where you summon the Sheepsquatch to fight. I get there, and I hear PORN coming from some assholes mic. Like, a very explicit sexual novel being read out loud and clear. "Trembling" and "shaft" and "pussy" all very LOUD in my ears xD
I just... how fucking immature do you gotta be? How desperate for attention are you? Cause you gotta be to go into an open server, into a popular event with like 10+ people there with porn blaring out over your mic.
Wow. You're so fucking funny. It sure is awesome possibly exposing children to that shit, huh? I was talking about that with Cheshire a couple days ago, how I've never ran into a child in FO76 on mic like you would perhaps run into in droves on games like Fortnite or GTA. I think that's partially because Fallout isn't necessarily an easy game to start. Sure, you can just run around, and shoot shit, but to actually create a proper survivable, powerful character, you need a level of patience and intelligence that most children don't have. Then again... you've got some real idiotic adults on there who do shit like this. I would say he probably was some dumbass kid, but no, he eventually spoke, and definitely sounded like an adult. When he finally spoke I flipped my mic on to have words with this fucking idiot, and my game crashed. That is the hand of the gods striking me down... No, Bunny xD I know that me brutally insulting this motherfucker would have zero effect on his behavior. But it would've made me feel better to tell him what a disgusting, creepy, completely worthless idiot he is that I'd be willing to bet a billion dollars no woman has ever even considered touching.
Off topic: I've been watching these documentaries on incel killers... And it kinda fascinates me that so many of these men who claim they were completely rejected by the female population, and that's why they ultimately killed people... Many of them have this soaring high, godlike opinion of themselves, and it's not that all women rejected them, it's that ATTRACTIVE women rejected them. Like I look at Elliot Rodger, and I can understand having a "type" of person you find most physically attractive, I think most people do, but I think most people don't limit themselves to specifically having that or nothing at all, and he of course wanted the eternally classic super hot blonde girlfriend. But everyone who knew him said he never approached women, he expected them to fucking kneel to him with no effort from him. And women can definitely pursue men. Hard to believe, but I'm the one who pursued Wolfie. He tried to keep it very friend-zone at the start, but once I realized that I was attracted to him, and I had a thing for him... I made myself known xD I remember asking him why he never flirted with me because the first few weeks if knowing each other he was very proper with me. "I was trying to be a gentlemen..." Don't be a gentleman, just grab me already~♡
That's how I am with guys. When I realize that I like you, I can be a little aggressive. But you can't expect people to fall all over you outta nowhere. You have to put yourself out there to some degree just to meet people. All of that was only able to happen because Wolfie initially approached me. I pursued him, but he approached me first.
Also having a set physical vision of the person you want to be with... It just seems stupid because sure, maybe you like blondes, but then you fall for a redhead. If you're lucky you end up with someone like me, and get both❤️
I know I talk about Wolfie too much. You have to realize, it's just because I miss him, and memories are all I have of him. So... it's nice to talk about better times, good memories. The glaring reality of possibly never seeing him again is too much to think about. So I try to focus on the happy. Because while Wolfie, and I had a bit of a tumultuous relationship, I like to think it was much more good than bad. It was. And if he ever comes here, and reads this I want him to know he was tremendously missed, and despite everything he ever thought, he made me happy.
Somebody cue the end of Silent Hill 2 letter reading xD
No joke, that scene always makes me cry.
Personally, I wish they'd leave Silent Hill 2 alone, and do a complete remake of 4. Because 4 is insanely interesting, but it's wrapped up in kind of a bad game. And while we're at it, Martian Gothic is at the top of my remake wishlist. Awesome premise, awful game.




21:18 Jan 11 2024
Times Read: 952

I'm usually not much for remakes, but this makes sense to me. With Dreadwolf on the horizon I would love to play through the first three games because shockingly I'm not deep in the lore of Dragon Age. The main reason for this... there's just so fucking much backstory to read, it's too much. And unlike Dark Souls where you sorta find the obscure clues, and piece together your own opinion of what happened, Dragon Age has very set open lore, a lot of which you can read around the world of every game. But it's a lot to read, and eventually I say fuck it, I'm here to play a game, not read an entire fucking novel xD But I would like to go through, and read everything which is hard when Origins is on PS3. I still have my PS3, but I haven't turned it on in years, and I'm pretty sure all the controllers are busted so... I'd definitely be interested in a remake. I've played through Inquisition a few times, it's definitely my favorite of the three, the dragon fights in Inquisition are absolute perfection, but I only played through tge first two once. I don't wanna say they're terrible, I feel like they were ok. Inquisition is just so much better. Mass Effect has the opposite problem where the first two are best, the third one is still very good, but not as good. Then there's Andromeda, and yeah... I think it comes down to Mass Effect without Shepherd is not truly Mass Effect. It's just not the same. And when they were talking about making Liara the next protagonist... I think that's even more in the wrong direction because Liara is her own set character with her own set values, morals and personality. Part of being the Mass Effect protag is making them your own character. You can't put Arthur Morgan as the Mass Effect protagonist xD And I love Arthur as a character. But whether you make him slightly good or slightly outlaw, he is who he is at his base character, your choices don't really change who he is. Same thing with Liara, she is already who she is. But I also feel like they've screwed themselves because making ANOTHER new protag who isn't Ryder just seems... redundant. So they almost have to bring Shepherd back to save the series. I think the first three Mass Effect games are a prefect set so if they crash, and burn another one I won't be too upset, it'll just be interesting to see where they go with it.




07:50 Jan 11 2024
Times Read: 965

I'm such a fucking nerd xD
I only had two visitors at my camp today since moving it into the sky. I suspect it's because most often when you teleport there you end up on the ground. If you teleport again you'll usually end up, up top. Usually... And I always have a ton of free stuff, in bulk, up there so it's worth the effort. People don't know that until they get there...
I dunno. I like it up there. I enjoy the view.




08:54 Jan 10 2024
Times Read: 1,000

I was hopping along the monorail line beside Foundation when the thought occurred to me... what if you build your camp up here?
You totally can.
It's kinda tricky, you have to get it on the exact right spot, but here's my secondary camp, mostly floating in the air. The thing I love most about this spot? If you join a server, and someone's camp is already out where your camp should be, your camp will not pop up. And it can be very annoying of you keep your camp in popular hotspots like the Wayward or Whitespring. I seriously doubt I'll be seeing anyone in MY spot now. Although I am curious now what's the strangest place you could put your camp... I might have to follow this line of thought. The main problem with my camp now is that sometimes you load onto it, sometimes you load on the ground, and sometimes you just plummet xD And I've fallen off of it enough to know that it doesn't kill me. But if you're lower level with no mutations... You also don't need a jetpack to access it from the ground if you just follow the line. I'm not sure you can get up to the line without marsupial though.




03:28 Jan 10 2024
Times Read: 1,030





02:41 Jan 10 2024
Times Read: 1,059

Apparently yellow is the color of the day. Personally, I think yellow is the worst... Because there's hardly any yellow on it. But it sells well, I sold one for 8,000 caps, could probably go up to 10,000. Just today, just hopping through a few servers, I saw Brown, Green, Blue and Yellow. So like I said I think they bumped the spawn rates. Which is disappointing because then they're less rare, and not only will people not pay as much for them, but you'll see them everywhere like I've already been seeing with the red. Something with a 0.01 spawn rate shouldn't be on every server... I make a pretty good living reselling rare clothing in the apocalypse, much like in real life, I'd like to keep it that way xD
Cheshire was asking me last night why I think so many people dislike 76. And from what I've heard it has a lot to do with the game's release being significantly underdeveloped and empty. That's why I didn't play it when it first came out, I heard awful things. Now I wish I had just to have that experience of watching it grow into what it is now, now it's an awesome game. But I think it's also because the fans, and this is true of any Fandom, are diehard about what they love. Because Fallout 4 has the same issues, people hated 4 when it first came out, they said it wasn't Fallout because if had undergone a significant upgrade from 3 and New Vegas. To some people, 3 and New Vegas were perfection. But ya know... it's a little hypocritical. Because 3 and New Vegas are much different than 1 and 2. Sometimes games need to upgrade and evolve. People praise Skyrim for having gone through this similar process, it upgrades pretty significantly from Oblivion, and people liked that. Personally, I like Oblivion better, but most people loved what they did with Skyrim. They didn't feel that way for Fallout 4. I didn't like 4 either when it first came out, mostly due to the main story. I dunno, something about desperately looking for your child who was stolen from you just to ultimately find them as an old man... It didn't hit emotionally like I think they wanted. It just kinda made me feel like, "That ain't mine," and want to kill him xD In 3 losing your dad just to find him, and watch him die or in New Vegas hunting down the man who shot you in the head just seduce and murder him after you fuck him... those are emotional endings. The baby I lost is now an 80 year old man... ehh. Doesn't hit very hard. The Brotherhood of Steel is also like... questionably evil? Don't like that. But I like all the crafting they brought into 4, and that they took it even further in 76 by giving you the ability to craft your own home. They gave the main character a voice in 4, bad choice, took it away in 76, good choice. But that's how it is with a lot of games, and just life in general, people do not accept change easily. Change is an important part of growth... no matter how hard we resist it.




01:52 Jan 09 2024
Times Read: 1,116

When I unlocked this poster, I knew it was perfect for my room💗
I love when people feel the need to tell me, "You know, Joker was really awful to Harley."
Gee, I didn't know that, this being my first day on Planet Batman. Please keep talking while I walk as far away from you as possible. Don't worry though, I'm definitely listening very hard to all this valuable information you're dropping on me, please keep going.
There's a pretty wide variety of depictions of the Joker/Harley relationship. While most of them definitely aren't healthy, there are some with a very different perspective. It's like Hades and Persephone. Some people think of it as a pervy uncle molesting his niece, and some people argue that while they were related through title, there was no actual blood relation. That's just how most of the ancient deities were, they were made up of Earth, sky, seafoam, dirt, can you really say most of them were truly flesh related? People go very hard on this topic, and all I can say is that if you think you know 100% what some jackass thousands of years ago was specifically trying to say about anything, you're a fucking moron who needs to widen their perspective. Because it's insanely narrow if you can't allow for other interpretations.
Back to Fallout xD
I've learned something in mutation invasion... They have the events that are melee only can kill the mutated enemies. But you can still hurt them with your gun, and if you melee attack with your gun you can kill them. So you can shoot them to Hell then just kinda tap them to kill them. And if you have the legendary perk card where things have a chance to explode when you melee them, they might even explode just from you tapping them which is very satisfying. It doesn't stop all the chainsaw assholes from swarming you when you've got a kill lined up... And I know, "Bunny DOESN'T use a CHAINSAW?" You know my feelings on melee. I like it as a concept, but you will never outweapon a gun. This is really the only situation it's useful to do melee, otherwise a gun will 100% kill anything at range before you can get anywhere near it. Melee, while fun, is a useless, busted concept in this game until they implement melee only servers. I am totally for that. Because I would absolutely use a chainsaw... if I could get any kills with it before everything was shot down. It's just not worth it.
I would totally live on Planet Batman... Well, it might be hard to choose a Fandom to live in. As much as I love FromSoftware games more than anything ever, imagine living in one. You're either a hollow wandering zombie, a tragic NPC that nothing good will ever happen to, or worst of all You're the player character hero who dies over and over and over being stabbed, being set on fire, being eaten by giant snakes, a variety of never-ending gruesome death. I was talking to a guy in Fallout who told me he tried Dark Souls, but didn't like it because the enemies kept respawning...
That's the point of the game xD
Yeahhh, we're not gonna be friends. No body tell him, but they respawn in Fallout too. Not immediately... but they do.
I've actually had a lot of people ask me why I don't stream since I play daily... why not? I guess a couple reasons. Streaming is just super oversaturated. Like, if you're just doing it for fun without expecting to make money or get views, sure. But going into it as a career... it's pretty rare to be successful in. I also don't have a camera. I know there are specific ps5 Streaming cameras, and you can broadcast very easily from the ps5. And sure, I've got the hot girl Harley Quinn thing going, and I definitely don't mind being on cam. I guess if I did it just for fun, maybe. It might be something to fuck around with.




06:17 Jan 07 2024
Times Read: 1,158

The first several months of playing I think I only saw the Red Asylum Uniform once... And now I feel like I see someone wearing it in almost every server I go into. I think they may have bumped up the spawn rate. Kinda makes me want it less. Once upon a time it was like this super rare almost mythical outfit that only a few people had. Now it's like... a ton of people actually have it. My outfit isn't rare, you can find it easily at the amusement park, but people ask me about it all the time because you never see anyone else wearing it.
Really makes you think... To be fair, you also very rarely see the other color varieties of the Asylum Uniform. I don't think I've ever seen anyone wearing yellow or forest. Which are also pretty rare.




08:59 Jan 06 2024
Times Read: 1,188

Finally made level 500~♡




07:08 Jan 01 2024
Times Read: 1,113

It's already a spectacular year...
A fucking God-roll Fixer~♡
Two-shot plus Explosive. The extra crit damage is nice too since I am kinda a crit build. I've heard this gun sells easy for 30,000. But you know me... It's not about the money. I didn't even realize I had that paint job unlocked, and it fits my look so perfectly.
You know what I love most about this gun though? Because of the explosive, if things are too close when you shoot them, it also hurts you xD The masochist in me is just like, yesss, hit me harder. It doesn't have quad though... So going from 80 bullet capacity to 30 is difficult. But you can't have two-shot and quad. I think baseline it does slightly more damage, and it does area damage, but with the more frequent reloading, I'm not sure it's worth it. I dunno if I'd say it's worth 30,000... But I guess to someone? I actually sold my spare yellow Asylum Uniform for 8,000, and saw this for the first time.
MAXED out on caps. Time to buy a ton of lead, and recklessly shoot everything❤️
I had these guys wander into my camp, and they were talking. And one of them saw my doghouse which has "Artorias" in letters on the side because that's my robo dog's name. And he's trying to pronounce it, and he's asking his buddy, "What do you think it means?" If you don't know Dark Souls... you're not a gamer. That's just how it is xD Maybe if I named him Radagon or Radahn, maybe people would get it since Elden Ring is a bit newer. But... it's gotta be Artorias. I discovered yesterday you can actually tame animals with a certain perk card, and once tamed they'll make their way to your camp. This includes cats. I haven't tested it yet, but I'd love a pet kitty at my camp :3 Or maybe a pet Deathclaw... tough choice.



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