Yandere's Journal

Yandere's Journal


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17 entries this month

06:55 Aug 31 2024
Times Read: 61

I wanted to make 850 before the new season dropped so we're ahead of schedule despite 76 being extremely crashy these last few weeks. Fallout is a crashy, buggy, glitchy game anyway especially if you played 3 or New Vegas, you get used to it regularly crashing. I don't remember 4 ever crashing surprisingly. But lately 76 has been VERY crashy, especially during events. Like Mothman Equinox.... My game would crash about 75% of the time right at the end, when you go to the rooftop to perform merriment, boom, crash, no reward. And the rewards don't matter, I have all the shit anyway, but missing out on that big chunk of XP right at the end is pretty annoying. There's a double XP weekend at the end of September so I'm hoping to be up to 875 by then to grind up to 900. We'll see how it goes. Usually towards the end of a season things get kinda quiet around 76... Unfortunately tonight I think every asshole with an explosive weapon was out, and deliberately trying to piss me off, yes, specifically me xD I fucking hate the Creamator, it's the worst thing they ever added to the game, it's basically just a means to blind other players. They need to put a limit on explosive weapons, if more than, I dunno, 3 people are in an event you just don't get to use them. It 100% takes the fun away from everyone else when you just spam explosives, and instantly blow shit up. Like someone brought mini nukes to Radiation Rumble tonight... Mini nukes vs feral ghouls. Ridiculous. I'm not sure what these fucks are trying to compensate for, but it's extremely annoying. I know I'm a broken record, I'm just tired of watching people burn down something I love because they think it's funny to ruin events for everyone. People are dumb and annoying, and it makes me sad~




11:16 Aug 30 2024
Times Read: 102

Oh, now we're TOO nice to each other😐
Fuck you, Bethesda.
Honestly... get rid of pacifist mode. If you wanna see outright chaotic slaughter, get rid of the pussy option to not hit each other. Give a person a couple hours after they crawl out of the vault on complete immunity, and then you're out with the sharks. I could sit at my camp, and gun down every level 2 that comes strolling down the mountain, I could do that if you think we older players are "too nice." But what's the point? There's no point in stomping on an ant, there's no victory in that. And I keep my character on pacifist mode a good amount because my gun will fucking destroy people, especially your precious new players that you've bended the entire game to convenience. So what the fuck do you mean, we're too nice?
The ghoul thing is interesting though. The way they're doing it, they're going to make it so existing characters become ghouls, it's not something you choose in the character creator. Personally... I would love to see the character creator expanded on, like a lot. Because I see so many people who look exactly the same, there's no character or uniqueness to people because the character creator is so fucking bland. You really have to think outside of the box to create someone that looks unique, like my character being modeled after Harley Quinn, and she does look like Harley, but she could be better if I had more options... Like you should see the wild shit people create in the Bloodborne or Elden Ring character creators, I wanna see that out in the wasteland. Being a ghoul might be ok... The 100% radiation absorption, a lot of people use power armor to negate radiation, and I personally use my stealth suit for it so it could be handy to not have to switch armor to avoid being cooked, but... I don't think I wanna look like a ghoul. Harley Quinn without a nose? I don't think so.
My character is perfect the way she is~
Although, like I've said before, more outfit options would be appreciated. It's especially difficult for female characters to maintain their femininity when most outfits make us look like men. I'm not saying I want to run around in lingerie, this ain't Saint's Row, but... That's not a dig at Saint's Row either, I fucking love 2, 3, and 4, and running around in angel wings, and a thong is totally the anesthetic vibe of that game. Not so much for Fallout. And understandably Fallout is based around that 50s vibe so you need the ankle lengths dresses, and ugly loafers. Still. I want more character variety. I wanna recognize people for how they look, not their name.




08:02 Aug 28 2024
Times Read: 147

Season 18 of Fallout 76 is coming on Tuesday which is about a month earlier than I thought it would be. If I had to guess... maybe they're giving us shorter seasons to compensate for the much shorter scoreboards. Completing a scoreboard used to be an accomplishment. Now it's like... eh, I did it, cool I guess. Or maybe it's just to keep reeling people in. They gained a huge population due to the TV series, you kinda have to keep people interested which is why I think things are moving faster, we're getting updates, and we're getting bigger events multiple times a year when it used to be one and done. It's not necessarily a bad thing, it's great that they're putting so much effort into it. I honestly don't give a fuck about the next big addition of having my own outpost. I'd be cool with being hired on as a mercenary to protect someone else's if that could be an option xD Yes... touch these cows... I dare you. That could be fun. Otherwise I just see it as a brand new way for players to grief each other. And then we've got the overhaul of the legendary system coming soon. I am curious how it's going to go, but again, if it means just anyone can craft any legendary combinations willfully, that sucks. You're taking away the joy of finally rolling a perfect weapon. They're taking the joy put of a lot of 76 to cater to a larger population. When it was smaller they were totally fine with the game being kinda quirky and difficult. Now it's like they feel the need to make everything as sterile and generic as possible for their larger audience. I'm not a fan.
I ran into a big idiot in Moonshine Jamboree earlier.
He started in the 1st position on the roof as the lizards started attacking. I can kill these lizards VERY quickly, in like a couple hits. So I take always take Greenhouse Still to protect. There are three different stills, this one is MINE xD Mine is ALWAYS in pristine condition when I'm protecting it. As you can see, the Barn Still and Field Still are having trouble so you'd think people would let me do my thing, that I can 100% handle, and take better care of the other two. But people are dumb... And someone always feels the need to come over, and fuck with me, and my still. This particular person was in the level 500s, and look, if you stay out of my way, and don't turn it into a thing, you will not gain my notice. But this fucker starts at position 1, and he's using an explosive weapon, a big, slow one. So upon realizing that his big, slow weapon is dumb shit, and he's getting no kills because he can't outshoot me, he moves to 2nd position to get closer to the spawn point. Same thing happens, his weapon is ass, he's too slow so he disappears for like a minute, comes back with some kinda automatic plasma gun. Same thing, still can't outshoot me even with an automatic so he moves to 3rd position, literally inside of the spawn point. I fucking hate when people do this. When they can't outshoot me, they just spawn camp. And this is a level 500+. If, at level 500, you weapon is THAT bad, you need to reassess your build. Most people don't know how to correctly build their character around a weapon, even higher levels. It's annoying, especially with explosive weapons, watching them do about as much damage as a bee sting. You're basically just putting on a light show, buddy. And almost every person I witness using explosive weapons, they are like this. Stop it. Stop fucking with my still when the other two obviously need the help. Leave my still alone, she's taken care of xD




04:32 Aug 26 2024
Times Read: 202

Is it possible that Melina also inhabits a dolls body?
At some point Melina states that she's " burned and bodiless." Who else is burned, and bodiless? Ranni the Witch. Literally set herself on fire on top of her divine tower to release her spirit from her body, then went on to posess a doll body who is modeled after her former teacher. People make a lot of wild theories based on how Ranni looks, but that's not her original body. The same could be possible for Melina. If you choose the Frenzied Flame ending, Melina is pretty pissed about it, and as she's vowing to hunt you down, her appearance is visibly changing, her hair lightening, her eyes opening and changing colors. We know why Ranni was hiding her appearance. Why would Melina? Who is she really? She's Marika's daughter, Messmer's younger sister, and conveniently she's the one who finds you in the Stranded Graveyard. What was she even doing there? I've got this idea bobbing around in my head that Ranni and Melina could be the same person... but I'm not sure it holds up. Or maybe they were the same person, but underwent the separation like Miquella and Trina. You meet them both very early in game, they're both burned/bodiless, they both have weird eye things, and they both know Torrent. And one of Melina's eyes glows the very distinct Carian blue when opened. Despite obviously being one of Marika's children, she's not mentioned among the other demigods, just like Trina isn't. We might be on to something🤔




10:25 Aug 24 2024
Times Read: 254

The more I think about Miquella, Malenia and Radahn, the further from sense it makes to me, the whole thing. Miquella and Malenia are twins, and very, very close. So... knowing that Radahn is Miquella's chosen consort, why then would Malenia march off to kill him? And we know she knew because she told him that Miquella was waiting for him right before she scarlet rot nuked him. So why was she trying her hardest to kill him? I'm assuming Miquella was already cocooned at this point or else he probably would've intervened, possibly even charmed her unless she's been charmed the whole time. He is her brother, and her twin so I wouldn't say it's out of the question for her to support his ambitions, but also, knowing how evil that bitch Miquella is, I wouldn't put it past him to have charmed her as well. But again, if she knew, and she definitely knew, that Miquella had his sights set on Radahn, why try to kill him? The demigods are all fighting each other, desperate to get their hands on each other's great runes, but you'd think Radahn and Caelid would be off the table for Malenia considering Miquella's fanboy crush on his brother. There's this mysterious Vow that Miquella and Radahn made to each other when they were younger, but it never explicitly states what it was. Maybe Radahn backed out, maybe Malenia was there to remind him or retrieve him. She ends up poisoning, he eventually gets killed, and then Miquella brings him back. Maybe he didn't even want to be brought back. He's strangely quiet when you run into him at the Gate of Divinity, you'd think he'd have anything to say about the situation, but he just attacks you. Almost like he's charmed, like he's not really controlling himself. We know Miquella is willing to use, murder, stomp on whoever he needs to, to get his Divinity, and bring HIS vision, HIS world into being. You think he cares about Radahn? Radahn is literally a warmonger, he thrives on fighting, and you chose him... to help lead this new Era of kindness and compassion? Don't promise me a world of peace built on corpses. Jackass.




20:58 Aug 23 2024
Times Read: 300

Some people think the Sun doesn't exist in the Land's Between.
It does~
It's just that, it's presence is very minimal, especially when compared to the Moon.
If the Greater Will is represented by light, it's probably connected to the Sun. And the Greater Will has abandoned the world. I never noticed it before, but it literally says in the intro scene, the Greater Will is gone. The Erdtree tree is still there, the Elden Beast, the Golden Order, but the actual "god" gives no fucks. Which would explain why the Two Fingers are struggling to communicate with it, why it might take thousands of years to do so.
The Elden Beast's arena is full of trees like the Erdtree.
We do see three different giant trees across the world. But it probably means that the Greater Will connects to many worlds, like a parasite. What exactly is it getting out of this though? I guess if you're a god you just want people to worship you. We know the Greater Will didn't create the Land's Between, there are things in the world much older, and more primal. The Greater Will didn't create life, the Crucible did. It's said to represent Order, but it does seem to have a fondness for light and life. I dunno, I think that people have used the Greater Will for their own selfish purposes in their bids for power. Maybe something falling from the sky, and destroying a city is simply bad luck. But of course, anyone with a religious M.O. is going to impress on everyone else that their "god" purposely destroyed shit, and can do the same to you if you don't worship it. Or maybe the Greater Will is just an asshole. Hard to say.
The interesting thing is, these trees exist also in Dark Souls and Bloodborne.
Possibly connecting all three worlds. In Dark Souls they're called Arch Trees, and they were among the first things to exist in world alongside the ancient dragons. Dragons are very prevalent in Dark Souls, Elden Ring and Demon's Souls where one in particular is worshipped as a god, but also kept prisoner. There's also an archstone in Demon's Souls, a specifically broken one that was said to lead to a snowy mountain of giants...




19:04 Aug 20 2024
Times Read: 326

I'm back on the hunt for the elusive Red Asylum Uniform. I haven't looked for it for the last couple months, that's just how it goes. I get busy trying to level, and I just get burnt out from looking. And ya know... my friend telling me it took a friend of his 6 years to find it, I dunno, that's pretty disheartening xD I haven't seen it much in the wild lately. There for awhile I swear I saw someone wearing it almost every server. Now I've seen it once in the last few weeks, probably longer. It's also Mothman Equinox... for the third time this year. Why they've chosen to run a big event three times when normally they do it once? I dunno. They mentioned that they're trying to fill in the gaps for players who have nothing to do. You could just, I dunno, add some new events. You could get rid of the garbage events or make them worth doing. You could make all the events more difficult. The issue with that is that sometimes, rarely, you end up solo in am event, and especially when you're a lower level it can be tough. But it's ok to fail an event. It happens. It happens for me at level 836. Sometimes you just get overwhelmed. But that's how you become a better gamer. Bethesda desperately needs to stop babying their new players. Kick 'em in the ass on the way out of the vault. You don't learn anything from winning 100% of the time. Sometimes you need to fail~




01:26 Aug 19 2024
Times Read: 377

Something odd about Trina... She's completely missing the lower half of her body. That seems pretty obvious, and intentional, so why? Initially when you find her she's sprouted out of this large purple flower, seemingly a part of it. But after killing Miquella, you come back to her, and she's dead as well, having fallen from the flower. Miquella went out of his way to throw her into the darkest, deepest hole he could find, a place he himself sealed off, a place he was sure no one would find her. Did he also, upon removing her from himself, entirely remove the lower half of her body to keep her from ever escaping her tomb? Is it that sinister? We know Miquella is a piece of shit evil fuck. He's the villain who does evil shit while telling you he's only doing it because it's necessary, because everyone will be better off in the end, because he can make the world a better place AFTER ALL THE EVIL HE'S DONE. Miquella wanted to rule a thousand years as a god of compassion. Hey, Miq... you know what's not very compassionate? Literally throwing a girl into a fucking pit to get rid of her, zero fucks given. Because it's not getting rid of her that's significant for him, it's getting rid of his heart. How well do you think a heartless God would rule?
It also has me curious about Marika and Radagon. Miquella and Trina are seemingly a similar entity to Marika and Radagon in that they are two souls sharing one body. If Radagon was always a part of Marika, and Marika went through the Gate of Divinity, wouldn't Radagon also be a God? And was Marika aware that Trina existed? It seems that in these duos, one soul is more in control than the other, Marika over Radagon, Miquella over Trina. Trina is mentioned in the world, but she's said to be a very unknown sorta person that no one really has any information on other than that has to do with sleep. So she has come out before, but it seems like Miquella is in control for most of their lives. And it makes me wonder of Marika even knew about her because... Marika's/Radagon's children have M names, Malenia/Miquella/Melina/Messmer, Radagon's/Rennala's children have R names, Ranni/Radahn/Rykard, where does Trina come from? You have to assume, being part of Miquella, she's the daughter of Marika and Radagon, but her name would suggest otherwise or that Marika just didn't know she existed inside of Miquella. Kinda hard to believe since she was supposedly this super powerful goddess... And again, if Radagon always existed inside of Marika, why doesn't he have the same Divinity?




08:50 Aug 18 2024
Times Read: 428

This armor set is so gorgeous, one of my new favorites. It's the Dancer's Set. Often times, particularly with a more dexterity focused build, fighting is a lot like dancing. You learn a bosses moves in hopes of matching them. The color is just so pretty though❤️
So this is weird to me.
Rellana left everything she knew behind to chase after Messmer. So the insinuation there is that she either knew him or knew of him to a decent degree. She wasn't forced to leave her home to go after him into the Shadow Realm, she chose that. But. Marika hid Messmer away, right? And you'd think she probably did it while he was fairy young. So where or how does Rellana meet Messmer? Obviously he made a huge impression on her. Some people even think there's evidence they were married. I'm not so sure though.
"Here, and here alone, were moon and fire ever together."
That line gives me chills, so good.
But if Rellana is the moon, and Messmer is fire, that seems to say they weren't together. Maybe they wanted to be? Obviously Rellana really admired/cared for/possibly loved Messmer, for her to cast away her entire life to go to where he's at, she has strong feelings for him. It's not clear how he felt about her. Not that I've uncovered yet anyway. I think it's fair to say that Messmer has some... issues. Some pretty huge mommy/family issues for sure. So maybe he kept her at a certain distance. Seemingly, she doesn't live in Shadow Keep with him, you find her at an entirely different castle. This requires more investigation🤔
This is the problem with moving on to ng++. Every time I think I'm ready, I get sidetracked by poking around the world for hours. I've been trying to translate things. Like Farum Azula, apparently in Latin it means Blue Lighthouse. If Farum Azula was once the "Sun Realm" maybe that makes sense in some way. But the Shadow Realm is an entirely large part of the land, whereas Farum Azula is just kinda a floating city. Why is it floating? Good question. It's a city of beasts and dragons, but it's ascended into the sky. Maybe, a long time ago, the Sun Realm was much larger, and Farum Azula is all that's left because you know... humans started popping up, and destroying shit. There's also Enir-Ilim which translates, in Latin, to Enter Him. We know there's a pretty important entrance there, the Gate of Divinity. Where does it go? When Miquella steps out, it's just bright light behind him. I dunno, I have a hard time believing the Greater Will, if it were a sentient god-being with it's own ambitions, would just give Miquella godhood in the face of Miquella wanting to destroy it's supposed religion, the Golden Order. Miquella left the Golden Order, he didn't agree with it, he wanted something better for the world. But you have to wonder... People flocked to him because A: That's literally his superpower, to make people love him, but also B: He accepted ANYONE, meaning all the downtrodden peoples that were rejected by the Golden Order, he embraced them, and encouraged them to join him in the Haligtree. Is it possible he was collecting as many people as possible for the ritual of godhood? We see the Gate of Divinity, the entire area, Enir-Ilim covered in corpses. Many people died here. For what? Seems like an easy conclusion. For Marika to sacrifice many, many of the Hornsent in order to attain her godhood, a little justifiable since those very Hornsent literally kidnapped her race, turned them into mush, and stuffed them into jars to make jar monsters, I can excuse her genocide a little bit considering that. But Miquella? Nah. He's sneaky. He's a schemer. And he literally forces people to love/worship him. That's not ok. Did Miquella work his charms on Mohg to purposely get kidnapped, and set all of it into motion? That's a good fucking question.




09:44 Aug 16 2024
Times Read: 452

I've been punched right in the childhood nostalgia~
It's like remembering an old friend you haven't seen in over 25 years.
The games that made me a gamer.
Well, these and a lotta Castlevania in the SNES era..
I can definitely see one of the reasons I love the Souls type games being attributed to my love of, and growing up with Castlevania~




09:38 Aug 11 2024
Times Read: 500

We're 1/4 of the way to 900. Took about three weeks to get to 825. With a good double XP weekend we might make 900 by October. That should be right around the time season 18 starts. I miss the old scoreboard. It used to be an accomplishment to finish a scoreboard. Now you can blow through the whole thing in a couple weeks. Sure, Fallout is popular, and 76 is thriving with new players, but things keep changing for the worst. I'm still having major lag issues. It's only during events, and only when I try to access my inventory which makes it impossible to repair my gun during. This is kinda a problem with bigger events. The durability of your weapon wears down with every shot fired. So if you're using an automatic that spits put 85 bullets within 10 seconds... it eats away at your durability pretty quickly. I always have repair kits on me, but I can't use them when opening my inventory lags me out, and outright crashes me occasionally.
Also shout out to this name xD
If you know, you know~
I really wanna play Persona 5 again. I'm not done with Elden Ring. I'm very close to the Platinum, maybe even just one ending away, and I do want to go through the DLC again which means basically playing through the whole game again so... I'll be heading into NG++ pretty soon. It's just that every time I go back into Elden Ring I get to looking around, and realizing things I completely blew past at first. Like not realizing what a piece of shit Miquella is until after I had killed him. Even standing in front of his gateway of corpses, still I didn't see it. It took finding Trina to finally see him for the monster he was. That, and looking into his moveset, particularly the one where he grabs you, and forces you to kneel to him if he gets ahold of you twice. Ain't no body forcing me to kneel, especially not some long-haired golden bitch boy, nuh uh. I'll see you for round 2 in NG++, motherfucker, and this time I'm an angry bun xD




09:12 Aug 09 2024
Times Read: 541

Now this I like...
Because it matches my outfit~
But it's also a pretty decent gun.
That AP is so unfortunate though... My gun uses 3 AP per shot, just for comparison. Yeah... I mean, I get it, if it had a much lower AP, this gun would be majorly OP with that capacity and fire rate. It also can't be modded, and you're stuck with the pre-equipped legendaries on it. Which aren't bad. Probably the main legendary effect on my gun is Quad which gives +300% ammo capacity, and this gun naturally already has almost double that capacity. See, this is a gun that's not made for VATS. You're meant to free-aim it, because VATS uses AP and this is a high cost AP weapon, but also because it has +25% damage while manually aiming. In my opinion, VATS gives you more of a competitive advantage though. But it is fun to use. I don't like it as much as my gun, this is giving more submachine gun while my gun is more assault rifle. Although it does have the longer barrel so the range is not bad. They're similar, but the handling is different. I will keep it though, maybe use it for fun occasionally. Maybe make a build for it. My build that I have now for my gun definitely works for it, but it doesn't compliment it as well as it could. My build is very AP/crit heavy so if you're not going to be using VATS much you really don't need to build into AP or crit. You could instead focus on speed. This gun is already crazy fast, could be faster though, how crazy can we get🤔
Mutation Invasion is back. And... I like the mutated events, but people get 100% more inconsiderate during them. And I get it, it's a game, it's competitive. Technically, we're all on the same team, but still, you wanna be the one killing shit instead of someone else. Uranium Fever is probably the worst for putting me in a bad mood. Because of this right here.
This is where I stand during Uranium Fever, this is my preferred spot. That hole is where enemies comes from. There are several holes exactly like it around the arena besides this one. But it never fails that some douchebag, usually in Power Armor, hops up right in front of me, and completely blocks me from shooting anything that comes out of there. They see me, they literally jump up there, look at me, then proceed to block me. And I wouldn't mind them being up there with me if they didn't block the entire passage, bit every fucking time, zero consideration. And then they get pissy when I inevitably start shooting them in the back. I feel like the player base is just going further and further downhill. Sure, Fallout is really popular right now so it's getting a lot of work, but it's also getting a lot of shitkids.
Or here in Moonshine Jamboree. This happened today.
I'm standing there, shooting the enemies coming from the trees, and this guy jumps up on the post literally right in front of me. The enemies come from every direction, we're outside so you could stand ANYWHERE, but no... gotta get right in front of me. I think part of it is that people see me killing things so fast so they think I have some sorta prime location. And that's sorta true, I tend to stand in the same spots because it works. But if I get to an event, and that spot is taken, I fuck off somewhere else, I don't go stand in front of them, that's fucking rude, and makes me kill people xD It's not just location though. I have an excellent build with a near perfect weapon. A weapon that more and more people are getting very intimate with as it shoots them in the ass for getting in front of me~




01:27 Aug 09 2024
Times Read: 580

Well what the hell does that mean xD
Isn't death suppressed everywhere though? Or was Marika suppressing death before she completely sealed it away? Obviously the Shadow Realm is closely connected to death.
Because there are thousands of graves everywhere. I thought maybe they were the graves of all the people Marika or Miquella ruthlessly slaughtered in order to achieve "godhood." I was thinking back on the dialog with Hornsent, an NPC you meet early in the DLC. He mentions that Marika and the Erdtree tree are the enemy of his people, but that he accepts Miquella's apologies, and believes Miquella when he says he's there to deliver his people. And... then you find all those corpses. Miquella sure delivered them, straight into death. I've never turned so hard on anyone as I have on Miquella xD Fuck that guy. And this NPC is one of the people that Miquella charmed, he was only Team Miquella because he was forced to be by that little bitch whose only real power is to charm people. That's a very dangerous ability to have though. Anyone who disagrees with you, anyone who tries to stop you, you can force them to kneel, and unquestionably join your cause. It's fucking disgusting, he is the absolute worst of Marika's children, and it took me so long to see it.
It is interesting though that despite this message being in the Shadow Realm it mentions the Lands Between. We know the Shadow Realm is part of the Lands Between, we know this is where Marika made her start, and eventually, for multiple reasons, hid this huge portion of land from the rest of the world. Probably because she fucking murdered a bunch of people there. And then two of her children, at least two Messmer and Miquella, went on to kill even more. And for what? Honestly, Marika, what good did you do for anyone or anything? What good have any of the demigods done? Divinity doesn't heal, it destroys.




19:33 Aug 05 2024
Times Read: 630

I think I've figured out why I'm immune to fall damage🤔
Yep, combined with my mutations that'll do it xD
I like to play around with the Legendary effects on my equipment occasionally just to see if I can roll something better. Mostly I'm looking for AP Regen buffs so I probably didn't even read the other two. Initially I thought maybe it was a game wide bug, but after convincing several people to jump off extremely high places, and watching then die, I knew it was a me thing. It doesn't necessarily help all that much competitively, you don't find yourself needing to jump from high places in events or anything. I actually accidentally got someone killed recently. I was on a team, we has just finished Wendigo Collosus, and the surrounding area is very cliffy. So I took off running, and jumping off these cliffs with absolutely no care. I didn't realize one of my team members was following behind me, jumped off a cliff behind me, and died xD To be fair, dude was in the 100s. At level 100 you probably can't do what an 800 can do. But I went, picked up everything he dropped, and gave it back to him. That's really the only negative to dying, you drop whatever scrap you're carrying, but beyond that it doesn't matter. It's not like Diablo 2 where everything you own literally explodes off your body, and you have to walk all the way back, with whatever killed you still lurking in the area, and all your good equipment scattered on the ground. Imagine the chaos if everything, weapon included, dropped whenever you died in Fallout. Even I think that might be too much~




07:19 Aug 05 2024
Times Read: 657

He's beautiful, I would love to take him home, and name him Marshmallow💗
I didn't notice this very obvious detail before, but...
The Gate to Divinity in Elden Ring:
Very beautiful, atmospheric place...
It's all corpses.
The ground, and the gate itself, all through the surrounding area, all dead bodies.
So what you're saying is... the path to godhood is literally paved in blood. Miquella and his bullshit, "A thousand years of kindness and compassion," but how many thousands of people did you have to kill for that? Even if you could become the ultimate God of goodness and righteousness and kindness, is it worth all those lives? Because, assuming Marika went through the same thing and possibly sacrificed almost all of her Numen civilization in her ascension to divinity, did she do good with the world after? Arguably, she destroyed much more than she healed, and left everything in a state of ruin.
It reminds of Bloodborne. There's a certain boss, One Reborn, who is an amalgamation of many, many bodies, and the surrounding area of the town it resides in is covered in corpses, literally frozen in death trying to climb each other up the walls because this entire town was sacrificed, seemingly almost instantly, in a ritual to create/ascend a god. Because it's very similar in Bloodborne, you've got humans ascending to "godhood", lesser gods, and then the greater Outer Gods. Very Lovecraftian.
There's also mentioned a couple times about something called "The Original Sin." What exactly was that? Specifically it says that Messmer was keeping company with The Original Sin. Is that Messmer's serpents or something else? There's a description somewhere that says Serpents are considered blasphemous because they, early on, betrayed the Erdtree. Not the Greater Will, not the Golden Order, the Erdtree itself. It doesn't specify what these serpents did. But serpents are a very antagonistic force in this world. Messmer is born with one inside of him which scares Marika enough to rip his eye out and hide him away from everyone. Rykard teams up with the God-devouring Serpent, and gets labeled blasphemous. Original Sin is very biblical obviously. And that's kind of interesting... because Adam and Eve, Eve was created from part of Adam, right? So they're kind of the same person. Like Marika and Radagon. Except with Marika and Radagon it's much more literal, they literally go from being one to the other. Eve was talked into, by a serpent, doing something very naughty against God. What if Marika wasn't chosen by the Greater Will?
What if she became divine in spite of the Greater Will, and tapped into it's power?
What if the Greater Will has nothing to do with any of this directly?
My brain is exploding xD
Like, what if the Greater Will is less a watching, manipulating, active god, and more a force?
So you can tap into it, you can use it, you can get power from it, but it's not literally a being with motive and desires actively reaching out to all these little ants scurrying around? Kinda like The Force from Star Wars. And all these different factions are using different aspects of this overarching thing, but all of it comes from the same source. The Golden Order, Two Fingers, Elden Beast, and Marika all tap into the part of the Greater Will that represents Order, Faith, Healing, Light, while the Three Fingers and the Frenzied Flame tap into Chaos, Darkness, Primal Urges and ultimately bringing everything back together as one because all of it comes from the same source. I think maybe that's what the Greater Will is. I don't think it's merely some god out in space because if it were, it would probably be a lot more active in what's going on. The Greater Will is bigger than everything, and I think there are groups, such as the Golden Order, that take certain events, and attribute it directly to the Greater Will because obviously you wanna be able to say, "You know what happened to Nokron, how it was destroyed by giant space bug? MY God did that." Maybe a giant space bug falling from space, and destroying a civilization is just what giant space bug do. Or the Elden Beast. Another thing that fell from space. A lot of these higher beings that so-called serve the Greater Will directly are just aliens fallen into a world of sorta primal people. Naturally, they're going to be looked on, or claimed by anyone seeking power, to be sent from the Greater Will. Maybe the Golden Order as a sham is much deeper than you think.
So to become divine you have to slaughter many, many people. What did Marika do after she became divine? She sealed away literal death. Do you think it was selfishly so no one else could do what she did? Every time I start to have sympathy for her, it gets snatched away by how potentially fucking evil she is xD




01:12 Aug 04 2024
Times Read: 685

Ya know, I never really thought about it, but that's badass. Carian tradition is to offer a sword to your future spouse. If a guy proposed to me with a sword... No, if a guy propsed to me with THE MOONLIGHT GREATSWORD... See, I don't ever intend to get married, I don't think a guy will ever be on that level with me again, but that's the level of proposal I would require xD Fuck your ring, Imma need a sword, and it better be the right sword~
Apparently Rellana and Messmer might just have been married. Which makes sense actually. She left everything behind, her family, her faith, her entire life behind to follow Messmer into the Land's Of Shadow. And it does specifically mention that Rennala is her older sister, which we already knew, Rennala/Rellana. It's a bit curious though... Marika put Messmer in Shadow land to hide him, but how many people know he exists? Obviously quite a few. So who exactly was she hiding him from?




07:56 Aug 01 2024
Times Read: 641

That's right, I've captured Batman~
Or... maybe just Man-Bat xD



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