Yandere's Journal

Yandere's Journal


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17 entries this month

06:57 Apr 30 2024
Times Read: 172

Met two awesome guys tonight while out roaming the Wasteland of 76. One of them invited me to join his team, and usually I ignore random people who invite me, but I feel like I should be more open to joining up with people, and I'm glad I did because he turned out to not only love Fallout obviously, but is also super into FromSoftware games. Like, he was competently talking to me about who his favorite, and least favorite bosses are and why. And he loves Batman. That's like my stats in a nutshell if I were on a dating app xD Dresses like Harley Quinn, obsessed with FromSoftware games, loves Batman, listens to too much metal, BDSM available on request xD So he, and I got on mic, and were vibing really well when some random guy also joined our team, and he didn't say anything for like 15 minutes until we started talking about how old I am, and he suddenly guessed, "32," which is fucking close because first dude guessed 18. People usually guess late teens so the 32 was kinda impressive. But the second guy was super chill. He said he's usually on Xbox, but recently got a Playstation, and surprisingly said that the Playstation is better in most ways than the Xbox. Usually people who play Xbox are die-hard fanboys for their busted consoles, but the only thing he claims is better on Xbox is the multi-player base. Maybe Xbox has more people online, but... Playstation has better people. Cause then he met me, and my new buddy. It's always nice meeting people who aren't under 18. Unfortunately, a lot of people you meet on mic are like 14 years old... and it's not necessarily wrong just to play a game with them, but it feels like hanging out with my oldest nephews, and they're idiots xD This was literally a conversation in our group chat today, second oldest nephew, oldest nephew, and oldest niece...
Because they have no shame in front of their old auntie xD But that's how I've raised them, to be shameless and offensive. They've never really viewed me as their aunt, they've always treated me like I'm one of them. Which isn't a bad thing. They're definitely more open about what's going on in their lives with me than the other adults in the family. This group chat is all of the kids, and me, because I'm the only adult allowed into the inner sanctum. And it's good... because I keep an eye on them. Like my brother was complaining today about how my oldest niece has an encyclopedic knowledge of sex already at 13, and... I'd rather she be informed than not. Growing up, my parents never talked about sex. So I try to be open when any of them have questions. I tell both my oldest nieces the same thing about sex as I do about having a boyfriend, "You don't need it, it's more trouble than it's worth." My brother really can't complain, he's the one who gave all three of his children an IPhone at like... age 2. Yeah, it's crazy the things kids learn with unlimited access to the Internet.
And I love my nieces and nephews to death, but I wouldn't choose to hang out with children I'm not related to, especially when "I like boobies" is the caliber of conversation you get from them. Although... some adults aren't much better. If you're just helping them with the game then that's harmless, but if you're regularly on mic with them... it's a little weird. Even talking to people who are under 30, it's like... I don't really remember my 20s xD I feel like I don't remember much of anything before Wolfie. Unfortunately everything involving him is painfully clear. Before him though, ehh... It's fuzzy. Like I've said, I was a very different person 10+ years ago. I can't imagine having a conversation with myself 10 years ago. Makes me wonder who I'll be 10 years from now... Probably dead so no need to wonder too hard xD
I would never touch a dating app though. I'm not looking to date. And I'm not looking to fuck. My sex drive, since Wolfie left, has been at about -500, and I don't think it's coming back. I see people all the time who can't go a fucking day being single. I have enough self-awareness to know that anyone who got into a relationship with me right now, I would only hurt you. Like, 100%, I would hurt you. And I don't want to be that person. Because I've been the hurt one too often. And ya know... there's the whole yandere thing xD The key to staying sane as a yandere, just stay single~
I do like that because of my psn name, everyone I meet ends up calling me Psycho. Like, "Oh, Psycho, must be the flaming skull, huge spiked power armor, grenade launcher, Raider guy."
Nahhh, it's the tiny, pigtailed blonde standing behind him, the one taunting a Deathclaw, THAT'S Psycho xD




22:02 Apr 29 2024
Times Read: 210

Fallout 4 had floating Yao Guai... 76 has floating ghouls.
Also, fucking frogs are doing more damage to me in one hit than any other enemy in the game including Deathclaws and Scorchbeasts. A frog can take away 75% of my hp in one hit... So I find myself, nearly level 700, running from frogs. Sprinting away for my life. Fucking FROGS. Why are frogs so buffed, Bethesda xD




05:11 Apr 26 2024
Times Read: 247

Motherfucking PINK.
I have so many pink. And pink is pretty rare. I can't get a single red. I haven't really been looking the last few months, but I thought maybe since the servers are currently swarmed with newbies that my odds would be better. But still... no red for me. And at almost level 700... that's just embarrassing xD Pink is good, pink sells for upwards of 25,000 caps, it's easy money. But it's not red. Bunny needs red.




05:57 Apr 24 2024
Times Read: 277

I've noticed a shift in Fallout... suddenly there are a ton of lower levels everywhere, I'm actually usually the highest level person in most of the servers I go into. And I'm not sure if they messed with the ratios or if the Fallout show has just intrigued so many fucking people into playing. It's good and bad having so many new people on. Because... new people annoy me a lot less than older players. It's been weeks, in fact, since any overpowered asshole has come busting into my game with a grenade launcher. Which is good... until I need them for a harder event, and suddenly I look around, and realize I'm surrounded by level 20s. And level 20s make good fodder if nothing else. I don't need them to kill anything, just... panic, run around, and distract things while I kill them xD I had a situation like this a couple days ago. I was in Radiation Rumble, up on the center platform, and there was a level 20 down on the floor in front of me so I was kinda keeping an eye on her, making sure she didn't get overwhelmed when suddenly those three Deathclaws came running outta those tunnels right at her xD I've never seen anyone jump behind me so fucking quick. To be fair, at almost 700, Deathclaws are basically nothing to me, you're very safe behind me against Deathclaws. Unless I'm using an explosive weapon... then we both die xD I had a really wholesome experience with a group of sub-30s. The Nightstalker wendigo comes out at the end of a certain event, and of course I'm used to booking it to it because higher levels will mow that thing down with zero regard for anyone else getting to see or shoot it. So when it came out I shot it down to half health, and let them finish it off. And I like being able to help lower levels like that, I like everyone to have a good time, and get a piece, and it's so fucking hard when you're low, and surrounded by 500s+. There's just no reason to be so competitive, they have games for that, it ain't Fallout. Fallout to me is relax, chill, explore, craft, help your fellow Wastelanders if you can. Which is apparently a lot easier without other higher levels around. I think a lot of veterans of the game were kinda put off by the latest season... The dumbass changes they made. I get it. I'm not going to leave, but it is bullshit to completely change certain aspects of a game, which has been around, and enjoyed for years how it was. But hey, they said the changes were to make the game better for newbies, I guess it worked?




07:41 Apr 23 2024
Times Read: 312

Joker, Joker, and a Deadshot xD
Ya know... so many people have Joker in their name, but I've never come across a single character actually designed after him. Surprisingly, I've never come across another Harley Quinn either. The Fallout character creator isn't stellar, but... I was curious if it's even possible to make Joker.
Obviously I went for the classic❤️
It's not perfect, but I think he's recognizable~
But... it's probably safe to assume most people with Joker in their names are probably angry 14 year olds💀




08:14 Apr 21 2024
Times Read: 347

I ran into these two guys in Fallout, and one of them says to me, "Bro, did you mean to make yourself look like Harley Quinn?"
Definitely not. Obviously. Absolutely not.
Who's Harley Quinn? Never heard of her xD
He then says to me, 'Nice, I'd fuck that."
No. No you won't💀




06:49 Apr 18 2024
Times Read: 408

I had to touch it...
I HAD to.
I was actually disappointed... because when you touch it you have the option to cut one of three wires, red or black or green. I picked red, obvi, and it didn't explode. You find a perfectly good bomb, you touch it, and it doesn't blow you up, just my luck.
It always kinda shocks me when I find something I still haven't ever seen in game before. Like to this day I've only ever seen one chameleon Deathclaw. And then Sly decided he wanted to fight Scorchbeast Queen so we ran through the middle silo, woke her up, and mid-fight a Wendigo Collosus spawned right in the middle of the field we were fighting her in. Never seen that happen. No idea why it happened. I love the Wasteland.
Sly kinda pissed me off because he had asked me what other games I've been playing, and I told him that I'm eagerly awaiting the Elden Ring dlc.
And he says to me, "Oh yeah, I really wanna play the Elder Scrolls games."
No, no, no, no, no.
I will forgive your ignorance if it's truly ignorance, and in his case it is because he hasn't played Elden Ring... But anyone who thinks any Elder Scrolls game is on par with Elden Ring is straight fucking delusion with, what I can only imagine to be, the wit and intelligence of a peanut. For real. There's no comparison. The Elder Scrolls games are a disorganized mess. They're confusing. Like I've said, I've played through Skyrim twice, and could not give you a single name of any main story important npc. Because their quests are fucking boring repetitive garbage. I could not tell you the name of the like evil dragon end boss. I keep thinking Kalameet, but that's Dark Souls, know why I remember the dragon's name from Dark Souls? Cause it's an excellent fucking dragon. I was reading an interview recently with Miyazaki who is like one of FromSoftware's big bosses, and he said that people have often told him his games need a difficulty slider, and he refuses to do it. I would like to give this man a standing ovation. Because... you don't need to make the game easier. You, as a gamer, need to get better. And you can. You can adapt yourself to these games if you try, and the skills you gain from beating them will make you a better gamer in almost any other game. If you need an easy setting in Elden Ring, you shouldn't be playing Elden Ring. Which, in my opinion, isn't even a difficult game unless you like spawn in, and book it to Caelid right away. Comparing Elder Scrolls to Elden Ring... It's kinda like comparing Fallout to Elden Ring. And I fucking love me some Fallout. But compared to Elden Ring or Dark Souls or Bloodborne? Fallout who? I tried to explain this to Sly who of course doesn't get it. You gotta be a certain level of crazy to really thoroughly enjoy FromSoftware games. There has to be something very wrong with you xD I don't quite think he's one of us.




08:31 Apr 17 2024
Times Read: 448

I haven't played Sims in a long time... so I booted it up, and took the little personality quiz to get a character. And apparently...
I'm just super fucking evil and mean...
And a fatass xD
How did it KNOW? You got all that from questions like, "You find a random sandwich, what do you do?' Well of course I'm going to eat it.
And what is with that outfit💀
Made it to level 666🖤
Spent the evening with Sly and Jelly. So... a lot of, "I'm gonna fucking kill you," because guys are guys xD They're so aggressive towards each other, it's kinda entertaining just listening to them insult and harass each other. They don't act that way towards me. They fucking know better. I swear though... any time we play, Jelly never fucking levels because it's a lot of standing around while he works on his camp. He's only in the 20s now. He was almost in the 100s when his dumbass got his account hacked. I haven't really been playing with them much lately... because I've just kinda withdrawn into myself a lot the last couple weeks. And they're not on Fallout as much as I am. They play other stuff like Fortnite and Rocket League, and stuff I would never play. Sly told me he's been spending a lot of time in Fallout 4 which is interesting because 76 is exactly like 4, but 4 definitely has better story, and more interesting npcs. But it doesn't have the wacky, random, occasionally heart-warming interactions you get from other players. I've gotten Sly on the Fixer so I'm thinking about giving him my Quad+Explosive. I did warn him, it WILL kill you if you let it. He's only like 110 though so I feel like he hasn't really seen how powerful you can get. Although I did take him into Eviction Notice where the Super Mutants were explosive, and he was melee tanking them in his power armor. And harassing Jelly who, every time I looked up, was dead xD




06:09 Apr 15 2024
Times Read: 490

I think everyone is kinda over Mothman Equinox at this point. You're lucky to get 3-4 people joining up when it used to be 15-20. I think most if these seasonal events last too long, and if you're going to have then run for 2 weeks they should really have better rewards. This is where Fasnacht Day, much as I hate it, is better in thay regard because there's the possibility to get a rare mask every time that even if you won't wear you can sell for a lot of money. Once you get all the rewards from Mothman Equinox there's really no incentive to keep going to it other than boredom or XP. Despite it being double XP weekend, I only made it from 653 to 662. Usually on a good double XP weekend I can grind out 20+ levels. But I haven't really been playing as much. I ran into one of the most annoying people on today... So when you start Mothman Equinox you have to destroy these vines around three firepits. And I was doing one, and motherfucker comes up behind me on his mic, "You'd think at level 600 you'd be able to destroy those faster." Ok, well... I destroyed them fast enough that you, sprinting over here, didn't get any part of it. So I then went, and got the other two while he ran behind me, and every fucking time I got them down before he even got there... but sure, let's tell me how weak I am. Then this dumbass thinks he's going to tell me what to do because the next part is you have to run around the area destroying enemy totems. And I think there were only like 3 or 4 people there so everyone had to help. But this little bitch, only in the 200s btw, comes up to me, "Hey, yeah you, I know you can hear me, go get the totem on the church roof, I'm not climbing my ass up there." Looks like you are though xD Cause now I'm happy to sit here, and watch this event fail if you think you're going to tell me what to do. Like, who the fuck are you? I could easily have jetpacked up to it if he'd asked me. But fuck no, you ain't commanding me to do anything. I dunno who the fuck told you that you're team leader, but uh, nah, they lied, sit the fuck down, bitch boy. Eventually, after watching him struggle for a couple minutes, he gets the totem destroyed. So the next part you have to defend the three fires from waves of enemies. Three different places to defend. This dumbass comes walking over to the one I chose. Like dude... maybe you haven't gotten the hint, but you can go fuck yourself. And then the most hilarious part is the enemies start pouring in, and I'm taking them down very quickly, and he starts whining that I'm killing things before he can get any shots in xD Oh... but I'm fucking weak remember? Because I'm not one-hitting vines, I suck, remember? Level 200s are possibly the worst to encounter in the Wasteland, for whatever reason it's a constant thing to run into 200s with massive egos, and I can't figure out why. I think after about level 500 you mellow out a lot whereas at 200 you think there's still something you need to prove. There's really not. There's really no reason or justification to be so douchy, but people are dumb so. There are so many good people in the Fallout community that when you do come across one that's just really annoying, it grates on you. I'm not saying you have to be that person that goes out of their way to help others, but... I think it enhances the experience for most people to be able to be friendly and helpful with total strangers. Like I know that I can be extremely mouthy and antagonistic, but... only if you deserve it. I don't get online on a game with full aggression towards everyone I come across. That's dumb.




00:57 Apr 13 2024
Times Read: 526

My dad, after watching the new Fallout show, "You ever heard of this Fallout game?"
Yeah, I might know it.
Ya know... just a little...




08:49 Apr 12 2024
Times Read: 552

I FINALLY got the god roll, Quad + Explosive on a Fixer...
Which I've been trying to roll for most of my Fallout 76 lifetime. And I gotta say... I think I still like my other gun better.
You may not think using 8 AP as opposed to 3 is a big dea- yeah, no, you'd be wrong. Grim Reapers Sprint definitely helps, but I still notice the difference. If the QuadExp Fixer had the -25 Action Point cost, it'd be a different story. Reload speed isn't really an issue when your gun has 80+ ammo capacity, and 15% is almost nothing. And technically it does slightly more damage which I'm guessing is from the Explosive because I modded them exactly the same. Still, I prefer my Fenrir. Especially since I did give the other gun a fair shake, and... Explosive is really good, unless you're close range. If you're close range then the Explosive damage hits the enemy, and deflects back onto you. Which, I gotta tell ya, will kill you real fuckin quick xD I died on Radiation Rumble for the first time... maybe ever because I had three Deathclaws right up on me, and wasn't really thinking about the blowback damage from my own gun as they were slapping me around. It didn't help that I was in my stealth armor instead of my actual tanky armor because there were only three of us there, and level 1000+ guy was just fucking standing there so somebody had to go down into the tunnels which is where the Deathclaws were, and yeah, I ended up dead. To be fair, The Fixer is initially more of a sniper rifle with it's inherent sneaking and stealth buffs, and it's originally a single shot rifle, it's just a lot more powerful modded into automatic which is how most people use it. If you like hiding on top of roofs completely out of danger like a huge pussy, Quad + Explosive is for you. I prefer being up close to my enemies, and my build is very Crit oriented so Fenrir is definitely the gun for me🖤
On the bright side, people will pay crazy money for Q+E so maybe I'll sell it. Maybe I'll just give it away to some lucky lucky. It just goes to show you that sometimes you put all the work into trying to find your vision of perfection, and it was actually with you all along in the form of a beautiful Quad + Vital🖤
It's also Double XP weekend so I'm at 653 right now, on my way to 700~




19:47 Apr 11 2024
Times Read: 624

That's a bit grim~




19:53 Apr 09 2024
Times Read: 652

Mothman paper lanterns...
Kinda cute~




03:19 Apr 09 2024
Times Read: 675

I feel like this outfit made a turn into the wrong RPG...
You know there's some freak out there screaming, "Fallout x Elder Scrolls crossover!"
It's definitely not me, but someone.




06:30 Apr 08 2024
Times Read: 704

If there's one event I possibly dislike more than Fasnacht Day... it might be Mothman Equinox. I feel like people don't go as crazy for it as they do FD, but you have to listen to that motherfucker do his monolog over, and over, and after about 50 times of hearing it, it's just grating. Fuck off, old man, I don't wanna breathe or show emotion xD
On the other hand, it does have better rewards such as new plushies, Mothman and a Mothman Cultist.
I mean... that Mothman plush is like a Poppy Playtime villain, it is unsettling xD But also strangely kawaii.
I also realized I have these meat plushies...
That I don't remember unlocking🤔 Also... slightly unsettling, but very cute~




19:46 Apr 07 2024
Times Read: 730

Not every game needs to be Dark Souls...
But it SHOULD be🖤




23:32 Apr 03 2024
Times Read: 803

Everything but Elden Ring and breathing...
Worth it🔥



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