Ever heard that the fruit Soursop can cure cancer? Well here's my take on it:
"Soursop and Cancer Cures"
Facts are pesky things.
I'm such a nerd! I just wrote a new article on Wiki describing the smallest stellar-mass black hole discovered. Not the longest article out there but I'm proud of it :)
Sorta surprised the article hadn't been created before.
"Black hole IGR-J17091"
Anything galaxy or star related I'm fascinated...will check this out thankyu!!!
"IGR J17091 also exhibits peculiar X-ray variability patterns or "heartbeats" which are small, quasi-periodic, outbursts repeated over a 5 to 70 second timescale"
I loved this:) quite amazing in my book:):):)...imagine if a person can have that kinda effect on another person or persons think of the positive effect it would have...that is why I love stellar facts...it can very well be likened to positive behavior if applied:)
Thankyu for this article...you made my night:)
That was a really good article, Nice job!!
You know for a nerd and all. ;P
Did you know there was a giant storm system at the north poll of Saturn? And did you know that this system forms a hexagon?
Well, now you do :)