Xzavier's Journal


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15 entries this month

04:22 Jan 30 2012
Times Read: 620

"I don't like to talk about politics."

"My goal in life is to be happy and make those around me happy. I respect the ppl who fight the good fight but that's not me."

Well, you're an idiot and a huge part of the problem. Try growing some principles and then you'll understand that in order to keep said principles, you must defend them...unless your principles involve hypocrisy, complacency or condoning bad actions based upon your silence.

I'm a purist and I'll be dammed if I watch the world I grew up in fall to shit just because you'd rather not get involved.



09:49 Jan 31 2012

Exactly! How's that saying go? 'If you dont stand for something, you'll fall for anything'

Would be great if more people would open their eyes and take a stand.


06:59 Jan 28 2012
Times Read: 640

This dude is funny:

"Me: So what ya doing?

Him: Sitting in bed talking to this Xzavier guy who looks like a model, thinks like a genius and talks like a porn star."

And then earlier he said this about me:

"You're this very-intelligent, politically-conscious, spiritual, hyper-sexed individual. Sometimes those things shouldn't go together but for you they do."

Thank ya :)



19:23 Jan 28 2012



23:25 Jan 24 2012
Times Read: 663

I went and organized my closet and took an inventory. I'm a little surprised at the totals, thought I had more, but it's still a fair amount of clothing.

There are 155 individual items (obviously not including socks, undies, under shirts etc)

37 - T-Shirts

15 - Jackets, Blazers & Sweaters

25 - Pairs of Jeans

26 - Dress Shirts

28 - Other Shirts

11 - Pairs of Shoes

9 - Belts

4 - Ties

Awesomely by my estimates it all cost about $5,100 which is really good.



23:38 Jan 24 2012

You sound like a Nordstrom's outlet.

00:12 Jan 25 2012

Lmao, nah Kevin is Nordstroms. I'm more Express/Buckle.


21:41 Jan 23 2012
Times Read: 677

Just got a haircut, my back hurts, I look hot :) lol




08:44 Jan 23 2012
Times Read: 693

Awesomness! Just had my longest webcast on here, 315 minutes aka over 5 hours! But it was the last 3 which were totally freaking awesome!

I only talked to one person during that time and I learned a lot, said a lot and will be meeting him soon if all goes according to plan.

You rock dude!

Btw here's proof of such a long webcast lol

Real Vampires love Vampire Rave



12:44 Jan 23 2012

:) I must have gone to sleep before you hopped on.

15:43 Jan 23 2012

hey I was there ................. wait! what did I miss?


04:51 Jan 22 2012
Times Read: 708

Jason just left, he has an early morning and long day tomorrow.

We hung out at Liquid Smoke where he brought me a very nice cigar. After that we went to Ruby Tuesday's for dinner and then came back to my apt for a movie and convo. It was nice. He's a real Southern boy which was cool. Plays the violin, owns his own barber shop and seems pretty nice. The only bad thing is that he lives like 40 miles away.




00:11 Jan 20 2012
Times Read: 735

Some people annoy me. Don't even attempt to "school" me or act as though you have some grand understanding of the universe or even pretend to have a basic grasp of fundamental physics when you can't even understand the principles behind energy loss or know the differences between dark energy & dark matter, matter & antimatter and even sparticles.

I'm sorry. You can ask me any question you want but if you don't understand the answer or concept when it's spelled out then just quit acting like you know what I'm talking about.

Knowing where you fit into the scheme of things is really important. You can't learn if you think you're on equal footing with someone who's spent years professionally working and studying on these things when its just a hobby for you or you're trying to prove you're some vampire by focusing in on a current question in physics.

Folks can call me an arrogant prick all they want but at least I'm willing to spend weeks trying to help you out. It's just that after those weeks I'm tired of trying to explain 1+1=2

Btw, this IS the reply to your message.



00:31 Jan 20 2012

Sparticles? Those are those sparkly things we use on the fourth of July, right?! :P

01:35 Jan 20 2012

heh. ^


01:24 Jan 17 2012
Times Read: 751

If I could hide in the highest cloud and sink in the deepest ocean I think I would right about now.

This has not been a good day. I feel kinda numb so if I don't talk much or whatever don't take it personal.




21:46 Jan 16 2012
Times Read: 757

I love this!

"And for you being so boney and shit you are the softest motherfucker! g*d damn!"

I have super soft skin naturally and I adore it when someone talks about it cuz I know they like it a lot.




09:21 Jan 16 2012
Times Read: 771

I feel really, actually, happy right now and it's been a long time since that's happened. I don't want it to end.

It was a very good and sweet night, all 6 hours of it.



14:54 Jan 16 2012

It is always good to see that youre happy.

15:39 Jan 16 2012

Its ahmazing! I can't wait to talk to you later to hear more of what happened. I was totally asleep this morning when we were talking about. Keep that smile Professor X cuz you ish sexi with it! *laughs*

17:44 Jan 16 2012

THis is GOOD to read. :)


10:35 Jan 14 2012
Times Read: 776

It's 3:56 AM on a Saturday morning. I just finished watching "Capote" and along with the day's events my mind seems fractured on what to focus on.

Sometimes VR can help with inspiration and building friendships, other times it seems more of a burden to actually deal with and tonight seems one of those.

Earlier today I had a discussion that appeared to bring VR back, at least its overall quality, but it's hard to maintain that with further insanity.

I will talk about that conversation.

I was talking with a man named Kyle on here and as usual our conversation took a rather "deep" vein. Instead of the usual debate however on the mysteries of god etc we were able to talk in part about a book I had been writing for some time. Had it not been for the financial collapse and my own physical condition fading at the time I am certain the book would have been finished by now.

His enthusiasm for its contents and purpose, a near stranger, made me take another look at actively engaging in finishing it with all the original intent behind it.

While I listen to "Air and Simple Gifts" by Yo-Yo Ma and the Rach #2 I am lifted in all manner a man can be except I am also conflicted. I fear the outcome should it be published but worse I fear my own failure and lack of ability to complete such a task.

To many a 200-250 page book may seem rather trite, difficult, but nothing at all to be consumed over. To me it represents far more than an idea or a specific story to tell.

The bulk of my poetry for example took only minutes to write but entailed so much emotion and inner thought that I could only write one basic poem every 6 months, it's been at least 3 years now since my last one.

This book likewise is all consuming. I mentioned VR because this place used to be freeing to me. It was a place to go and share, learn, teach and gain new focus. Yet even after my 10 month long break VR seems less a refuge and more the den of the dead and dying, a place with more inane babble than the worth of a human soul. I can find so little that is still good, not touched and forever changed by the never ending retarded bullshit you people bring upon your own idiotic heads.

As with any social group, online or otherwise, there are good and bad people but it seems nearly too much effort to find the good here. Even once close friends have found themselves cornered by the drama and can't or won't break free.

To those like Kyle and others I thank you very much for the contributions you have made to my life, to VR and those around you in general. After glimpsing what a modern renaissance could be like this place almost appears suffocating in its shallowness. The same can be said for a MySpace or Facebook but for a time VR truly was special. That specialness is what drew many 1st and 2nd generation members of which I belong. Today, it lacks any sense of charm. Just another site.

I now recognize more than I did before the reality that I have a freaking life to work on, a life worth sharing and something that speaks beyond the cyber confines of 1s and 0s that has somehow trapped me here for what I mistook as muse.

No, I'm not getting rid of my profile and I'm not leaving. In my mind there are people here whose company I enjoy greatly and I have every intention of remaining with. But perhaps I should try, just try, to focus my efforts not on leisure or skin deep "friendships" but on things that can matter and on things with which I have direct input and a say over their origins.

This may sound a bit harsh to some, egotistical even but I don't really care. If you haven't the ability to look through a line of text then you have little reason to read at all in my opinion. But for the thin skinned, since I'm nice, no, if I talk to you regularly then you're not what I consider the cause of the problem...although some of you can't help but perpetuate it despite your very loud objections.

I may fail miserably at what I'm going to try but finished book, saved relationship, very fun tryst or none so long as things are fun and done with purpose then I need not care so much as to failure. And maybe give my insides a look for ideas instead of the petty world of men, a world whose complexities fade with each "click".




01:30 Jan 07 2012
Times Read: 829

Just donated to Ron Paul for the 6-7th time this cycle. Think the total comes to around $130. Not much but every bit helps.




06:33 Jan 06 2012
Times Read: 837

It's been over 3 years since I last wrote any poetry. Now, I am not some prolific writer who writes a new poem or story every other day and my writings are more than just words on paper; they're meaningful and come from a very real place inside me.

So much has changed these past years and I wonder if I would be able to write something again. I would very much like to and soon.




03:50 Jan 06 2012
Times Read: 851

You know the Bible says David's music could sooth the most tormented soul and I strongly believe music is one of the most powerful tools we have to bring peace, comfort and joy.

There are a few pieces of music that have a profound and nearly instant affect on me. Some can take me from being deeply depressed to calm, can make me excited, mellow, very relaxed, and even aroused ;)

So when a piece of music moves you enough to masturbate you know you've found the truth of it! lol



03:54 Jan 06 2012

When I was a "tormented soul", music egged me on. :P Sometimes it's not good, in certain mind frames.

But now, I can certainly see how it soothes.

It's a blessing and a curse.

Never mind the self-helping... lolol.


09:32 Jan 01 2012
Times Read: 875

Do I look much different over the years?

Me in 2007

Real Vampires love Vampire Rave

My first picture for 2012

Real Vampires love Vampire Rave



13:34 Jan 01 2012

Holy smokes! It took you THAT long to grow a little facial hair?

Id say youre aging gracefully my dear.

15:24 Jan 01 2012

You look a little older but still so handsome!

Happy New Year Doc!

16:35 Jan 01 2012

A little care-worn. DAMNED handsome in both. :)

05:22 Jan 06 2012

Holy gorgeous.

Something tells me you'll be like wine, and only get better with age. :D

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