The Universe Part 208:20 Feb 27 2008
Times Read: 727
The greatest question of all time is that of the pre-big bang. Without that answer we can never truly understand the universe and ourselves. For the past 3 years I have dedicated myself to solving this cosmic mystery.
The first thing I have discovered is the fact that all dimensions fold in upon themselves at a certain point. The higher up the dimensional plane you go the more of the universal creation you reveal. Each D above 5 adds a new layer of universal complexity and after a point you have re-created the entire universe. The problem is that there are an infinite number of D and adding to that there are an infinite number of universes created by the D.
The next thing I found was that the smaller you get the faster things go. Once you have gone lower than the sub-quantum level you begin to see the transition from energy to matter. Matter is created by energy binding to other types of energy forming quantum dots. These dots have specific frequencies, spins, charges and densities. Certain dots have affinities for other types of dots and build upon each other to form sub-quantum particles and eventually atoms. The interesting thing to note is the similarity in behaviour that dots have with quantum particles.
Below the dots level you have infinite streams of energy flowing in an omni-directional and multi-dimensional fabric of space-time. However this fabric does not have a specific space or time. Things as this level move so fast and contain so much energy they destroy themselves and are re-created almost instantly. As one of these quantum bubbles (pre-dot) is created it falls apart due its unstable nature, yet the act of its destruction causes a "wave of continuation" thus allowing the next quantum bubble to be the exact same (plus itself in positive motion) but only a fraction of a second in the future.
In keeping with the sub-quantum it is important to note the nature of measurable time. Time exists in all 3 phases at once at this level. However our perception of the present is actually the past in real time, and what we would see at this level is really our future. With out this complex nature we could not have a positive motion of time, or for that matter motion at all. The entire universe is destroyed and then re-created every 10x-43 of a second yet we only perceive 10x-18 of a second thus creating a time differential as previously alluded to.
The universe exists in a state infinite probability with a plausibility factor of 1:0. This means that while everything can happen the plausibility is only 50% yes (1) and 50% no (0).
With each 1 a universe where 0 occurs is created thus doubling the probability once more. This only happens from the time UT 1+1
Time can be explained thusly:
Universal Time (UT)
UT-0 the moment at the Big Bang
UT- (-2) the moment after the Big Bang
UT-1 the moment at present
UT-1+1 the moment after the present
UT-2 any time in the future
Perceptual Time (PT) is the time we measure in hours, days and so on.
PT (-1) past
PT 0 now
PT 1 the future
The new universes that are created only exist with-in time and not matter. The reason for this is not fully understood.
Because time did not exist before the Big Bang there is no "what happened before the Big Bang?" there is only "what happened pre- Big Bang?" Although the generalities of this are mostly semantic I find that the word "before" causes to much misunderstanding when discussing.
Now that we have a basic understanding of the current universe we can now ask the question "What happened pre-Big Bang?" The answer is nothing. For something to happen time must have been initiated and for time to be the big-bang must have already been. This paradox brings me to the real question, "What outside force acted upon that which was to create that which is?" the answer to that lies at the apex of the dimensional model. I will have more on that later.
If you have any questions, corrections or arguments against this please feel free to message me.