i would have write this sooner but i was too weak too....
Since the 26 of Dec. the day after christmas i have been sick with the flu. I have ask my parents to take me to the Doctors or the Hospital so i can get check out but my parents didnt want too they thought i was just making the whole thing up. But then on the 27th i got much worst i couldnt really see stright or walk well...but still my parents didnt do anything for me all my mom did was force me to take some meds. that i had got from the begining of the month. i toke them but it didnt do anything so i did something stupid i toke as much pills as i can and force them into my mouth..after awhile i started to feel weird and all i remember i told some friends that i was going to ask my mom if she can take me to the hospital but i passed out from my computer desk and thats it. When i woke up i was in the children's hospital getting an I.V. in me and i just found out i really hate needles and i freak out trying to get the needle away from me but i didnt know that the people at the hospital had put me asleep...i woke this morning to found tubes in and out of my body and bleedly tissues naxt to me and the doctors waiting for me askings me if i was feeling any better. i told them yes. they told me what they did to me and they said i have lost 10 pounds from the whole thing. they said i was luckly that i didnt died but i had came close to.
i had just return from to the hospital and back to my home i feel kinda better i still feel weak. but i do wish my parents would take care of me instead of fighting over the hospital bill i had give them...
But the only thing i ask from VampireRave and its members is to keep me in your hearts and lend me your comfort and strength to me so that i can make it out of this nightmare of me
Thank you,