XxXHeartlessXxX's Journal

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random thoughts

18:37 Mar 08 2010
Times Read: 475

has one ever wondered why we do the things we do? Why we say the things we say?

I think most people do the things they do to impress people. They want to make themselves look good or cool so then they can have more friends.

Guys tend to do stupid tricks or smoke and party and get big muscles...for what? to impress other guys and to impress girls. They think they need to look cool and have to have a good body and big muscles so then guys will want to be friends with them and girls will want to be with them.

We the guys that are like this, in my opinion, are the jerks. They dont care about how they make others feel, as long as they are happy and it is getting them chicks and macho friends then they are happy..

And usually when these types of guys do have a girlfriend, they treat her like shes nothing. They cheat and do things that will upset that person and they dont even care. They think that even thou they have a gf they can go around and flirt and have sex with other girls.

And then i think the girls do what they do for attention. They have to look hot and wear slutty clothes and have all this makeup when really, it doesnt matter.

They think they have to have all these nice things. and be a certain body type(usually really super skinny) jus to get guys and have a lot of friends. They dont care who they hurt or what they do as long as they are getting what they want. These types of girls, in my opinion, are the bitches.

they too will cheat on there partner and party all the time. They dont care, they also think they can do what they want and everything will always go how they want it to.

I stay away from that crowd.

I like a guy who doesnt feel they have to impress anyone. They are how they are because they want to be, not cuz someone is makin them or cuz they feel they have to be that way.

I dont care about looks. i dont care about how buff someone is or what they wear.

I dont judge friends on how they act or what they wear or how they look.

Looks are a plus in a relationship. Dont make looks a necessity when they are only just an option.

Look on whats in the inside of a person. Thats what really counts.





18:38 Mar 04 2010
Times Read: 486

has anyone ever wondered what happens after you die? Has anyone ever taken care of someone who was sick and dying?

well my answer for both is yes.

Now im not a very religious person, i dont read the bible, and i dont go to church. But i do believe in god.

I think that there is a life beyond life here on earth. The song "Temporary Home" by Carrie Underwood is a true song for me. This is our temporary home. Were only hear for a short time and then God, or whatever higher being people believe in, brings us home when he needs us.

My grandpa passed away two years ago from cancer. He is what made me start to think, Where do we go when we pass on? Do we even go anywhere?

My grandpa ment the world to me and when he left me i was heartbroken. I thought that he would never be with me anymore and i wouldnt be able to look to him for guidence. But i was wrong. He was still there and still is here. He is in my heart and he stands by me, protecting me from everything. He is there when i need him the most, when i need answers. He doesnt talk to me no, but he is there to listen to my problems and just sitting there in silence and thinking about what he would do or say to me if he was there is help enough. He stands by me, day after day, making sure i am ok. One day i will be with him again, but until then, i have to kno that what is ment to happen will happen.

I kno he is here with me because i can feel him around me. When he was alive, he had this certain ora he would bring to the room, a calm you could say. Whenever i cry or and just having a bad day, i feel that calm. Sometimes when i cry, i get chills and it makes me think that he is hugging me, trying to comfort me.

The movie "Tuesdays with mourie" touches me every time i watch it. Everything that mans says is true and people should listen to it.

"You dont know how to live, until you know how to die."

Thank you all who read this.

Bye for now.





18:59 Mar 02 2010
Times Read: 493

have you ever wondered why people go through soo many relationships in their lifetime?? well i have, and i think i have an answer...

Some people search their whole lives trying to find that perfect fairytale romance, when in reality, no one is that lucky. No one ever finds a fairytale romance, because it is exactly that, a fairytale.

If one thing goes wrong in a relationship, for example they dont tell you everything they are doing or they dont call when they said they were going to, then what happens is the person gets mad and ends the relationship. They view that the other is either lying or cheating on them and they dont want to deal with that.

Other times, relationships are ended because their partner, or spouse, has lied to them or cheated on the. Which, in that case it is almost always ok to break it off.

But i think people go through so many relationships because they are picky. Here are some things i hear all the time:

'Not good looking enough'

'Too dramatic'

'Not tall enough'

"Too young/old'

"Not mature enough'

and the list goes on...

To me, those are pitiful reasons to end a relationship. Girls are the pickiest, and guys follow right behind the girls.

Most guys think they have to have the prettiest girl, and most girls think they have to have the hottest guy. Well looks is not the most important part of a relationship. Its about the bond, the trust, the respect, and loyalty among other things. Looks should not matter, and age shouldnt matter as long as it isnt that big of a difference. But, looks is one of the reasons relationships end.

Sorry to the people that read this and get upset with this. This is my opinion and my thinking. Other people have different views and opinions on this subject matter and i respect that. I am not here to judge or to say this is how it is. Im just expressing my personal opinion.

Thank you and have a WONDERFUL day!



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