XxUnknownExistencexX's Journal


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5 entries this month

RANDOMNESS(i know its a lil long but good)

23:24 Dec 19 2005
Times Read: 564

does anyone ever really care what their firends say or think? lol well me not really because we say we care but we really dont i mean we go on and on about our problems and they say their listening but in reality they're looking off like they're listening or drifting off into space or zoneing out or going 2 sleep or walking off somewhere and say they'll be back and dont ever come back and then when you tell them something "private" do they ever really keep it private? well my school only a certain few keep it quiet so to speak cause other people depending on whats being said or talked about u hear about it like the next period or class or next day and your like how did u know? and also with relationships isnt it between that person and whoever their with or intend 2 be with when was it ever between them and the whole school? i mean come on maybe its just me but people act like that and wonder why they have no friends or wonder why their friends get mad at them and i believe the "friend code" is a very good code why because its means this ( friends dont date friends ex-boyfriends or girlfriends) because that person might still have feelings 4 that person and if that person was your friend at all they wouldnt be with the person u got rid of lol alright thats enough lol c ya :)




A Song 2 the 1 i love more then anything(love u damian baby *kiss*)

01:02 Dec 19 2005
Times Read: 567

98 Degrees

I Do (Cherish You)

All I am, all I'll be

Everything in this world

All that I'll ever need

Is in your eyes

Shining at me

When you smile I can feel

All my passion unfolding

Your hand brushes mine

And a thousand sensations

Seduce me 'cause I


I do cherish you

For the rest of my life

You don't have to think twice

I will love you still

>From the depths of my soul

It's beyond my control

I've waited so long to say this to you

If you're asking do I love you this much

I do

In my world, before you

I lived outside my emotions

Didn't know where I was going

'Till that day I found you

How you opened my life

To a new paradise

In a world torn by change

Still with all my heart

'Till my dying day





silly random things lol (thoughts)

02:38 Dec 06 2005
Times Read: 570

hyper hyper hyper lol isnt sugar just the greatest ever lol but it kinda sucks when u crash or come down off the hyperness lol well alright i dont know about our football players anymore they lost terribly like 23 to 0 it was horrible lol o god i really miss my boyfriend so very very very very very alot more very's but i dont wanta type anymore of them lol that and i really just wish he was here with me holding me in his arms and looking at me with his beautiful eyes and i miss it when all my friends were here and us hanging out but now i hate 2 say it im kinda glad i dont have so much of them around i guess i need 2 be on my own to make it through things or 2 get use 2 the idea of they wont always be there so ya alright i love my damian alot and miss him c ya :)




my diary for today lol

01:12 Dec 03 2005
Times Read: 571

i really miss my boyfriend damian so very much i know i say that alot but i really do i think its cause i got use 2 him being here almost every day or every other day like almost all the time and also living with me for a while like atleast a month or 2 almost a few months somethin like that i just dont know if i can handle not hugging him or kissing him or looking into his beautiful eyes and being in his arms or sitting on his lap or laying next 2 him i guess i just have 2 take it day by day i suppose until i see him or atleast until i turn 18 and graduate from high school and hopefully he purposes 2 me lol i guess i can wait til then its only 2005 and i graduate 2006 lol and ill be 18 around then lol alright dont know what else 2 say c ya l8ers :D




My Diary 4 Today lol

03:16 Dec 02 2005
Times Read: 572

well basically i am rhyme feelings because i am stressed and depressed y am i stressed because some girl at my school had the nerve to bring up when i was bi and went out with some girl and kissed her i mean it is suppose 2 be a good thing cause after being with her i got my adorable boyfriend damian and hurt her i still dont care lol i mean ya that sounds mean but if u knew this girl u would probably think so as well anyway i just had it blocked out since then and now i have 2 block it out again and im depressed cause my boyfriend isnt here with me hes out doing crazy stuff like military or something and im not sure if he wants 2 live with me i dont know i just miss him so very much *cries* *picks up something wanting 2 throw it and picturing that girl who opened her mouth hitting with the object im throwing* :'(



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