Went to the doctors today to confirm my pregnancy. I am about 7-8 weeks and I'm due May 31st! Much to do in the upcoming months. We need to find a bigger home preferably with 3 bedrooms. Tried to explain to my daughter that she's going to be a big sister, but I think she's still too young to understand, maybe she will when the baby is here. I go for my first Prenatal appointment on Monday, so I hope all goes well. Probably going to have to fill out a crap ton of paperwork as with any other first time appointment.
As I said earlier, I will keep you all up to date as the pregnancy progresses.
So I just found out this past weekend, I am going to be bringing another spawn into the world. Took 3 tests, all came back positive. My sister-in-law is also expecting another baby. So, this will be interesting since we'll pretty much be having our babies around the same time. It also means my daughter will be a big sister. That too is going to be interesting since she is used to being the only spoiled little princess in the house.
I will keep you all updated as my pregnancy progresses. Right now I still have to schedule to see an obgyn.
23:51 Oct 24 2012
Congrats on your pregnancy and the first unltrasound. That has to be exciting. Best wishes!