You know, its really sad that it has to come to the point where im fumingly pissed off for everyone to get the fucking hint that im DONE with the head games and that im DONE with the fucking bullshit!!! you people will learn the hard way that what goes around comes around and until you do, keep digging your graves even deeper until you are so buried in your own lies and drama and bullshit that you have no way out. I don't want to have to be a bitch and i dont want to have to flip out, but come on already ,GET OVER YOURSELVES AND GROW THE FUCK UP! same goes with you men that like playing head games with girls that try to do nothing but do good by you and yet you still fuck around and treat them like shit. Well i will tell you something, as far as i am concerned that shit with me ends right now. Because i dont need it , i have too much going on in my life to be worrying and stressing over relationships . you men need to grow up too ...high school ended a long time ago. So you beligerant and ignorant people need to think real hard about who are you dealing with and the consequences that go along with your words and actions....and as the saying goes.........
karma is a bitch....
Vampire Creed
I Am A Vampire
I worship my ego and I worship my life,
for I am the only God that is.
I am proud that I am a predatory animal
and I honor my animal instincts.
I exault my rational mind and hold no belief
that is in defiance of reason.
I recognize the difference between the worlds of truth
and fantasy.
I acknowledge the fact that survival is the highest the law.
I acknowledge tthe Powers of Darkness to be hidden
natural laws through which I work my magic.
I know that my beliefs in Ritual are fantasy but the magic
is real, and I respect and acknowledge the results
of my magic.
I realize there is no heaven as there is no hell,
and i view death as the destroyer of life.
Therefore I will make the most of life here and now.
I am a Vampire.
Bow down before me.
I love the words but, I don`t follow this but, my own code of ethics.
08:01 Dec 30 2008
Geez, sounds like the same on i wrote about three weeks ago. Ya the shit is getting pretty high in these walls of VR.
15:05 Dec 30 2008
U go gurl!
*three snaps in a "Z" formation*
06:49 Jan 04 2009
Karma is alot like fate she will deal with all that do wrong unto others.