XxImmaticulusWingsxX's Journal


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14 entries this month


19:07 May 30 2006
Times Read: 606

I have an addictive nature. Thank god, That I see through Alchohal and other abusible subtances. At this time, My addictions are this site and I am now a recovering addict of myspace. - sighs- I think I get my addictive nature from my father, and when I say I have an addictive nature I mean full out. It may say I joined this site on January whatever but I just started paying attention to this site a month ago and look where I am, about to go to Shaiten. I think it's pretty sad, but I can get pretty bad. I am also just getting over a pepsi addiction, and since I stopped acting so manic over it I've lost at least ten lbs. Anyone know decent ways to tame an addictive nature? Heh.





21:22 May 29 2006
Times Read: 609

I've been babysitting for what it feels all my life. It urks me beyond belief sometimes that I have to do it. My brother does not listen at all and sometimes I feel trapped when he says the same things over and over again. My friends say I am patient but sometimes when he is bugging me I just feel like exploding on him and I know it's not right. He is eight and I've been baysitting him for around four years now, and when I say babysit I mean every single day after school. I do not remember having too many days when my mom had the day off and I could go out to be with friends. Only once which was to see The Da Vinci Code - sighs- It's just annoying as hell, even more so because he is acting up now.




The Morties are coming!!!

17:50 May 28 2006
Times Read: 611

Morty /n./ Anyone who is over the age of fifty and buys a motorcycle during a mid-life crisis in order to compensate for something they do not have.

They come out in herds every summer and geuss what =D They're back........




Damn it

22:22 May 23 2006
Times Read: 623

Mood: Ow...

Listening to: Ladytron - Destroy everything you touch

My head hurts and I didn't get much sleep last night. For some reason everything I studied last night is retained in my memory and after learning about chicken pox I Was able to say everything about it earlier today to my ex Shane. -.- He kept on going " Come on! I didn't know all that when I was 15!" I just tried to do a matrix and my ass was kicked. That's part of the reason why my head hurts - sighs - This is not good. I need to get an easier one for my first try, lol. I'll try it again later when there is an easier one up there.





02:47 May 23 2006
Times Read: 625

I'm so pissed! There is a good fucking chance I have chicken pox! The only good thing is I just got to see the da vinci code =D I fucking loved it! Oh! And I think, if I am contagious... I infected about.... 40 senior citizens on accident. I didn't start itching until after the movie -.-




Chicken Pox!

20:39 May 22 2006
Times Read: 627

Mood: Excited!

Listening to: Depeche mode - Shake the disease

I'm going to see The Da Vinci Code tonight. I just found out my brother has chicken pox and has been contagious for the last 2 weeks! OMFG!!!!! - cries- I could have it. He had his vaccine and he got it. So far we've counted 45 bumps. -.- Goes to show you! Don't trust the doctors!!And not I'm all, hyped up and itchy! - cries- I do not know if it's in my mind or real - sighs - Well I need to go clean the kitty box =D Fun fun, I made savage - dances-




Woot woot

02:37 May 22 2006
Times Read: 628

Mood: Extremely Hyper & excited

Listening to: Orgy - Blue monday

Weee! I just got out the shower and look like a swammi! I'm going to go see The Da Vinci Code tommorow with my friend stephy ( She is Shadowbehindthemoon here =D ) and hopefully it will be as good as the hype shows it may be. I will be so pissed if it does not live up to the book. That will make me cry v.v My thumb is healing now though. ^^ I accidenly sliced it open when I wasn't paying attention. Don't you love how I pay attention to things =D. I also got myself back up to savage =D Woot woot. I went down two levels when I changed my name heh. I'm back! - dances- Well now I'm done =P





19:18 May 20 2006
Times Read: 663

I have found a very interesting game named sudoku. So far I really like it and it's a challenging game, and there is no end to how challenging it can get. This is the wikipedia definition of the game.

Sudoku , also known as Number Place, is a logic-based placement puzzle. The aim of the puzzle is to enter a numerical digit from 1 through 9 in each cell of a 9×9 grid made up of 3×3 subgrids (called "regions"), starting with various digits given in some cells (the "givens"); each row, column, and region must contain only one instance of each numeral. Completing the puzzle requires patience and logical ability. Although the puzzle was first published in a U.S. puzzle magazine in 1979, it initially caught on in Japan in 1986 and attained international popularity in 2005.

Try your wits on this:



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The Da Vinci Code

01:41 May 20 2006
Times Read: 668

I can not wait to see it on Monday with my friends. I am so excited! I loved the book, I do not care what anyone says, It's a really good book and I love it. On discovery channel right now they're doing Da vinci week or something. I am going with 3 friends to go see it on monday - dances-




Another bright moment.

22:38 May 19 2006
Times Read: 670

My mother told me to rip apart a box so it would fit in the trash can better. I tried, but I couldn't so I got a knife out and decided to attack it. I was distracted and talking to my mother when I turned suddenly and the knife went slicing through my thumb. I have never seen so much blood protruding from my thumb in all of my life! Good lord! Even when I put pressure on it it bled horridly. I now have a bandaid on it which is keeping it from bursting and the flesh is beggining to seal back up from the pressure I had placed on it. It looks very, gross. I swear -.-




I love my new kitten!

18:53 May 15 2006
Times Read: 691

I love Kei so much! He is so cute and has a great temperment...

He loves playing with my two other cats, one hides from Kei, the other tolerates him but if he gets out of line she will swat at him.

He was playing with a ball a bit ago and he grabbed it then did a head tuck roll with the ball in his claw.

The only bad thing is he likes to teeth and claw on me... -.-

He is on my lap right now and he purrs so loud you think his little ribs would break from the sound. I swear... He is the cutest thing alive! He even made my mom's Bf melt and try to steal it away. lol.

All I have to say is I love him so much! And more then likely I will be writing about him again on here! I'm hoping to get pictures soon as well =D





18:24 May 15 2006
Times Read: 693

As the headline implies, I am a vegetarian. I've been one for 5 years and I am living proof that you do not need meat to live. And no.. I do not sneak bacon when no one is watching =D

What urks me more about anything is how people do not respect me whenever I say no to them offering me meat. This is an actual conversation I have had with someone

Guy: " Hey, want some chicken? "

Me: " No, Thank you, I'm a vegetarian. "

" Why the hell are you that? "

" Because I find it morally wrong to kill something when there is no need to. "

" Grass is alive"

" Is it concious and able to feel pain like an animal? "

" Who knows? "

" There you go. "

" Want some chicken?"

Me: " -.- "

I think the lunch ladies at school think it's a disease or code for anerexia... Seriously. I went to school one day and I was like " You guys hate me.. " Because for the last week everything included meat. I mean everything.

" No, why?"

" Everything has been meat... "

" It has?"

" Yes"

" Here's something without it.. vegetarian chilli"

" Alright"

Then I asked if I could get some fries and another lunch lady was like

" Here I'll give you some extra because I know you do not eat that much. "

I was like " O_O ..... "

My friend said I should be insulted - shrugs- They're old.. But it was funny lol.




Theater class

04:44 May 11 2006
Times Read: 696

Alright right now I am going to touch base with many subjects at our school.

Earlier today I got to go to a theater down the street with my acting class and learned about a program which I may be able to do junior year and may be cool =D It was fun.

I remember yesterday this girl was spazing out ( I mean tears, snot, spazing out) On how she had lost all the things she had worked on passing in because she was absent for a whole week. She started cursing too =D And then the teacher sent her to the office. Amazingly enough according to my friends nothing was said the next class when the student ( She is a spoiled brat by the way who thinks she is always right so I am not condoning her actions) entered the class by the teacher as to her prior actions. Don't you love my school.

I also learned that not that long ago our credidation for our school may be at stake. This annoys me because I am just now getting everything straight and doing well in this school. My mother says that if the school loses it's credidation then she will just make me go to another school which brings up a horrid thing. I have just now begun making my first real friends in this school. - sighs- I mean the good kind, and the only way I get to see them is through my time at school. This sucks... alot.. More then likely I would go to a school where my mom's BF lives .. or the one in the next town over.. or something. - shakes head-

Well that is all I needed to get out today =D Byes.




His name is Kei Camui!

23:02 May 08 2006
Times Read: 701

I have a new lovable little kitten, which my mother and I named Kei... and I added Camui to it because it's the first name of my favorite Japanese singer ( Geuss who and I will forever love you lol =D ) I love Kei so much! His eyes are pretty.... blue edges with greenish/grey/ brown around the pupil! and his fur is so soft. He is 8 weeks old.. ^^ I wuv him! He is also quite aggresive... likes tackling things and is very playful... My arms are apparently his scratching posts -.-



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