Too much bloody transition
14:49 Jul 23 2006
Times Read: 603
Finally, after being tossed around like a yo-yo through 4 covens I have landed myself into an house. I do not wish to say on here why I was booted out of the coven I was last in nor what that other coven what, all I will say was that it was unfair and that the coven mistress will get what she deserves for whatever she has done to others of that coven as well and I hope it will be soon so others will not have to go through all of the crap I went through.
I am now happy in my house and hopefully this will be a nice fit for me. I am still working hard in my summer program at USM and I hope to do all I can there before I begin to work here, which is understandable. I thank all of you who have actually helped me through the large transition of houses and covens and getting me into the right place I was meant to. =D
Boston, Massachusetts
04:20 Jul 23 2006
Times Read: 608
My trip this previous Friday was interesting. I got to go to Boston, Massachusetts with my Upward Bound program and it was more than I expected of it.
I woke up earlier on in the morning (As Usual @_@) and I ate breakfast fearing I was going to be late, but I was one of the first on that bloody bus. I fell …. Asleep on the bus =D and Slept the whole 4 hours it took to get there. (The woman driving was going like… Forty miles per hour so it took a long time.)
First we went to Boston College (We are a College Program, where else would we go?) This was fun as hell just to look at the architecture of the College. It was gorgeous and I absolutely loved it. So gothic and beautiful, we had to sit at an orientation listening to all the students whom go there. The SAT’s are supposed to go there and they want to have it in the 1900’s to the 2100’s @_@ insane much. Oh! And guess what? It’s a Catholic College, 70% of the Students which attend that college identify themselves as Catholics and whatnot.
After that we got a tour, and got to wander about with the tour guide. When we got to get to the last building we went to I laughed my ass off. We went to the Science building and the guide was talking about how they have the best of the best and we were able to see the “Scientists” working. What made me laugh was he spoke of how they had the best of the best and yet, when we saw one “scientist” He was placing two pieces of metal together with Duct Tape! It made my friend and I burst out in giggles. Then he said that they had a magnet which had more pull then the center of the earth and if something went wrong then we would be pulled into nothingness. After he said that I was like “Well that’s a selling point! Sign me up!” And he laughed his ass off as well saying something along the lines of “Yeah, that kind of scares me as well. “
While we were walking to common … square or something I found a spoon. (I gave it to my mother as something I had found and she is going to make something of it…Once she makes sure to place it in alcohol… for four days. She is going to stain it and place it some where.) Once that was done I made a sign and held it up. The sign read “Hi!” And I held it over my head just to see how many people would honk and wave back.
The Results:
Waves and Hellos back: 17
Smiles: 56
Middle Fingers: 12
Don’t you love Boston?
After I placed it back done and my friends were thoroughly embarrassed (I’m Joking: P) we got to see a Fan Dancer. She wore bright red paint all over the parts of her skin which were showing and had black symbols all over her face. I found her interesting because she just stood there balancing her fans on her head until someone gave her a dollar and then she pounced to life and began to dance with her fans. She was quirky and my friend Janice and I both thought she was fun to watch and contributed a dollar. After we saw her dance about... 15 times and I told her Janice wanted to dance with her, she came to us and finally spoke. This surprised me because she seemed more into body movement and she was very soft spoken earlier. She said to both of us “Do not tell your parents I told you this but if you do this for a summer you can make your whole years salary by doing this. “ After this we had to go but we laughed our asses off and found it funny as hell.
We had to walk for a bit. We were walking down to a cluster of stores. All during this time my shoes are broken horridly and I had to walk barefoot, in Boston. -.-; Which was not cool. I asked Bill earlier on (Bill is the guy who is a year round staff member) If I could get Krazy-Glue and he said he would but then ditched me and that pissed me off. I bought soap and then I ran around looking for Super Glue and had to then buy it myself at the CVS Store that was four blocks away. I was ditched again by Kevin and Janice who pissed me off even more and then it began to rain. My shoes then got wet and my friend Kim (Whom was also ditched) came along and finally helped me get my damned glue. Barbara (Another UB member) helped me get my shoes actually stuck together luckily and saved me from getting fully pissed. I was still pissed at Bill for ditching me after he said he would help though.
Then we went to Chinatown! Might I say that Chinatown in Boston is …Interesting. I was hit on by some old guy who I found creepy as hell. We went to a restaurant which was beautiful. The place was so gorgeous I could not believe it. I had to fix my shoes again so I was not able to order at the same time that everyone else did. When I did get there and tried to order I asked the guy about the “Buddha Delight” and he suddenly asked “You are a vegetarian, right?”
I was scared for a moment because no one told him at all I was a vegetarian. I nodded and he showed me all the vegetarian dishes and then gave me some extra rice. Might I say that it tasted really good and I would go again.
Then they let us wander around Chinatown. Not smart of Upward Bounds part in my opinion…We had to meet up at a McDonalds which smelled like ass. Oh! And it rained again, and Rain and Chinatown do not make a nice smell. It smells like some kind of melting garbage. Well, across from the McDonalds was a 99 cent store. Well, Nothing in this store was 99 cents. Oh! And the first thing I saw in the store was Porn! ROFL!!!!!!!! Right on the left side of the building. I found this funny as hell. Not censored or anything. It was so funny, I went in a bit more, and I found a lot more of it down another aisle.
The man who owned the store was funny. He more than likely thought I was going to steal something, he kept yelling out the prices for everything I even looked at. I went to buy a really pretty fan and the lady ended up charging me a lot more tax then it should have been. There were turtles there, a male and a female and I was looking at them. I thought they were so cute! And I went “ Awwwww….” And the woman looked to me and then my guide Son (I call him Mr. Son and he spoke the same language as the woman, I think Vietnamese) and said “ You should get your husband to buy you them.” That was funny as hell and I saw Mr.Son blush kind of going “ N…no… no…. NO! They are students!!” and I was laughing my ass off. She thought Mr. Son was my Husband!
Then a friend of mine came in upset because apparently a guy said “ Oh hey look at that girl, that looks like a girl who would want to do porn… “ and she was about to cry when we she came in and I had to hug her in order to make her feel better. After we went there we had to go to McDonalds because that was where the bus was going to meet us and we met a couple from Quebec, Canada and my friend (Ben, whom had taken 8 years of French) had his moment to shine and then he pretty much made an idiot of himself… Literally. I asked the French couple if they spoke French because they did not seem to be able to speak English or Japanese so French was the only other Option as to what I understood.
“ Tu Parles Francais?”
And then Ben tried to ask them and he said in French “ Do you live in Chinatown?”
This was really dumb @_@ and the man had something to say about this…
“ No! Tu a UN Imbecile... “
Or something along those lines, and he continued to go on with his sentence. I do not know French that well to spell it properly but I know what he said…
“ No! You are an idiot!” And he went on saying something I missed which I found funny as hell and then they left. Then it began to rain once more…
After we got onto the bus I found out that all my research for my essay on Sylvia Plath had gotten wet because the windows were down and all the rain had gotten inside of the bus and my pillow was also wet as hell. This was not cool, but we were not in the bus for long and my paper finally has dried and I will be doing my essay soon. ^^; Woot! Then we got to go to an Imax theater and I loved it! I was scared shitless for a bit because of the height and all the motion going around. I am deathly afraid of heights and it urks me… I can not help it. We saw a movie about Dolphins which was really cool.
We all got back around 1 am and I went right to bed. I collapsed onto the bed after I changed into my pajamas and I fell right asleep, getting up in the morning to go home and showing and telling all my friends and my mother about my trip to Boston. This place was really cool and I had my ups and downs , like anywhere else I think, and I absolutely loved the City, though I know I do not want to live in a place like that, it would be way too much. I loved my experiences there and it was fun as hell as well as something new and I would not change this experience for the world.
Changing Covens
23:41 Jul 19 2006
Times Read: 610
I'm slightly annoyed but I feel better now. People need to actually listen when they say something that I did and said and they take it out of bloody context. I like the coven I'm in now which I geuss is good. I do not LOVE it but I'm getting there and change take time. Swt has done everything she could to make me happy so I'm good. The only thing which confuses me about her and she keeps on taking her mark back and forth. Second time now and It's kind of urking me.
00:12 Jul 13 2006
Times Read: 621
I feel so used right now. So far I've been tossed back and forth through 3 covens and I feel like a hackey sack that still has a few rounds going about it. I lost my mark which annoys me the most but my new coven Mistress was nice enough to give me back my position and to start a hall or something. I just need to get enough favor to gain her mark and I'm all set, though it may take a bit. I'm in my third week of Upward Bound so the mark may take a bit because I need 1000 more favor so that I can earn Swt's mark. If I've been ranting on anyone who is reading this I apologize. I just signed on one day to see everything that I had done go down the drain and all of this drama happening as I have to deal with all the stress of Upward Bound consuming me. So if I continue to rant I do not mean to offend, I'm just annoyed that I've had to change covens so much and that Kat deleted her fucking account. (* Had to curse*) After I'm out of this program I'm going to get my mark and gain more favor and get up in status so I will calm down a bit then, Just everything is manic right now and my schedule is.... well manic and It's all insane. I can not concentrate that much on gaining my mark yet, just need to get my head on straight and then I will work on this site -.-; I'm done now.