So, my husband and I went to the car shop last night and welll.....We spent way too much money on packs and such. Though, I did pull some good stuff Anyways. I ended up tweaking my merfolk deck once again. We were going to tweak Etrata last night, but decided against it. So far, the merfolk deck is a beast. I played against my husband last night while we were at the shop and came so close to beating him. Then I played against him and 3 other people and survived, due to them thinking I wasn't a threat. The moment I get +1/+1 or even +2/+2 and ramp up my commander and other creatures is when they realized I was going to be a threat. We took my husband out first, and then the other girl we were playing against had an Atraxa deck and she killed us in the end. It was a lot of fun for sure.
I gotta learn to be a bit more aggressive, yet, I like to strategize though. Its just who I am. Anyways. Possibly tomorrow I'll take part in the commander tournament at the shop. I haven't decided if I was going to or not. I'm not sure if I'm ready just yet. I wanna do one more run with my deck before anything just to make sure its up to speed and where I want it to be for the time being. I will be working on a Fae deck here some time soon. For now? I'm going to put it on the back burner and work on the merfolk deck and make sure its deadly.