Well hello there.
So nice of you to join me, although i fear i have nothing of much interest to discuss with you lot today. Ah well, we'll see where this goes, yes?
So lets see, what is new with little ol' me?
Well school i suppose. That is going well, thanks for asking. I wasn't able to snag any art classes this semester, so i'm stuck with g.e. classes that are dragging me down.
Been insanely depressed as of late, however, i believe i just hit my manic period for a bit and i have been so frikin productive, and happy, it just blows my mind. Too bad i'll sink back into nothingness in a few days.
I have an ultra sound on tuesday for my right breast. So i'm keeping my fingers crossed that it's nothing serious. Be a dear and keep your fingers crossed too? Thanks, you're awesome.
Well i think that's all for now. I'll really put a conscious effort into updating this more....but i'm might only be saying that because i'm too energetic for my own good.
Ta ta for now.