Usually I would say to myself just go on with your life Try to not let it get to you But the truth is I do let it get to me I don’t know if I can go on with my life what was said and done really hurt and and felt like someone took my heart and ripped and ripped and broken it in half til it was un done as the shape of a heart I really thought in my heart that we would never part but I guess the old saying is true if you love someone let them go but I have a new saying if you love someone let them go if their love was true then they will come running back to you but if their love was not true then they will forget all about you I don’t want to forget you because in my heart I still love you but I don’t love the way I was treated by you I thought I would of made a good wife and had been very happy being your wife but if you cant trust and believe me now then maybe you did not want me to be in your life and someday be your wife and but by now you probably love another I know for a fact I would of made a good mother to my and your children but If you think other wise I guess there is nothing I can say or do to change your mind but know I will always love you no matter what even though it is my heart you have cut in thousands of pieces and this time I am not sure when it will mend and someday love again