What causes change? What makes you come to a realization of what you really want or need? Is it emotional stress, physical stress, or maybe just quiet alone time? You spend hours upon hours, days upon days, weeks upon weeks, all to find what you have been looking for in one night, one moment. It is not from your thinking, all your trying to understand who you are, and what you stand for, what you want to be, and where you want your relationship to be. You find yourself alone, when you need people the most, but no-one is there. Then you break down, your night goes to hell quick. And after the smoke clears the next day... you realize everything you want is right in front of you, and you cannot wait to see her agian...
Sitting here waiting for the storm to come, Waiting for all the violence to begin, All the fury , All the rain, All the wind, The lightning strikes, and roar of thunder, Like a war going on outside the safety of your home, Attempting to destroy, clean, wash away everything, I am just waiting for the outside to be the same as within...
What is evil? To act selfishly without thinking? To cause harm to other people, be it with intent or not? To hurt others? To hate? Anger? Rage? Bitterness? Acts of sin? So the basic break down seems to be add love and a little happiness and you have your normal relationship, well normal for some of us, Or you have someone who is selfish, full of spite, thoughtless, without morals, deprived/depraved, or maybe it is just a stupidity thing, maybe evil people are just to stupid to be good??? To stop and think, or know right from wrong, To have morals, Honor..., A dead word, for a dead world....
Great entry, it got my mind thinking.
As I read it I also watched a spidar decend down the wall on his web, and it struck me, evil and stupidity are one in the same.
Great journal entry Xris, we all have alittle evil in all of us. Some just dont know how to contol it or don't want to.