I know everyone has dreams of there wedding day, or That perfect person there gonna find someday, or even the family there gonna have. Or Those bad dreams like being bullied someone or losing the one you love.... Well What if those dreams became reality? What if it came true and you did meet that Dream person that you feel in love inside your head? Or What if you woke up and found that someone you loved had passed away? Is it really being psycic? Maybe its a trick of your were you think you dreamed it after it becomes reality! Well either way the point is everyone has dreams they want to become realitys and mind did Yesterday...... When maranda passed away I thought I would be alone forever but dreamed of the one person that could take my heart, Make me whole again...Then I met her, We fell in love as we talked, Helped eachother out with our problems and DREAMED about each other even though we never met prior.....Thats some awesome shyt in my Opinion.....