Ugh I so wish I didn't have to work tomorrow.
On a different note,I did not drink this weekend in fact I was pretty boring and stayed in life for the single.
I seriously ALMOST and I stress ALMOST went off lost my composure at work.
Employee-wise nothing to do with actual customers.
I just drank on my break to try and let go of the issue.
My temper almost got the best of me.
With that being said I am still going to drink but I am already home and safe :)
Almost the end of the week🙌🎊
I have contemplated possibly recustomizing my and what not.Don't know.Just a thought😯
I feel like I'm trying to catch after being left miles behind and trying to take a huge step over the distance and still keep life moving.
I need a drink.
I've been having weird urges to smoke.
Haven't indulged but I sure wanted to.
Pretty productive day,
Over the weather change though my skin is hating me right now.
Adulting full force tomorrow
Oh yeah I have recently started to attempt to date...still a bit iffy on the whole situation ..
I have blue and black hair currently. Guess we'll see How long that lasts.
My Birthday just passed .
Feels weird typing that.
I have moved.
Bigger place more privacy,broke my primary laptop In the process.
So many things have happened since my last post in This journal.
We should just fast forward to now though :)
I'm telling you some of the "tenured" people on here Are so full of themselves.I came back to so many Crazied messages and frankly absurd ratings.
Ohs well.
I can only say get the fuck off your high horse.
I won't argue,just block you and call it a day.
Trust me you don't want it to get to that point with me.
Expect a later post today.