I have always thought that there was something strange about me. I started reading about vampires in my 4th grade year, and some Steven king, Harry potter series by 5th. I was so advanced and fast learning with books. The main thing that held my interest however was the vampire.
By 6th grade after the Harry potter series and the Acorna one too, I started on Anne rice. I had also read "A night inside," "Midnight mass", "Blood and chocolate" "A silver kiss" ect. I just could stop. I loved how every story was different.
I had also met a boy that had similar feeling toward the vampire as I did. The difference was that he was always pretending to be one, while I wanted to meet one real or in my mind. I started righting about vampires in the 7th grade and that's where my special vampire came along... Dan.... My good vampire that needed me to help him on his quest. I had him in so many stories. lol
I first realized that I wasn't completely mortal when I started having flash-backs of past lives as I dreamed or wrote. I was now a wiccan, and practicing ways of the earth but I was always stronger at night than day. It didn't fully dawn on me until after I read a Book on Physic vampires.
I do drain energy but not fully from people. I do things like play the violin, go into big crowds, and small stuff. I save the bigger stuff for my other half. He knows what I am and I mainly only do it when we are sleeping. (He always wakes up a few hours than me. ;D)