Late one night after a Lot of drinks
a gal let a girl go nuts.
who will ever know
why she had to go,
and bite her behind the ear,
but when she drew near
her soul i could hear
and i reached out to taste a bit.
Wyld was here
and the girl came too near
and she went to far
but every man woman and child is a star!
so out there
they went to explode into flames
never remembering she even called out my name
is there regret?
A sure bet
but the Wyld can only selectively hear.
Stone cold sober
My pussy is quakein’
Ass hole shakin’
Cummin like a bolt of lightning
Tittys tightening
He bit in deep
I got to feel his teeth sink
Smacked that ass
Grabbed that hair
Fucking like gods
Out of nowhere
He felt me feed
And let it flow
Harder baby, Go Go!
Dick in the front
Lighter in the rear
Shit did the kids hear?
We came so hard
I felt his whole body shake
Was it great!
Can you tell me from you
I bet youve passed me on the street
late at night, or in the sun
Ill bet and win you never knew
What do i look like to you?
Soccer mom, children in tow.
Lone drinker at the bar
Writing in the cafe, at 3 am
because its the only time
for thoguht, paper and pen.
I vote every time
no matter the race
I raise my kids, and others too
and one day theyll raise some of there own
dose that scare you?
It should because mamma dont raise no fools
Theyll stay in school
rock out when they can
knowing always the first four rules
to know
to dare
to will
to be silent
i wonder when my kids grow.
will they know how to spot us?
witches and vampires
prestisss and ghouls
I work the mall... dillards and sears
part time forever
mo' money mo' fun
they look at me like im one of them
they talk shit on blacks
just because im white
make fun of the freaks and goths
because my makeup is on "rite"
they dont know when the moon is full
or the bats fly over my house every night
i see them clear
bound by rules made up by fools
minds closed to the real deffening sight
the one that shows us all
darkness and light
im done rambeling now
im really threw
i just wondered
if you would be able to see mee too.
blah blah blah
dont you take a breath?
You diddnt even notice I HAVENT said a word
Do you want a glass of tea, a ciggeret?
i give up and i hush, i shut up, i dont say a word.
but he nods his head and i light his ciggeret.
I wait, because maybe its me
but hours go by and only his stories are told.
Do you need a joint? to get rid of your head ache?
I dont have a head ache... be quiet.
it was better than sush, i guess.
Is it me? People are always telling me to TALK UP
come on, speak up, what did you say?
and the one person i want to hear that from is so... not intersted.
dose this rhyme to you?
is it with in your measure?
dose this cry echo in your bones?
I will hush,
I will get his tea,
maybe some day.. he will wise up and realise i havnet said anything
I feel him in my sorry old soul
i taste him on the air
i need to feel him by me
he holds me
loves me
but he dosent want to hear me.
so dose he really know me,
deep down in side?
I doubt it
because me, my self and I are well aqainted.
and i will not be quiet anymore
I have found ears willing to hear,
even tho they arent the same ones
that sit seemingly unwanted on his head.
Hey babe, I say,
You shut the fuck up.
She Shed tears of blood for her people
and from the sand grew her children
A arnmy of warroirs
fasioned of sand and blood
vengence, from love,
power threw her sacred blood
an army rained down
upon those who would harm
those she held dear
death to them, threw angry tears
woman and child, man and beast
in war there is love,
and a mother becomes a beast
no threat left to harm them
for generatins to come
Seckhmet be rembered
She did what must be done.