We were woken up this morning at 7 AM to a burst pipe and a house flooding faster and faster by the second. I managed to get a hold of my land lord and she told me how to turn off the water to our apartment. Our house is completely ruined. They have ripped out all the carpet, and will have to take all the counter tops out of the kitchen and bathroom. They have a lot of fans running in the house and they made us move all our belongings into the living room as it was the only place that didn't get wet.
They do not know how long it will take to fix, so in the mean time we are living at my parents house. we brought a bunch of our important and essential belongings to my parents house so we don't get bored and lose our minds in the mean time.
My boyfriend and I have to go into work tomorrow. I hope things can get figured out here soon. I feel so upset and depressed. I have finally calmed down and have accepted what has happened and that all we can do now is wait.
Anyone reading this who is willing to chat with me? I could use some distraction from life tonight.
I don't know why but I've gone from rarely feeding, to feeding from everyone and anyone who I talk to or am around or those who I come into physical contact with. I haven't been this way in years and don't know why I've become such an energy vacuum again.
The last time I needed this much energy, I was going through an awakening. Could I be going through another awakening? We shall see..
I've gotten so fat again from eating more than I should and not exercising. Starting tomorrow I am going to lower my calorie intake, eat healthier food, and start exercising again. I should be able to get back to my goal weight without much issue. I just have to stay dedicated and keep working out.
I have quit smoking and am on day two of no cigarettes. I am very proud of myself. I am using my vape to help curb the cravings for cigarettes.
Friends who stay with you for many many years are the best in my opinion. They know so much about you, good and bad. They love you for you and who you are becoming over the years they have known you. I don't have many long time friends, but those I do have are precious to me. This week I was able to meet up with a friend from my childhood that I have not been able to see for a year. although it didn't feel like that long, we just took off from where we left off a year ago.
The passed two days i've been able to talk online with my online friend. She is like a second mother to me. She has been in my life for about 7 years, if not longer. In some ways she knows me better than my own mom. Her and her husband are both my long time friends. I love them like my own family. Although I haven't met them in real life yet, I plan to when I can afford it.
Aww hunny I'm happy that you were able to reconnect with old friends!! That's a really good feeling. I had reconnected with my friend a couple years ago. I still have her on Facebook. She moved to CA. :( I don't ever get to see her, but at least I know she's there, ya know? Sometimes it's just knowing that you have a couple friends there who you can always call or message and they will be there. I hope you know that I am also merely a VR message or phone call away. :)
Work is really getting to me this week. I am feeling overwhelmed and under appreciated. I feel like the chef hates me, and that I cannot do anything right. I feel as if a large part of the food prep is my responsibility, this wouldn't be an issue if I wasn't the only person putting dishes through. I am struggling to keep up with dishes and finishing the prep that needs to be done. I feel as if everyone is breathing down my neck and waiting for me to mess up so they can complain about me to one another.
I just feel cornered and vulnerable right now and I absolutely hate it. I am exhausted from lack of sleep and I have no energy donor. I cannot keep feeding purely from my boyfriend because it is too much for him. He is getting too tired and drained from my constant feeding. I really want to find someone online who I can trust and who is willing to be my energy donor when I am in need. I haven't had a donor for many years.
This year has gone by so quickly, I cannot believe that it is already December 13th. My little one is growing up so quickly as well. She is saying words and understands their meaning now. She fits into two year old clothing although she is only a year old! Where has the time gone?!
I wish I could rewind time to when she was just born and enjoy those stages all over again. My little one is my whole world, I couldn't imagine my life without her.
Work has been a bit stressful lately, the head chef is really negative and has a bit of an attitude problem. He can only see what is wrong, he can never see the good in people. It is very frustrating and stressful to work with someone who is always unhappy. I find his negativity brings me down big time and does not make me want to come to work.
Christmas is fast approaching and I still haven't gotten all my Christmas shopping done. I still need to do a bunch of baking and need to get some little presents for the stockings. I really hope everyone likes their presents that I have gotten them.
Remember, its this time of year that brings out the sadness for people, for one reason or another. More so now then any other time of year. And some people just like to try to share that sadness.
You have a great little girl, and always remember that during your day, and time when your at work, which i am sure you do anyways.
As far as the gifts you gotten for others, I am sure they will love them.
I think they make the clothes extra small now that you know, you have to be a skeleton to be acceptable. My 3 year old is in a 5T. Don't feel bad. It's not you or her. It's the industries. It's getting ridiculous. Like, really?? My daughter JUST turned 3 too. She's been in a 5T since she was 2. A TWO year old in a 5T? That is unacceptable to me. As a parent, I feel you on that one. The time? I hear that too. Seems like ever since I had Mary a month is more like a week!
I'm sorry to be reading about these issues at your job though. You are going to have to let him know what is going on and how he is making you feel. His retort may actually surprise you. I had a boss like that and one day, I turned to her and said, "What did I ever do to you?" She had a shocked look on her face. I told her how I felt. She was all apologetic and things were fine ever since. You may even want to start looking for a new job if it doesn't get fixed... Just don't put in your two weeks until you have something. Don't TELL anyone at work that you're looking either. Know what I mean? People are always willing to fuck over others to get ahead in the business world. You can do it. :)
I have been feeling unsure about my boyfriend lately, no I don't want to leave him so if that is your first response to what I am going to say then don't bother commenting.
He has been really depressed and angry lately and this was very obvious today when our daughter started to misbehave. Our daughter was getting into the cat food and before this she had woken up from a nap crying and wouldn't stop and it was causing my boyfriend a significant amount of irritation. When our daughter got into the cat food this sent him over the edge and he was enraged at her for her misbehaving. This over reaction of his is very concerning for me. He threw a shoe and other things out of anger because of our daughters actions. It was very scary and glad our daughter didn't see his outburst.
I don't know what is wrong with my boyfriend or what is causing his over reactions, anger, and depression. All I know is I do not want him to act this way around our daughter anymore. My father was exactly the same way and I know how scary it can be to see your father punch a wall or throw something out of anger. I do not want this for my daughter. I want my boyfriend to seek help but he is unwilling to. I do not know what else to do other than try to convince him that he really does need to see a professional for his anger and outbursts.
04:18 Dec 29 2016
Shouldn't take too long. Had the same thing happen in our basement. Was almost to the first floor when we went down to see what was going on. Dogs had fun in our "indoor swimming pool." Took a full 2 days to drain, another 3 to fully dry out and check all of the appliances and breaker box. We were good to go in a week. Of course, we we lucky and didn't have to have carpet replaced or anything.