Here I am again- bemoaning my own existence. But exist, I do. To pass the time, I believe I will tell you a story. How should I start it? Oh yes, 'Once upon a time...'
The waves tossed the big ship, the Elizabetha, I believe. Many passengers chose to cower below deck, while I braved the storm that raged around us. The captain made me tie a rope around my waist. A great hindrance that was.
Crewmen rushed around deck, pulling ropes and shouting orders. I stood marveling at the sea and her fury. The black waves would crash over the side of the boat, sending barrels and people alike scurrying.
I laughed at the scene before me. How beautiful it all was!
As I surveyed all around me, I noticed a passenger who was not tied by a rope that I was. This distressed me until I noticed that no one else around seemed to even notice him. He saw me looking at him and he turned to walk towards me.
How graceful he was! Even as the ship's deck heaved beneath our feet, he seemed to just glide over to me.
"Beautiful night, is it not?" he said to me.
I laughed and replied, "Indeed it is, sir! Storms are so much more alive on sea than the land."
"Ah, and do you like all that is alive? Or only that which can kill you?" I noticed that I heard him perfectly, even over the thunder and the waves.
"This will not kill me. And that which does not kill me will only make me stronger," I replied.
He laughed aloud and said, "I do admire such bravery in a human. Perhaps when the storm is over, you will join me down below, for a drink, yes?"
"That would be delightful, sir, as long as you are buying," I said.
"Oh, I'll buy. I believe your company will be quite entertaining." With that, he turned and glided back down below.
I never noticed how strange it was that the storm ended less than five minutes later.
Down below deck it was not hard to find the stranger. I followed the lit lanterns to his cabin in the back. He had a decanter airing on his table before him.
"Ah, my friend, at last the storm has ceased! Come, come, sit near me and we will drink to our health." He poured two shots of a strong smelling liquor into our glasses.
I sat down completely at ease. We were both gentlemen and we passed the time as such.
I can never remember what we spoke of. It seems so unimportant now. Needless to say, we drank deep into the night. It seemed I fell asleep in his cabin and he had a crewman carry me to mine. The next morning I felt that I had slept uncomfortably because I had such a pain in my neck.
Like clockwork. Humans wrap their whole lives around minutes, hours, days. There are clocks everywhere. Something so mundane as a tick-tock can bring them comfort or anxiety. How often I see them rushing by, glancing at their little clocks on their wrist or frantically asking, "What time is it?"
Of course, their lives are so short. Measured only in mere decades. "Lucky" ones may live a century.
The concept of forever is lost on them. Who are they to promise their forever to someone? More like decades.
But why do I go on about something as mundane as clocks? They no longer have meaning for me. Forever is what I visualize, what I have to look forward to. And how boring that forever is! The same old stories retold again and again. The same old scenes replayed before my eyes until they feel as if they bleed!
There are never new people, new thrills; just the same old stuff rehashed by the "times."
I am growing too old for this world. Too bored with it. Is there something for me on the other side of daylight? That's what I long to know. What comes after death when there is no death? Do I have a soul that will go on to something new? Or will I just fade out? Am I brave enough to find out?
Not yet, I think. After all, I hear that new Priest movie will be good.